Support Groups
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Show: Twin Talks
Online connections are great, but there's no substitute for meeting other twin parents face-to-face. Have you considered joining a twin support group? Experienced twin parents share how they've benefitted from being part of this important community.
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From: Blog
One thing that's common among every parent who has had to deal with premature birth is the complex mix of emotions that they experience. Negative emotions like grief, worry, shock, anger, and guilt swirl around your head. Mixed in are positive emotions like hope, love, longing to be with your baby, and relief that at least it was not a miscarriage. It is an overwhelming feeling that can disorient anyone. That's why we thought we'd create this step-by-step guide on how to deal with a premature birth to help you navigate this difficult period.
Show: The Boob Group
You can find mom-to-mom support through social media groups and forums where help is available 24/7. But what do you need to know before joining these groups? What can you expect to gain from being part of them?
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