Here’s your guide to all our Parent Savers episodes – all the parenting tips you need! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

How to Survive Road Trips with Kids

It's time to travel with your kids. So, what do you need to know before you hop in your minivan and head for your destination? What tips and tricks can make travel a little easier, whether you're bringing babies, infants or toddlers? How can you beat the boredom and the dreaded question "Are we there yet?"

Electronic Games, Toys and Tablets: Do They Work?

Like it or not, technology is part of our everyday lives, which means our kids are exposed to it too. Is this really a bad thing? If done in moderation, can these electronic games, toys and tablets actually makes our kids smarter? Today we'll breakdown common fears many parents face and we'll look at new research that suggests this type of learning is more helpful than harmful.

Baby Steps to Chemical-Free Cleaning

When you've got little ones crawling all over your floor and putting EVERYTHING in their mouths, you may be thinking more closely about the products you use and their ingredients. We've switched out our common cleaning products for some all-natural homemade recipes. Find out how well they worked!

Montessori Learning Environment for Baby

You've probably heard of Montessori schools, but did you know you can apply the same principles at home with your baby? When you learn more about your child's developmental needs, you can help maximize their potential and become more independent at an earlier age.

Co-Parenting: When Parents Disagree

What should you do when you disagree with your partner's decision? How do respectfully make your opinions known? And how do you do all this without giving your child the upper hand?

Autism: Testing, Therapies and Services

In part two of our series on Autism, we'll speak with a psychologist about the early signs of autism. What testing options are available to children showing symptoms? What therapies and services are available for treatment?

Autism: Prevention, Detection and Medication

Autism affects 1 in 89 children. What exactly is autism and how can it be treated? Why is early detection important? Dr. Bob Sears answers common questions associated with this widespread childhood epidemic.

The New Breed of Dads

Dads today are taking on more and more responsibilities with child-rearing that only a generation ago would have seemed out of place. What are some of the reasons for this new breed of dads, and how can new Dads know what to do?

Spice Up Your Marriage After Kids

It's hard to keep the flames of passion alive in your marriage when the bulk of your day is dealing with spit-up and poopy diapers. With less and less time, how can you make more time for your partner? We've got some great tips for spicing up your relationship with your special Valentine!

Money Mistakes New Parents Make

As their family grows, new parents watch as their wallets get thinner and thinner. But is all this additional spending really necessary? How can you spend and invest wisely?