Transcript: Get Your Body Back After Baby

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Parent Savers
Get Your Body Back After Baby

Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.


[Theme Music]

Jenny Nichols: Being a mom is all about giving everything you have to your new baby, including, quite literally, your body and everything you put into it. And while providing for your child is one of life’s greatest joys, there are so many reasons why it’s important that new moms find time to take care of themselves as well. I’m Jenny Nichols, owner and operator from Baby Bootcamp San Diego and today we’re talking all about one of the most important things new mothers can do: getting their bodies back in shape.

[Theme Music/Intro]

Johner Riehl: Welcome once again, everybody, to Parent Savers, broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. Parent Savers is your weekly online on-the-go support group for parents of newborns, infants and toddlers. I’m your host, Johner Riehl. Thanks again to all of our loyal listeners who joined the Parent Savers Club. Our members get all of our archived episodes, bonus content after each new show, plus special giveaways and discounts. You can subscribe to our monthly Parent Savers newsletter too for free and you have a chance to win a membership to our club each month. Another way for you to stay connected is by downloading our free Parent Savers App. It’s available in Android and iTunes marketplace and that will give you notifications whenever we have a new episode every Wednesday and then you can listen to it doing whatever you’re doing.

So, as you all know, my name is Johner. I have three boys: Quinner, who is six, Whitaker, who is four, and Zyler, who at the time this is released will just turn two; so happy birthday to Zyler in this episode. I am joined by a couple of panelists in the room as well as one on the phone, in addition to Jenny. So we’ll go round the room and tell a little bit about ourselves before we dive into the conversation. Sunny?

Sunny Gault: Hello, everyone! I’m Sunny Gault. I am the host and producer of Parent Savers’ sister show Preggie Pals, which is all about pregnancy. I myself am pregnant once again with baby number three. My husband and I have two little boys at home – Sayer, who is about to turn three in July, and Urban, who has just turned one.

Laurie Babb: I’m Laurie Babb. I’m a local small business owner and a mother of two young boys – two and a half and five – Lorenzo and Marcello.

Johner Riehl: And we have Erika on the phone. Erika?

Ericka Palowski: I’m Erika. I am the mom of four: Sibylla is five, Vasili is four, Live is two, and Kiran is eight months.

Johner Riehl: Yahtzee! Wow!

Sunny Gault: I love all the unusual names on this show. You guys, we did a good job!

Laurie Babb: That’s what I was thinking. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: Yes, those are great.

Sunny Gault: Passed the playground test, all of us. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: Nice. Alright. Jenny, how about you?

Jenny Nichols: I have two boys (boys are popular in this room): Conner is two and a half, he’ll be three in October, and Callan is four months old.

Johner Riehl: Nice, good job naming, everybody. (Laughs)

[Theme Music]
[Featured Segment: News Headlines]

Johner Riehl: Before we start today’s show - we talk from time to time on these shows about topics that are in the news – and so today I want to talk about a recent announcement about a new minivan that Honda announced with a built-in vacuum. According to US News & World Report next year’s Honda Odyssey minivan will include a Honda Vac. It was a feature that was suggested by the 10 year old daughter of one of the company’s engineers. So, the vacuum is built into the driver sidewall of the rear cargo area and it includes a hose long enough to reach every part of the minivan, and a shoebox receptacle within it, so it’s a built-in vacuum. Brilliant idea, right? I think it’s really cool that the 10-year-old daughter came up with it too. But yeah, what do you guys think about this idea, would you guys use it? Does it make you consider getting that minivan?

Laurie Babb: Wow, yeah. If I was in the market for a car, definitely I would want a vacuum.

Jenny Nichols: I would love to have a vacuum. I will not get a minivan. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: Even if… is there anything cool they could put in it that would make you want to get a minivan?

Jenny Nichols: Nope.

Sunny Gault: Really? Because I used to be in your shoes and I haven’t crossed over to the dark side yet, but I’ve got one foot in the dark side. In fact, we are planning to purchase a Honda Odyssey, which I find very unusual that this article came out and I’m like, “I’m in the market for a Honda Odyssey.” I am absolutely in love with this idea. My little boys love to bring snacks in the car, and before I know it the place is just a mess. They need to build something like a mini-sink or something in it to clean up the seats.

Ericka Palowski: That’s an incredible idea.

Johner Riehl: Yeah, they do need like some water. I want a minivan and I think that’s totally cool, but the other thing is that the kids would actually totally use it too. Our kids love helping vacuum the car, so this would even make it that much easier.

Ericka Palowski: Kids love to help, that would be perfect. And I was an SUV driver and swore I would never get a minivan, and now that I have a minivan I won’t go back.


Sunny Gault: I know, I’m in your boat too, Erika. I swore it off to and we have a Ford Escape right now. But we’re really big Honda fans, we have a Honda Civic and we’ve had multiple Honda Civics, so this is why the Odyssey came up for us.

Johner Riehl: Yeah, I think it’s great how it’s so convenient because my wife will be a little uncomfortable with how much food stuff is in the car, but then if all of the sudden we have to go pick up her mom to go somewhere – total freak out mode. So to be able to fire up the vacuum…

Sunny Gault: And in the car seats – the amount of raisins and goldfish found in the car seats yesterday afternoon – I was like, “this is disgusting!” and my son is like snacking on it and it’s probably been there for three months. (Laughs)

Ericka Palowski: Oh, yeah.

