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Anemia and Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a remarkable and transformative experience, but it comes with its unique set of challenges, and anemia is one that deserves our attention. In this episode, we'll explore the causes, symptoms, and potential risks associated with anemia during pregnancy. We'll also discuss practical tips for prevention and management, from dietary changes to the role of supplements.

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Avoid These 5 Ingredients in Your Prenatal Vitamin

From the moment we find out we’re pregnant… we’re told we need to take these- prenatal vitamins. And it makes sense. We know our bodies are working overtime to make a tiny human. But what are these vitamins actually doing for us? What should we be looking for in a prenatal vitamin? And perhaps more importantly, what should we try to avoid? Today we’re learning all about the ingredients inside prenatal vitamins.

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Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Research shows that approximately 90% of women will get stretch marks during or after pregnancy, but luckily there are some techniques to prevent them and minimize their appearance. If you’re a new mom (or a not so new mom!) you may have questions about these little battle wounds. Wonder no more; today’s post will tell you everything you need to know about stretch marks.