New Moms
Producer Pick
After you have your baby, you may be experiencing a wide range of emotions. If you’re not feeling completely elated shortly after the birth of your baby- don’t worry, that can be completely normal. So, what are the common symptoms and how do you know if your condition is more severe?
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Show: The Boob Group
Finding natural remedies for common breastfeeding concerns, colds and other ailments can be a challenge. Essential oils can treat many of these issues without the harsh ingredients that you don't want to pass along to your baby.
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Show: Parent Savers
For most couples, marital satisfaction plummets after couples bring home a baby. Sleepless nights and fights over whose turn it is to change diapers can leach the fun out of a relationship. What are the most common ways children impact our marriages? And how can we lesson the impact of all this child chaos and the effect it has on our relationship with our spouse?
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Show: Twin Talks
You've just had your twin babies. It may take some time for you to feel "normal" again. How does the recovery process differ for a new mom of twins. What can you expect after having either a vaginal or cesarean birth- or perhaps both?
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Show: Parent Savers
As a parent, you dread the day doctors diagnose your child with a serious illness or medical condition. How do you cope with your own emotions while trying to provide the best care for your child. How do you discuss these matters with your child, sibling or even your spouse?
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Show: Parent Savers
This episode focuses on how parenting changes for moms and dads who have lost a child. How do you persevere through such a tragic situation while still being a great parent?
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Show: Twin Talks
Going out in public with your twins in tow can be quite a challenge. Not to mention all the unsolicited comments from well-meaning strangers. What are some of the common questions asked? What's the best way to respond to them? Plus, what to do when people start asking your twins questions and bypass you altogether.
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Show: Parent Savers
You've had your baby, and your body hasn't quite bounced back to its pre-pregnancy form. No worries! We've got your inside look at what's happening with your body as well as tips for targeting key areas.
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Show: Newbies
Traveling with a baby can definitely have its challenges, and sleep could quite possibly be at the top of that list. So, how do you get your baby adjusted while you're traveling through time zones, or driving long hours in the car?
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Show: Newbies
Babies are supposed to cry, it's how they communicate with us. But what do you do when your baby is crying constantly? Could your baby have colic? What exactly is colic and why does it happen? And what natural remedies can you use to help soothe your baby so you both can get some much needed rest?
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Show: Parent Savers
Forget the TV- grab some fun, hands-on games and hangout with your family! If you have a toddler, this is the perfect time to introduce board games, cards and anything that uses their imagination! In this episode, our parents chat about what games their kids like the most and how family game nights are creating awesome memories for their kiddos (and some pretty funny inside jokes too)!
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