Johner Riehl: We had to give a kid a ride home from practice and he’s like, “can I sit in a different seat? Because there are crumbs in that”. And I was like, “Oh, man!”

Sunny Gault: That’s awesome! That’s when you give him the vacuum. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: That’s right. Exactly.

Sunny Gault: We’ll give you a ride home if you use this.

Johner Riehl: Brilliant idea for the Honda Odyssey.

[Theme Music]

Johner Riehl: Now we’re going to jump into today’s topic, which is getting back your body after baby. It’s one that probably every new and new again mom is concerned with. Although, I do want to get this out of the way early, for my wife, for all you moms out there listening: we love you how you are, we love your bodies how you are, you guys look great to us. But I also know that a woman and a mom’s own self-image and feeling about how she’s presenting herself is super important in her self-esteem, so it’s an important topic, but it’s not coming from the dads. (Laughs) We’re so happy to have Jenny Nichols, the owner of Baby Bootcamp San Diego with us today. So welcome, Jenny!

Jenny Nichols: Thank you.

Johner Riehl: So it may seem kind of obvious, but let’s just start from a very general perspective and talk about all the crazy things that are happening to a mom’s body right after birth.

Jenny Nichols: Ok. Well, you’re putting on weight quicker than anyone would; somebody who in the normal course of their life gains weight – it’s at a much slower pace than a ten-month period. So your body is subjected to that much stress in a short period of time by weight gain. Also the relaxin is a hormone in your body that is loosening your ligaments and everything, so your joints are a little more wobbly and your center of gravity is changed, so your balance can be affected, so there’s just a lot.

Johner Riehl: Yeah, it’s really intense with all the things the baby is going through. What about some of the muscles? Muscles are kind of separating and…

Jenny Nichols: Your abs, yes, your abdominals are affected and every other muscle group is pretty much the same. And you obviously can get lower back stress just from the added weight gain, all in front, depending on how you carry. And, of course, if you’re not getting enough nutrition, or you’re not drinking enough water, then your body is being taxed by loss of nutrients or just being sapped of energy.

Johner Riehl: Do you know how much weight women gain during pregnancy? I’ve heard numbers that are all over the place.

Jenny Nichols: They recommend 25 to 35 pounds.

Johner Riehl: And that’s counting the baby.

Jenny Nichols: Yes, that’s total. I feel like what you really see out there is probably between 40 and 55, that’s more common.

Johner Riehl: And it can change from baby to baby. That’s what happened with my wife. She was pretty small with the first and third, and, I can say it now, she was gigantic with our second. It was just huge. And it wasn’t that she was fat, but the baby being carried was just huge, so she gained more weight there. Not that she gained any more weight on her body, but there were different stresses that were happening on her body. It changes from baby to baby. Yes, 25 to 30 pounds is what I heard too.

Jenny Nichols: Yeah, I think 25 is… Unless you have a really small frame, that’s hard. I would say, to keep it at 25 pounds or less is really hard; you have to work to keep it under that.

Johner Riehl: Well so then why is it so important, once the baby is born, to… should your target be to get it to where you were before? What is the importance of getting it back in shape and what should a mom’s target maybe be?

Jenny Nichols: Well… You think it took you ten months to put that weight on, so one thing a lot of women don’t do is give themselves a break in terms of… they expect to have dropped the weight within six weeks, but that’s kind of unrealistic if you think about how long it took you to put the weight on. You want to lose the weight one – just so you feel good about yourself and so you’re healthy again – but two – so you can carry the baby and be mobile.

Johner Riehl: Do you have this expectation that you are trying to get your body back to exactly how it was before?

Jenny Nichols: I think yes. I mean, you definitely strive to…although I know I can test myself and a lot of friends… it’s like… you think, “ok, maybe even two pounds less than where I was pre-baby”, or “yeah, I’ve got five more to go, maybe I’ll try to lose a couple more on top of that”. So…

Johner Riehl: Laurie, did you feel that kind of pressure to get back to?

Laurie Babb: With the first one I did. Because it was so foreign to be like a mom and everything; I wanted to… that felt like going back to something I was familiar with in my life, because everything had changed in my life (almost). And the second baby – no, not at all. I just wanted to sleep and to make sure I was taking care of my kids, right? My body was so secondary for me. And I still haven’t gotten back to it yet and he is like two and a half. But the first one – yes, right away. Well, not right away, but as soon as I could, maybe a couple of months in.

Johner Riehl: But it’s something that you kind of wanted to maybe, or… do you wish that your body was back in shape?

Laurie Babb: Now sure I do. (Laughs) I would just feel better, you know. Because I was a yoga teacher for many years and I was always, every day, but once I had kids my whole life changed, so…

Johner Riehl: Erika, what about you? So you have four kids and they’re all pretty young.

Ericka Palowski: Yeah.

Johner Riehl: So how’s your body kind of going?

Ericka Palowski: After the first one, the second came too fast, I didn’t move any of my baby weight. In between the second and the third yes, I dropped all kind of weight. I got back in shape and then got pregnant again.

Johner Riehl: Well maybe that’s a byproduct – you getting back in shape too. (Laughs) So when is it ok though for moms to start exercising again?

