Here’s your guide to all our Parent Savers episodes – all the parenting tips you need! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

Spice Up Your Marriage After Kids

It's hard to keep the flames of passion alive in your marriage when the bulk of your day is dealing with spit-up and poopy diapers. With less and less time, how can you make more time for your partner? We've got some great tips for spicing up your relationship with your special Valentine!

Money Mistakes New Parents Make

As their family grows, new parents watch as their wallets get thinner and thinner. But is all this additional spending really necessary? How can you spend and invest wisely?

SIDS: Reducing Your Baby’s Risk

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, or SIDS, is the leading cause of death for babies one year and younger. There's a lot of questions surrounding SIDs, but what information do we have to protect our little ones? How can you reduce your baby's risk?

Debunking “Only Child” Myths

You've chosen to have one child... only. How do you do this effectively when everyone (especially family and friends) are encouraging the exact opposite? Plus, what do you need to know as a parent of an only child? Is only lonely?

Parenting an Adopted Child

Parenting in general can be challenging, and parenting an adopted child adds another layer of complexity. We'll explore the impact of adoption on both you and your child and how it changes throughout your child's lifetime.

Baby Skin Conditions: Common Skin Irritations

We're continuing our ongoing series focused on baby skin conditions. Did you know many babies are prone to skin irritation in the first few months after birth? Learn more about what to expect.

Baby Sign Language: Communication with Your Infant

Learn more about Baby Sign Language which helps you communicate with your pre-verbal infant. What exactly will your child learn? Does it really work? And how can it help improve the relationship you have with your child?

Top 5 Potty Training Mistakes

Potty training your little one can definitely be a challenge. Wouldn't it be nice if you could avoid the common pitfalls man new parents face? This episode explores the top 5 mistakes commonly made by new parents- even those with the best intentions!

Feeding Your Child: Starting Baby on Solids

We're launching a new series focused on feeding your child. In this episode, learn more how to effectively transition your baby to solids after six months. How do you know if they're ready? And what are the best foods to try first?

Child Car Seat Safety Tips

You want your child to be safe at all times- especially while riding in the car. What are some of the most common mistakes new parents make when it comes to buckling up their babes, and how can you avoid them?