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Successful Breastfeeding Stories: Miriam Valdez

We all have personal stories that help shape our breastfeeding journey. Today you'll meet Miriam Valdez who tragically lost her second child within the first month after birth. Miriam shares her experience breastfeeding through pregnancy and the lost of her newborn baby. Plus, learn how continuing to breastfeed her older toddler helped Miriam heal from this difficult situation.

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Encouraging Teen Moms to Breastfeed

Teen mothers may face many challenges while caring for their babies, and as a result, most do not continue to breastfeed their babies after they leave the hospital. Today we'll talk with a young mom who is trying to change those statistics. What common concerns do most teens have about breastfeeding? And how can we help encourage them to make an educated choice on what's best for them and their new baby?

Breastfeeding a Preemie

When we're pregnant, we all hope for a healthy baby and a safe labor and delivery experience. And sometimes the best outcome for mom and baby is giving birth much sooner than expected. How does breastfeeding change as the parent of a preemie? What kind of support can you expect from the hospital? How can you maintain your milk supply even when your baby is too small to feed from the breast? And what are your options when it comes to donor milk?

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