Breastfeeding the Jaundice Baby

Jaundice is normal in most all newborns, and is slightly more common in breastfed babies. How is jaundice handled in the breastfed baby and how does the treatment impact the breastfeeding relationship long term?
Jaundice is normal in most all newborns, and is slightly more common in breastfed babies. How is jaundice handled in the breastfed baby and how does the treatment impact the breastfeeding relationship long term?
Now that your little one has joined you on the outside, you’re probably eager say goodbye to the pregnancy weight. But losing weight while breastfeeding brings its own set of challenges. Today’s expert, Leigh-Ann Webster, a certified personal trainer, licensed wellness coach, and nutritional counselor, offers advice on navigating the tricky balance between losing weight while maintaining an adequate milk supply.