Jenny Nichols: Six weeks if you had a normal vaginal delivery; eight weeks after C-section. That’s when you get clearance from your doctor. But I think it’s also dependent on your fitness level throughout your pregnancy. Obviously I put myself in another category because I am the owner of Baby Bootcamp and fitness has always been a passion and a focus of mine and it may be a borderline obsession sometimes. I felt comfortable exercising before I got doctor’s clearance. But I also knew what I could and couldn’t do. So I actually started doing some stuff before I got doctor’s clearance. But then once at my six-week check-up I was good to go, I was like “alright, I’m going for a run.” But you have to listen to your body as well. I mean, you can start exercising at six weeks, but that doesn’t mean you can start doing certain things, you still have to be careful about jumping, certain abs exercises, putting up a lot of weight, because your body is still producing the relaxin, so you still have to be really careful of your joints.

Johner Riehl: Right. Got it. Do you guys that there’s more pressure from yourself to get back in shape? Do you feel it from other women?

Laurie Babb: Definitely self for me.

Johner Riehl: Jenny?

Jenny Nichols: Yes, self.

Johner Riehl: And Erika too?

Ericka Palowski: Yes, self for me, yeah.

Johner Riehl: I find that really interesting. Because I think that as humans and women with our body images we’re feeling external pressures, but a lot of the motivation to get back in shape has to come from internal, but I don’t think that any of us would look at a woman after giving birth even one year down the road – maybe my mother-in-law or grandmother-in-law would – and say, “oh my god, she’s so fat and hasn’t lost that weight.” Maybe it’s happening subconsciously, but a lot of it is coming from inside, right? Is that what you see with people taking your classes, the internal motivation?

Jenny Nichols: Definitely. Everyone that comes is striving for themselves: “I want to fit into these jeans”; “I want to be able to do this.” I mean I have had some clients who have been asked if they are pregnant again and they’re not… so that’s been an external motto, an external source of motivation for them.

Johner Riehl: What about breastfeeding moms then? We’re talking about exercising pretty early. Are there exercise concerns for moms that are breastfeeding?

Jenny Nichols: No, no. Just you have to make sure that you’re taking in enough calories because when you’re breastfeeding you have to increase your caloric intake – they recommend like 500 calories a day – and then if you’re exercising on top of that, you have to account for that as well in order to keep your production up; and then drinking water – I always tell my breastfeeding moms to drink more water than they would. I found, even for myself, that there are days when I know where I haven’t eaten enough, just from my energy levels.

Johner Riehl: Right. Well I think that’s a good look at the topic from a general perspective. I’m really eager to talk about some more specifics. So let’s take a quick break and we’ll talk about some specific exercises that are some good ideas for new moms and learn a little more about Baby Bootcamp San Diego.

[Theme Music]

Johner Riehl: Welcome back, everybody, to Parent Savers. Today we’re talking about fitness for moms and helping moms get their baby body back with Jenny Nichols. So let’s dig into some specific exercises that are great for moms. What are some good exercises for moms and maybe some that can be done with the baby too?

Jenny Nichols: Very broad question.

Johner Riehl: It’s a super-broad question. I can focus it a little bit more.

Jenny Nichols: I guess it depends on what your fitness level was pre-baby. I mean you really have to take that into account.

Johner Riehl: So is that one of the first things moms should look at then?

Jenny Nichols: That’s huge, yeah, because if you weren’t doing anything during your pregnancy: start with walking. Keep it very basic: walking, yoga, you can do some abs work; you can do some light weights with dumbbells or something. But if you were really active through your pregnancy you can pick up where you left off. If you were running throughout your pregnancy you can start running again. Listen to your body. Again, the thing I would avoid is plyometrics, like really big jumping, jumping jacks, things like that, you have to be careful of initially until you feel comfortable. But some really good exercises to do are cardio, walking, elliptical, running; you need that cardio, even bike. And then abs work; plank, plank, plank. I mean hold the plank for as long as you can, as often as you can; that really stabilizes the core, strengthens your back.

Johner Riehl: And that can be done anywhere.

Jenny Nichols: Yup. And you can add some push-ups to it. I’ll lay my son under my face and I’ll hold plank and then I’ll do some push-ups and kiss him every time I go down and he thinks it’s hilarious. You can do squats holding them. There are times in class when the baby is fussy and the mom will just take him out of the stroller and hold him while we do certain exercises. So there are a lot of things you can do with the baby, either holding them or having them lying next to you when you’re just interacting with them.

Johner Riehl: It sound like… not being able to get to a gym or sign up for a class isn’t really an excuse to not be exercising.

Jenny Nichols: Right.

Johner Riehl: Right. There are opportunities everywhere.

Jenny Nichols: Oh yeah. I mean the gym I belong to doesn’t take babies until six months, so I haven’t had my gym as an option if I’m taking the kids, but I’m still exercising five-six times a week.

Johner Riehl: Are those some of the things that you talk about in your class? Like these creative ideas.

Jenny Nichols: Definitely.

Sunny Gault: I have a question: for women who had a caesarian are there specific exercises that you recommend? We have different problem areas after having a caesarian, and different areas that we have to be more sensitive around; skin gathers in different places; it’s kind of a whole other beast in itself. Do you have any recommendations for women who have had C-sections?

Jenny Nichols: Looking at my clients, I kind of do the same stuff with all of them regardless. Definitely, again, plank, side plank, things that engage your lower abs, bicycle crunches; lift, elevate and lower your legs with your torso lying flat on the ground; anything that engages the lower abs is good unless you have a separation of your abdominal muscles; then you have to be really careful with that. But C-section versus not – I don’t vary what they do, I have all my moms do the same things.

