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How WIC Supports Breastfeeding and Bottle-Feeding Moms

All women need support throughout their breastfeeding and pumping journey. And for some families, that includes financial help to better care for both mom and baby. Today, we're talking all about WIC, which stands for Women, Infants and Children. It’s a federal program that helps pregnant and their postpartum moms and children receive the nutritional care they need. Learn more about their services and how they’ve helped lower income families all over the country.

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Taking Photos of Your Twins

You've probably seen tons of adorable photos of twins and thought "how did they do that"? Are the photos done professionally? Can you get similar results on your own? What kind of camera and lighting did they use? And how on earth did they get those twins to pose so perfectly for the camera? Join us as we get the inside scoop on how to get the best photographs of your twins!

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