Here’s the guide to all your Preggie Pals episodes, your online resource for information on pregnancy! You can listen to all of our episodes through this website, our RSS feed as well as your favorite podcast apps!

Cervical Scar Tissue: A Cause of Preventable C-Sections

A scar is the body’s natural response to injury. Even our cervixes can grow scar tissue. And that scarring may affect fertility, pregnancy, and labor. Learn how to recognize the signs of having cervical scar tissue so you can take control of your birth experience.

Plus Size Pregnancy

If you're overweight, pregnancy can be a bit more challenging. How is pregnancy different for plus-size women? What simple steps can help you create the safest and most healthy pregnancy possible?

Body Changes During Pregnancy: Your Breasts

There are many changes your breasts experience as your body prepares to nourish your little one. We'll break down the stages and give you a better idea of what to expect during the next nine months.

Announcing Your Pregnancy

Whether planned or a complete surprise, announcing your pregnancy is a big deal for many soon-to-be parents. When should you share the big news? Who should know first? How do you tell your parents? Plus, the big facebook debate.

Healing from an Unwanted Cesarean

Unfortunately, the perfect birth plan we picture in our minds unravels during labor and delivery leading to serious medical intervention, such as a cesarean. How do you begin to heal from this unexpected turn of events and learn to embrace your birth experience?

Pregnancy in the Military

We all know the life of a military family can look completely different than a civilian. So, does that include pregnancy as well? What should you do when you first find out you're pregnant? What resources are available to military families who are expecting? And what does maternity and paternity leave look like?

Precipitous Labor: Preparing for Short Labor

When we think about labor and delivery, most women are concerned about it lasting for hours and hours. But what if the exact opposite happens and your labor lasts three hours or less from start to finish? How can you be better prepared?

Pregnancy Exercises: Prenatal Yoga

Discover the physical and mental benefits of prenatal yoga during pregnancy, which yoga poses are safe when you're pregnant, and how to do yoga safely.