Johner Riehl: Erika, what were some exercises that you did after each baby and how did they change after you had more and more kids?

Ericka Palowski: I got involved with a program like Baby Bootcamp – Stroller Strides. When my second child was ten weeks old I’d take him and my daughter with me and work out; and then I did it through the third pregnancy; and then my forth pregnancy I was in the car coming here from New York, so I didn’t exercise a whole lot, but I’m back at it now. I work out five days a week. I run twice; I just completed a triathlon, before there was another one, so…

Johner Riehl: That’s awesome. What did the kids do during that time?

Jenny Nichols: She pulled in a stroller.

Johner Riehl: Are they coloring in a backpack? (Laughs)

Ericka Palowski: I usually put my three boys in my double stroller and at least run a mile with them.

Johner Riehl: That’s awesome.

Ericka Palowski: Yeah.

Johner Riehl: Let’s talk about stroller stuff. Is that one of the focuses of Baby Bootcamp San Diego too?

Jenny Nichols: Yup.

Jenny Nichols: What are some of the exercises that you do with strollers?

Jenny Nichols: Everything. We’ll start off, we’ll run to a certain point, we park them and then we’ll do our cardio drills and our resistance training while they’re parked.

Johner Riehl: And you just leave the baby in the stroller.

Jenny Nichols: Yep. And they just… they’re all in the swing of thing; they’ve got their snacks, their toys, they all kind of know what it’s all about; and then we’ll do walk and lunges with the strollers or sometimes we’ll weave around the strollers, but my class is more about the moms.

Johner Riehl: It’s not like a Quanah parade where everyone is driving little mullah cars and configure patterns. It’s more about running…

Jenny Nichols: Yeah, exactly. We run… my class might be different than other classes. In my class we focus on the moms; because you don’t get that time, and so… yes, you bring your kids and yes, they’re in a stroller, and we interact with them if they need it, but…

Johner Riehl: But it’s more because the kids have to be somewhere. But it’s all about the moms.

Jenny Nichols: Right. Because we all need it. I want them to have their time to work out and if their kid’s fussy I’ll stop what I’m doing and I’ll push their stroller or I’ll interact with their kid so that they can get their workout.

Johner Riehl: I know I find that from my perspective too that the kids are a huge excuse why not to exercise.

Sunny Gault: It’s an excuse, but also legitimate. Because after I had my first son I was all about getting back into shape. I looked at myself in the mirror; I was completely naked and looked myself in the mirror and went, “what the hell just happened to my body? I don’t even recognize this anymore.” And I was just like, “how do I fix this?” I ended up getting some personal training lessons and went to the gym and I was dedicated; I worked off all the baby weight and then some. And then I got pregnant again. I didn’t gain as much baby weight, but for some reason my body didn’t bounce back even more and afterward I thought, “I could go through everything I went through that first time trying to get my body back”, but I knew we were going to have more kids and I felt not that it wasn’t worth it, but that it would have been a lot of extra energy – I already had a little kid to take care of – and I’m kind of in the same boat with this pregnancy. It’s difficult, we know we should be exercising, we know that this is good for our body and it’s good for our baby, but… Yes, it’s an excuse, but it’s a legitimate excuse. Because I actually… I wouldn’t say I enjoy exercising; I enjoy how I feel afterwards. And I enjoy looking good, right? But it’s such a difficult thing. I think you almost have to do a program where you can bring your kids; or if they have daycare, if you feel comfortable with that. Because otherwise… I have an elliptical in my house that is gathering dust because if I’m on it then my kids want to play on it too.

Laurie Babb: Oh yeah.

Sunny Gault: Even if you have this stuff at home it’s like… I’m trying to use a medicine ball to build up my arm strength and my kids want to play with it too. It’s tough.

Laurie Babb: People are like, “don’t you do yoga at home with your kids?” Oh no! I mean… carrying something on my back while I’m trying to go upside down… no. It’s not at all the same.

Jenny Nichols: I think that as moms we have to make it a priority for ourselves though. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have my boys after 3:30 in the afternoon and they know that they get in the stroller and we go for a run. And my two-and-a-half –year-old will pack his toys underneath the double stroller and be ready to go and he’ll climb in and… yeah, during the run he’ll say, “I want this, I need a snack, I need water. And, maybe it’s just me, but I’ll say to him, “Connor, mommy is running. This is my time, I’m running. We’ll get to the playground after the run and then you can play, but right now it’s mommy’s time.” And I talk to him throughout the run, it’s not like I’m ignoring him. But you have to be a little selfish so that you don’t lose yourself to everything kid.

Sunny Gault: Well the one thing that was recommended to me is that you pencil it in in your schedule. It’s like an appointment. Like if I have a business meeting, I’m not just going to fluff it off because it’s difficult or whatever. I have an appointment and you almost have to treat it as such. Because you are right, we need that and in my head it’s a priority, but it just never manifests itself because something always comes up. And then suddenly you’re selfish if you’re not taking care of your kids and your kids are crying and you’re just like, “I have to get 10 more minutes in on the elliptical.” It’s like a zoo.

Johner Riehl: I think kids can adjust to a lot of different routines, but they love routines. And if something becomes a ritual, if it happens a handful of times, then they’re used to it and ready for it and prepared for it and looking forward to it.

Jenny Nichols: Exactly.

