Debunking Myths About Twin Pregnancies

If you recently learned you are carrying twins, you may be a bit anxious about your pregnancy. Are you still able to have a vaginal birth if you're pregnant with twins? Is it really rare to be pregnant the full 40 weeks? And it bedrest pretty much unavoidable? Today we're debunking some of the common myths associated with twin pregnancy.

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Body Changes During Pregnancy: The Cervix

When you first find out you're pregnant, you probably aren't thinking much about your cervix. But this tiny organ is already preparing for your baby. It softens, lengthens, elongates, dilates, thins, and does all sorts of interesting things right up to the moment your baby is born. Learn more about what causes these changes and what it means for your labor and delivery experience!

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Feeding Your Child: Eating in Public

Eating in public with your children can be quite an experience, for both you and everyone else around you. So, how do you deal with potential meltdowns, children who refuse to eat and a table (and floor) covered in food? And better yet, how can you try to avoid these scenarios altogether? We've have some great tips to help you plan for the best and prepare for the worst.