The Expectant Dad’s Guide to Pregnancy
Our all-dad panel discuss what pregnancy is like from the partner's point-of-view. Also, what can you do to better bond with the baby and be supportive during labor and delivery?
Our all-dad panel discuss what pregnancy is like from the partner's point-of-view. Also, what can you do to better bond with the baby and be supportive during labor and delivery?
Happy Father's Day to all our new and expecting dads! In this episode, an all-dad panel talk about things they have learned during their baby's first year- and what they WISH they knew without having to experience it firsthand!
The pregnancy is over, and now you have a newborn at home. How do you adjust to your new role as a dad? What are the most common concerns amongst first-time dads and how can you overcome them? It's a special episode featuring only "new dads" as panelists.
We're celebrating Father's Day with a special episode where our dads-only panel answers your questions! So, fire away! What are the most thought-provoking questions you have for new dads?