Johner Riehl: So that’s really about making a priority. Is that what you do, Erika?

Ericka Palowski: Exactly. We try to make it a routine so that they have something to look forward to, even though my two-year-old is at the point where he just screams in his stroller, but, you know, I bribe him. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: That’s one of the things that happened especially with our first as he wouldn’t stay in a stroller. So we would try to go exercise and we’d try on the weekend to go around one of the lakes here. And we would get out two miles and then he’s just balling and wants to get out; and then you’re two miles out, what do you do? What tips do you have for new moms? What are the most important things that you tell new moms about? Why exercise and exercises to do, what they should focus on and what’s important.

Jenny Nichols: Start small, definitely. If it’s your first, your life is changed, you need to figure it out. Walks or something is good; you can do so much home-based so you don’t have to feel the pressure of getting into a gym or doing something with the new baby – I know when I had my first I tried not to go out too much because I had to get in the swing of things. You can do pushups, you can do triceps dips on the edge of a chair; you can do lunges in your house. There are so many things you can do.

Johner Riehl: Accept to think differently.

Jenny Nichols: Yes, and again, start small. If you’re on your second or third kid, then it definitely becomes more challenging. Because you’re contending with conflicting nap schedules and whatever. But, again, just make it a priority and home-based stuff is good, or coming to Baby Bootcamp, finding something where you can bring your kids with you is great; if there’s a yoga studio that has a daycare with it or something – there’s definitely options out there.

Johner Riehl: I think every mom struggles with it and how to do it and how to get it back. So thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thanks so much for joining us on the phone, Erika. For more information about exercising after you had a baby or for information about any of our panelists or Baby Bootcamp San Diego, you can visit the episode page on our website. We’re actually going to continue the conversation for members of our Parent Savers Club. After the show Jenny is going to tell us a little bit more about special gear that new moms can use to exercise to help them out. For more information about that, the Parent Savers Club, or anything else Parent Savers or New Mommy Media-related visit or

[Theme Music]
[Featured Segments: The Emotional Side of Parenting]

Johner Riehl: Before we wrap things up here’s psychologist Jennifer Schere with some tips on surviving the emotional side of parenting.

Jennifer Schere: Hi, Parent Savers! I am Dr. Jennifer Schere, a clinical psychologist with a practice in San Diego. One of my specialties is working with women during pregnancy and throughout the transition to motherhood. Today’s segment is on ways to manage the panic we often feel with the sleep deprivation that comes along with baby. There are certain things we all know we should do in order to get the sleep we need. However actually doing them is a whole other story. We know we should nap when baby naps, let go of the housework and allow others to help us. However, in order to do these things we must let go of how we are used to functioning. Do battle with the perfectionist inside us and allow ourselves to be partially dependent on others.

Some ways to exercise this necessary shift is to remind yourself that this is an extremely intense, yet very temporary time of your life; to really commit to the job responsibilities of becoming a new mom in relation to sleep. Job is all about baby and self-care. And the rest is interference. Do your best to stay focused on the true priority and guard it like a momma bear. Accept that you will be functioning with a certain level of stress that comes from fatigue and that’s ok. We’re still capable of being just good enough without feeling fully prepared or on top of your game. Try accepting this level of discomfort instead of fighting it, like relaxing muscles instead of tensing them when you feel stressed. It’s difficult to allow yourself to feel somewhat dependent on others. Recognize that you are doing this in service of being more fully available for your baby. It might be helpful to remind yourself that even if you feel resistant or uncomfortable in these new behaviors, it is all to benefit baby and your own feelings of maternal competence. I hope these ways of thinking about the anxiety with mom fatigue aids you all in having more restful sleep whenever the opportunity is there for you to take. Thanks for listening to Parent Savers.

[Theme Music]

Johner Riehl: Alright, that wraps up the show for today. We appreciate you guys listening so much to Parent Savers. Don’t forget to check out our sister show Preggie Pals for expecting parents, and our show The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed their babies. They’re at over two thousand likes on Facebook now and we would love to catch up to them, so check out our Facebook page, join in the conversation there, like it, tell your friends about it if we post something interesting. I like to post some kind of funny videos or parenting things that happen. We also have links to shows that are happening as well. We’ll be back next week talking about another topic that’s of special interest to parents of newborns, infants or young toddlers. This is Parent Savers, empowering new parents.

This has been a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Though information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problems or diseases or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

[End Of Audio]

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Episode Transcript

Parent Savers
Get Your Body Back After Baby

Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.


[Theme Music]

Jenny Nichols: Being a mom is all about giving everything you have to your new baby, including, quite literally, your body and everything you put into it. And while providing for your child is one of life’s greatest joys, there are so many reasons why it’s important that new moms find time to take care of themselves as well. I’m Jenny Nichols, owner and operator from Baby Bootcamp San Diego and today we’re talking all about one of the most important things new mothers can do: getting their bodies back in shape.

[Theme Music/Intro]

Johner Riehl: Welcome once again, everybody, to Parent Savers, broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. Parent Savers is your weekly online on-the-go support group for parents of newborns, infants and toddlers. I’m your host, Johner Riehl. Thanks again to all of our loyal listeners who joined the Parent Savers Club. Our members get all of our archived episodes, bonus content after each new show, plus special giveaways and discounts. You can subscribe to our monthly Parent Savers newsletter too for free and you have a chance to win a membership to our club each month. Another way for you to stay connected is by downloading our free Parent Savers App. It’s available in Android and iTunes marketplace and that will give you notifications whenever we have a new episode every Wednesday and then you can listen to it doing whatever you’re doing.

