Here’s your guide to all our Twin Talks episodes, your online resource for information on twins and multiples! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

Smart Shopping Strategies for Twins

What are some smart strategies when shopping for your dynamic duo? How can resources such as twins clubs, Craigslist and other special "mom" clubs help? Plus, do the twin discounts from retailers really help?

Twin Pregnancy and Iron Deficiency Anemia

Carrying more than one baby creates a higher demand on an expecting mother’s body during pregnancy. This often includes tapping into her iron supply which can result in iron-poor blood for mama and babies. If you’re pregnant with twins, should you be concerned? What can you do to prevent this condition? Can it be treated effectively?

Twin Developmental Milestones: Social and Emotional

The social and emotional development of twins is a bit different when compared to singletons. Their innate ability to communicate with one another may appear more advanced, but what happens when you look at each twin individually? As a parent, how do you encourage proper development for each child? And what type of advantages and disadvantages do twins commonly have socially and emotionally when compared to singletons?

Inside the NICU: Transitioning Twins to Home

It's one of the biggest questions on the minds of NICU parents, "When can my babies go home?" You'll hear from NICU parents about their personal experience with their twins and triplets!

Preparing For Your Twin Cesarean Birth

Sometimes it's an emergency and sometimes it's planned, but still many mothers of twins birth their babies via cesarean. How should you prepare for the surgery? And what can you expect to have happen in the operating room?

Sibling Rivalry Between Twins

When your kids are close in age, you're bound to experience some sort of sibling rivalry. So, what can you expect when your twins are just minutes apart in age? Can rivalry between siblings break the close bond many twins share?

Identifying Twin Types During Pregnancy

After getting over the initial shock of being pregnant with twins, most soon-to-be parents want to know if their babies are identical or fraternal. How do medical care providers determine your twin type? What exactly are they looking for during those ultrasounds?

The Importance of Twin Groups and Meetups

Online connections are great, but there's no substitute for meeting other twin parents face-to-face. Have you considered joining a twin support group? Experienced twin parents share how they've benefitted from being part of this important community.

Prenatal Care with Twins

Congrats! You're pregnant with twins! So, how does pregnancy with multiples differ from being pregnant with a singleton? What type of additional testing and prenatal care should you expect?