Heather Lampron
Child Behavior Specialist

I grew up in Connecticut, the middle child of a big family. My sisters and brother are great friends of mine. My husband, Joe, is my best friend and an amazing life partner. Together, we have 3 great kids, and a sweet, blind dog and a hilarious seeing eye cat who tries to help her! I am passionate about ending child abuse and creating healthy families! I teach Positive Discipline and Redirecting Children's Behavior to support parents and teachers, and to provide tools and options. I am working toward instructor certification for a restorative justice process for educational agencies called Discipline That Restores. I don't have any classes scheduled this spring while I finish up school, but check my website for courses beginning in May 2014. After many years away from school, I returned this year, and I am loving it! I am a graduate student at SDSU, working on my MS in Counseling. I am an advocate for social justice, and equitable access to education for all students. We put on a great conference in February 2013, supporting Students, Saving Lives! For undergraduate degree, I attended USD in San Diego, and went to England to attend Oxford University as an exchange student.
Episodes for this expert
Toddlers and Tantrums
Sudden meltdowns, kicking and screaming, head beating against the floor (or some other hard surface). If you’re the parent of the toddler, this is probably a regular occurrence in your home. So, are you supposed to just grin and bare it? We’ve got some tips to help when your tiny tot throws a tantrum.