So, as you all know, my name is Johner. I have three boys: Quinner, who is six, Whitaker, who is four, and Zyler, who at the time this is released will just turn two; so happy birthday to Zyler in this episode. I am joined by a couple of panelists in the room as well as one on the phone, in addition to Jenny. So we’ll go round the room and tell a little bit about ourselves before we dive into the conversation. Sunny?

Sunny Gault: Hello, everyone! I’m Sunny Gault. I am the host and producer of Parent Savers’ sister show Preggie Pals, which is all about pregnancy. I myself am pregnant once again with baby number three. My husband and I have two little boys at home – Sayer, who is about to turn three in July, and Urban, who has just turned one.

Laurie Babb: I’m Laurie Babb. I’m a local small business owner and a mother of two young boys – two and a half and five – Lorenzo and Marcello.

Johner Riehl: And we have Erika on the phone. Erika?

Ericka Palowski: I’m Erika. I am the mom of four: Sibylla is five, Vasili is four, Live is two, and Kiran is eight months.

Johner Riehl: Yahtzee! Wow!

Sunny Gault: I love all the unusual names on this show. You guys, we did a good job!

Laurie Babb: That’s what I was thinking. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: Yes, those are great.

Sunny Gault: Passed the playground test, all of us. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: Nice. Alright. Jenny, how about you?

Jenny Nichols: I have two boys (boys are popular in this room): Conner is two and a half, he’ll be three in October, and Callan is four months old.

Johner Riehl: Nice, good job naming, everybody. (Laughs)

[Theme Music]
[Featured Segment: News Headlines]

Johner Riehl: Before we start today’s show - we talk from time to time on these shows about topics that are in the news – and so today I want to talk about a recent announcement about a new minivan that Honda announced with a built-in vacuum. According to US News & World Report next year’s Honda Odyssey minivan will include a Honda Vac. It was a feature that was suggested by the 10 year old daughter of one of the company’s engineers. So, the vacuum is built into the driver sidewall of the rear cargo area and it includes a hose long enough to reach every part of the minivan, and a shoebox receptacle within it, so it’s a built-in vacuum. Brilliant idea, right? I think it’s really cool that the 10-year-old daughter came up with it too. But yeah, what do you guys think about this idea, would you guys use it? Does it make you consider getting that minivan?

Laurie Babb: Wow, yeah. If I was in the market for a car, definitely I would want a vacuum.

Jenny Nichols: I would love to have a vacuum. I will not get a minivan. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: Even if… is there anything cool they could put in it that would make you want to get a minivan?

Jenny Nichols: Nope.

Sunny Gault: Really? Because I used to be in your shoes and I haven’t crossed over to the dark side yet, but I’ve got one foot in the dark side. In fact, we are planning to purchase a Honda Odyssey, which I find very unusual that this article came out and I’m like, “I’m in the market for a Honda Odyssey.” I am absolutely in love with this idea. My little boys love to bring snacks in the car, and before I know it the place is just a mess. They need to build something like a mini-sink or something in it to clean up the seats.

Ericka Palowski: That’s an incredible idea.

Johner Riehl: Yeah, they do need like some water. I want a minivan and I think that’s totally cool, but the other thing is that the kids would actually totally use it too. Our kids love helping vacuum the car, so this would even make it that much easier.

Ericka Palowski: Kids love to help, that would be perfect. And I was an SUV driver and swore I would never get a minivan, and now that I have a minivan I won’t go back.


Sunny Gault: I know, I’m in your boat too, Erika. I swore it off to and we have a Ford Escape right now. But we’re really big Honda fans, we have a Honda Civic and we’ve had multiple Honda Civics, so this is why the Odyssey came up for us.

Johner Riehl: Yeah, I think it’s great how it’s so convenient because my wife will be a little uncomfortable with how much food stuff is in the car, but then if all of the sudden we have to go pick up her mom to go somewhere – total freak out mode. So to be able to fire up the vacuum…

Sunny Gault: And in the car seats – the amount of raisins and goldfish found in the car seats yesterday afternoon – I was like, “this is disgusting!” and my son is like snacking on it and it’s probably been there for three months. (Laughs)

Ericka Palowski: Oh, yeah.

Johner Riehl: We had to give a kid a ride home from practice and he’s like, “can I sit in a different seat? Because there are crumbs in that”. And I was like, “Oh, man!”

Sunny Gault: That’s awesome! That’s when you give him the vacuum. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: That’s right. Exactly.

Sunny Gault: We’ll give you a ride home if you use this.

Johner Riehl: Brilliant idea for the Honda Odyssey.

[Theme Music]

Johner Riehl: Now we’re going to jump into today’s topic, which is getting back your body after baby. It’s one that probably every new and new again mom is concerned with. Although, I do want to get this out of the way early, for my wife, for all you moms out there listening: we love you how you are, we love your bodies how you are, you guys look great to us. But I also know that a woman and a mom’s own self-image and feeling about how she’s presenting herself is super important in her self-esteem, so it’s an important topic, but it’s not coming from the dads. (Laughs) We’re so happy to have Jenny Nichols, the owner of Baby Bootcamp San Diego with us today. So welcome, Jenny!

Jenny Nichols: Thank you.

