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Show: Parent Savers
For most couples, marital satisfaction plummets after couples bring home a baby. Sleepless nights and fights over whose turn it is to change diapers can leach the fun out of a relationship. What are the most common ways children impact our marriages? And how can we lesson the impact of all this child chaos and the effect it has on our relationship with our spouse?
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Show: Parent Savers
Many families "make it work" by having both parents earn incomes, while some are able to keep one spouse making money while the other cares for the kids. In the past, many might assume that staying at home is the mom’s role. However, a recent analysis of US Census Data showed that 1 in 6 stay-at-home parents is a stay-at home dad - and it’s possible the way we use those “stay-at-home” terms is totally wrong. So, what exactly does a stay-at-home dad look like?
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Show: Parent Savers
What should you do when you disagree with your partner's decision? How do respectfully make your opinions known? And how do you do all this without giving your child the upper hand?
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From: Blog
2023 brings with it the opportunity for new beginnings. For many of us, the beginning of the year is also a time to come up with new resolutions that will guide many of our decisions as the year progresses. If you are a parent, this means setting realistic parenting goals and having a plan on how to achieve those goals throughout the year. This guide will outline exactly how to do this. Here is a look at 7 parenting resolutions that you can keep in 2023.
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Show: Parent Savers
The pregnancy is over, and now you have a newborn at home. How do you adjust to your new role as a dad? What are the most common concerns amongst first-time dads and how can you overcome them? It's a special episode featuring only "new dads" as panelists.
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