Veronica Tingzon

In 1998, Veronica Tingzon became a childbirth educator and doula, but soon realized that this area of maternity was not where her heart was. She went on to study lactation- her true passion, in 2003. She became an I.B.C.L.C. in October 2005. She currently practices as a lactation consultant at Tri-City Medical Center, teaches pre-natal breastfeeding and parenting classes at several Scripps Hospitals and Tri-City Medical Center, does private practice lactation consults through her private lactation practice “The Original Comfort Food Lactation Services”, and until recently worked at Queen of the Valley Hospital and Scripps Mercy Hospital doing inpatient, bedside lactation consults. She hosts a Podcast called Mommies Milk and More found on iTunes and blogs for But, Veronica firmly believes that being mom to her two sons, Spencer and Christian, is her true calling in life.
Episodes for this expert
Oral Anatomy and the Effect on Breastfeeding
A baby’s latch may look perfect from the outside, but what’s happening on the inside of the mouth may be what’s causing the problem. Learn how a baby’s oral anatomy can impact your overall breastfeeding experience.
New Mom Breastfeeding Manual: First 24 Hours
We’re launching a new series to help guide new breastfeeding moms through important milestones during that first year. In this episode, we’ll focus on how to get breastfeeding off to a great start within 24 hours after birth.
Help! My Baby Won’t Take a Bottle!
Expressed breast milk can be quite convenient considering our busy schedules. How can you help your baby go back and forth between breast and bottle?
Breastfeeding Twins at Night
Breastfeeding twins is possible, but there are definitely some challenges including how to feed two babies throughout the night. What happens when your babies both wake up crying at the same time? Should you tandem feed or try feeding just one baby at a time? And how can your partner help simplify the process and make it more enjoyable for you?