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Debunking Myths About Twin Pregnancies

If you recently learned you are carrying twins, you may be a bit anxious about your pregnancy. Are you still able to have a vaginal birth if you're pregnant with twins? Is it really rare to be pregnant the full 40 weeks? And it bedrest pretty much unavoidable? Today we're debunking some of the common myths associated with twin pregnancy.

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Anemia and Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a remarkable and transformative experience, but it comes with its unique set of challenges, and anemia is one that deserves our attention. In this episode, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and potential risks associated with anemia during pregnancy. We'll also discuss practical tips for prevention and management, from dietary changes to the role of supplements.

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10 Pregnancy Questions (You're Too Embarrassed to Ask)

There's a lot of unknowns when it comes to being pregnant, and you may not be 100% comfortable asking your doctor all the questions you have buzzing around that pregnancy brain of yours. Will you really "poo" when you push? What's happening with your boobs? And will you ever fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes again?

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