Johner Riehl: So it may seem kind of obvious, but let’s just start from a very general perspective and talk about all the crazy things that are happening to a mom’s body right after birth.

Jenny Nichols: Ok. Well, you’re putting on weight quicker than anyone would; somebody who in the normal course of their life gains weight – it’s at a much slower pace than a ten-month period. So your body is subjected to that much stress in a short period of time by weight gain. Also the relaxin is a hormone in your body that is loosening your ligaments and everything, so your joints are a little more wobbly and your center of gravity is changed, so your balance can be affected, so there’s just a lot.

Johner Riehl: Yeah, it’s really intense with all the things the baby is going through. What about some of the muscles? Muscles are kind of separating and…

Jenny Nichols: Your abs, yes, your abdominals are affected and every other muscle group is pretty much the same. And you obviously can get lower back stress just from the added weight gain, all in front, depending on how you carry. And, of course, if you’re not getting enough nutrition, or you’re not drinking enough water, then your body is being taxed by loss of nutrients or just being sapped of energy.

Johner Riehl: Do you know how much weight women gain during pregnancy? I’ve heard numbers that are all over the place.

Jenny Nichols: They recommend 25 to 35 pounds.

Johner Riehl: And that’s counting the baby.

Jenny Nichols: Yes, that’s total. I feel like what you really see out there is probably between 40 and 55, that’s more common.

Johner Riehl: And it can change from baby to baby. That’s what happened with my wife. She was pretty small with the first and third, and, I can say it now, she was gigantic with our second. It was just huge. And it wasn’t that she was fat, but the baby being carried was just huge, so she gained more weight there. Not that she gained any more weight on her body, but there were different stresses that were happening on her body. It changes from baby to baby. Yes, 25 to 30 pounds is what I heard too.

Jenny Nichols: Yeah, I think 25 is… Unless you have a really small frame, that’s hard. I would say, to keep it at 25 pounds or less is really hard; you have to work to keep it under that.

Johner Riehl: Well so then why is it so important, once the baby is born, to… should your target be to get it to where you were before? What is the importance of getting it back in shape and what should a mom’s target maybe be?

Jenny Nichols: Well… You think it took you ten months to put that weight on, so one thing a lot of women don’t do is give themselves a break in terms of… they expect to have dropped the weight within six weeks, but that’s kind of unrealistic if you think about how long it took you to put the weight on. You want to lose the weight one – just so you feel good about yourself and so you’re healthy again – but two – so you can carry the baby and be mobile.

Johner Riehl: Do you have this expectation that you are trying to get your body back to exactly how it was before?

Jenny Nichols: I think yes. I mean, you definitely strive to…although I know I can test myself and a lot of friends… it’s like… you think, “ok, maybe even two pounds less than where I was pre-baby”, or “yeah, I’ve got five more to go, maybe I’ll try to lose a couple more on top of that”. So…

Johner Riehl: Laurie, did you feel that kind of pressure to get back to?

Laurie Babb: With the first one I did. Because it was so foreign to be like a mom and everything; I wanted to… that felt like going back to something I was familiar with in my life, because everything had changed in my life (almost). And the second baby – no, not at all. I just wanted to sleep and to make sure I was taking care of my kids, right? My body was so secondary for me. And I still haven’t gotten back to it yet and he is like two and a half. But the first one – yes, right away. Well, not right away, but as soon as I could, maybe a couple of months in.

Johner Riehl: But it’s something that you kind of wanted to maybe, or… do you wish that your body was back in shape?

Laurie Babb: Now sure I do. (Laughs) I would just feel better, you know. Because I was a yoga teacher for many years and I was always, every day, but once I had kids my whole life changed, so…

Johner Riehl: Erika, what about you? So you have four kids and they’re all pretty young.

Ericka Palowski: Yeah.

Johner Riehl: So how’s your body kind of going?

Ericka Palowski: After the first one, the second came too fast, I didn’t move any of my baby weight. In between the second and the third yes, I dropped all kind of weight. I got back in shape and then got pregnant again.

Johner Riehl: Well maybe that’s a byproduct – you getting back in shape too. (Laughs) So when is it ok though for moms to start exercising again?

Jenny Nichols: Six weeks if you had a normal vaginal delivery; eight weeks after C-section. That’s when you get clearance from your doctor. But I think it’s also dependent on your fitness level throughout your pregnancy. Obviously I put myself in another category because I am the owner of Baby Bootcamp and fitness has always been a passion and a focus of mine and it may be a borderline obsession sometimes. I felt comfortable exercising before I got doctor’s clearance. But I also knew what I could and couldn’t do. So I actually started doing some stuff before I got doctor’s clearance. But then once at my six-week check-up I was good to go, I was like “alright, I’m going for a run.” But you have to listen to your body as well. I mean, you can start exercising at six weeks, but that doesn’t mean you can start doing certain things, you still have to be careful about jumping, certain abs exercises, putting up a lot of weight, because your body is still producing the relaxin, so you still have to be really careful of your joints.

Johner Riehl: Right. Got it. Do you guys that there’s more pressure from yourself to get back in shape? Do you feel it from other women?

Laurie Babb: Definitely self for me.

Johner Riehl: Jenny?

Jenny Nichols: Yes, self.

Johner Riehl: And Erika too?

Ericka Palowski: Yes, self for me, yeah.

