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10 Pregnancy Questions (You're Too Embarrassed to Ask)

There's a lot of unknowns when it comes to being pregnant, and you may not be 100% comfortable asking your doctor all the questions you have buzzing around that pregnancy brain of yours. Will you really "poo" when you push? What's happening with your boobs? And will you ever fit back into your pre-pregnancy clothes again?

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Do Prenatal Vitamins Differ for Twin Pregnancies?

As soon as we learned that we were pregnant with twins, we received a long list of to-dos and don’ts. We were told that our diet needed to change, even if we were healthy eaters before and that we need to ensure that we get the right nutrients for our bodies and the growing babies inside. Is it really different for twin pregnancies? Today we’re looking at how using prenatal vitamins might be different for twin pregnancies.

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