Here’s your guide to all the breastfeeding resources from The Boob Group episodes! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

Breastfeeding After Cesarean

Are you expecting to have a cesarean or "belly birth" soon? Are you curious about how your surgery will impact your breastfeeding relationship with your new baby? Get the facts about breastfeeding after cesarean. How soon can you feed your baby? How important is skin to skin contact?

Talking with Your Pediatrician About Breastfeeding

Is your Pediatrician supportive of breastfeeding? Unfortunately, that is not always the case. So how do you find a physician who will be helpful to you as you breastfeed your baby? And what's the best way to discuss breastfeeding issues with your Pediatrician?

Finding Clean, Safe Places to Pump Your Breast Milk

If you’re pumping breast milk for your baby, you may need to pump on-the-go. What happens if you’re not near your usual pumping spots? How do you find a spot that’s private and has everything you need? How do you know if it’s a “safe” location to pump? And what are some tips for turning a “not-so-great” spot into something that works?

Babywearing and Breastfeeding

Wraps, carriers, slings, Oh my! How does a new family decide which ones to use and which ones are best for breastfeeding? Are certain baby carriers more appropriate for certain ages? How do you master the art of breastfeeding while babywearing? And what do you do if your baby isn't into it?

How Breastfeeding Reduces SIDS

When a baby dies from SIDS it is sad, scary and unimaginable. Did you know breastfeeding your baby can actually reduce their risk? In this episode, we'll learn more about SIDS and its impact. And we'll discuss how feeding your baby from the breast or expressed breast milk in a bottle can help keep your baby as safe as possible.

Finding Your Breastfeeding Mama Tribe

Breastfeeding support is critical for a new mom. Extended support groups, both online and off, are sometimes referred to as "mama tribes". Why are these groups so important and how can they help you on your breastfeeding journey?

Breastfeeding, Sex, and Libido

While we don't consider the act of breastfeeding to be sexual, there's no doubt breastfeeding can have an impact on your sex life. Considering all the hormones racing through your body, how is your drive to have sex impacted? What factors contribute to these changes?

When Breastfeeding Doesn’t Go As Planned

You've done everything you can to ensure a successful breastfeeding relationship with your baby, but you're still plagued by challenges. When plans A,B and C don't work... what are plans D, E and F?

Exclusive Pumping: The Basics

You may have planned to breastfeed your baby, but sometimes the circumstances make "pumping" expressed breast milk is the best option available to both mother and child. What are some of the main reasons moms exclusively pump and what are the possible benefits/challenges?

Using Your Breastfeeding Intuition

Babies don't come with instruction manuals, so we must trust our own motherly intuition and experience in order to make the best decisions for our children. But, how can you trust your own "gut feeling" when everyone around you is offering their own opinion? Today our panelists share how understanding and using their own breastfeeding intuition and benefited them.