Johner Riehl: I find that really interesting. Because I think that as humans and women with our body images we’re feeling external pressures, but a lot of the motivation to get back in shape has to come from internal, but I don’t think that any of us would look at a woman after giving birth even one year down the road – maybe my mother-in-law or grandmother-in-law would – and say, “oh my god, she’s so fat and hasn’t lost that weight.” Maybe it’s happening subconsciously, but a lot of it is coming from inside, right? Is that what you see with people taking your classes, the internal motivation?

Jenny Nichols: Definitely. Everyone that comes is striving for themselves: “I want to fit into these jeans”; “I want to be able to do this.” I mean I have had some clients who have been asked if they are pregnant again and they’re not… so that’s been an external motto, an external source of motivation for them.

Johner Riehl: What about breastfeeding moms then? We’re talking about exercising pretty early. Are there exercise concerns for moms that are breastfeeding?

Jenny Nichols: No, no. Just you have to make sure that you’re taking in enough calories because when you’re breastfeeding you have to increase your caloric intake – they recommend like 500 calories a day – and then if you’re exercising on top of that, you have to account for that as well in order to keep your production up; and then drinking water – I always tell my breastfeeding moms to drink more water than they would. I found, even for myself, that there are days when I know where I haven’t eaten enough, just from my energy levels.

Johner Riehl: Right. Well I think that’s a good look at the topic from a general perspective. I’m really eager to talk about some more specifics. So let’s take a quick break and we’ll talk about some specific exercises that are some good ideas for new moms and learn a little more about Baby Bootcamp San Diego.

[Theme Music]

Johner Riehl: Welcome back, everybody, to Parent Savers. Today we’re talking about fitness for moms and helping moms get their baby body back with Jenny Nichols. So let’s dig into some specific exercises that are great for moms. What are some good exercises for moms and maybe some that can be done with the baby too?

Jenny Nichols: Very broad question.

Johner Riehl: It’s a super-broad question. I can focus it a little bit more.

Jenny Nichols: I guess it depends on what your fitness level was pre-baby. I mean you really have to take that into account.

Johner Riehl: So is that one of the first things moms should look at then?

Jenny Nichols: That’s huge, yeah, because if you weren’t doing anything during your pregnancy: start with walking. Keep it very basic: walking, yoga, you can do some abs work; you can do some light weights with dumbbells or something. But if you were really active through your pregnancy you can pick up where you left off. If you were running throughout your pregnancy you can start running again. Listen to your body. Again, the thing I would avoid is plyometrics, like really big jumping, jumping jacks, things like that, you have to be careful of initially until you feel comfortable. But some really good exercises to do are cardio, walking, elliptical, running; you need that cardio, even bike. And then abs work; plank, plank, plank. I mean hold the plank for as long as you can, as often as you can; that really stabilizes the core, strengthens your back.

Johner Riehl: And that can be done anywhere.

Jenny Nichols: Yup. And you can add some push-ups to it. I’ll lay my son under my face and I’ll hold plank and then I’ll do some push-ups and kiss him every time I go down and he thinks it’s hilarious. You can do squats holding them. There are times in class when the baby is fussy and the mom will just take him out of the stroller and hold him while we do certain exercises. So there are a lot of things you can do with the baby, either holding them or having them lying next to you when you’re just interacting with them.

Johner Riehl: It sound like… not being able to get to a gym or sign up for a class isn’t really an excuse to not be exercising.

Jenny Nichols: Right.

Johner Riehl: Right. There are opportunities everywhere.

Jenny Nichols: Oh yeah. I mean the gym I belong to doesn’t take babies until six months, so I haven’t had my gym as an option if I’m taking the kids, but I’m still exercising five-six times a week.

Johner Riehl: Are those some of the things that you talk about in your class? Like these creative ideas.

Jenny Nichols: Definitely.

Sunny Gault: I have a question: for women who had a caesarian are there specific exercises that you recommend? We have different problem areas after having a caesarian, and different areas that we have to be more sensitive around; skin gathers in different places; it’s kind of a whole other beast in itself. Do you have any recommendations for women who have had C-sections?

Jenny Nichols: Looking at my clients, I kind of do the same stuff with all of them regardless. Definitely, again, plank, side plank, things that engage your lower abs, bicycle crunches; lift, elevate and lower your legs with your torso lying flat on the ground; anything that engages the lower abs is good unless you have a separation of your abdominal muscles; then you have to be really careful with that. But C-section versus not – I don’t vary what they do, I have all my moms do the same things.

Johner Riehl: Erika, what were some exercises that you did after each baby and how did they change after you had more and more kids?

Ericka Palowski: I got involved with a program like Baby Bootcamp – Stroller Strides. When my second child was ten weeks old I’d take him and my daughter with me and work out; and then I did it through the third pregnancy; and then my forth pregnancy I was in the car coming here from New York, so I didn’t exercise a whole lot, but I’m back at it now. I work out five days a week. I run twice; I just completed a triathlon, before there was another one, so…

Johner Riehl: That’s awesome. What did the kids do during that time?

Jenny Nichols: She pulled in a stroller.

Johner Riehl: Are they coloring in a backpack? (Laughs)

Ericka Palowski: I usually put my three boys in my double stroller and at least run a mile with them.

Johner Riehl: That’s awesome.

Ericka Palowski: Yeah.

Johner Riehl: Let’s talk about stroller stuff. Is that one of the focuses of Baby Bootcamp San Diego too?

Jenny Nichols: Yup.

Jenny Nichols: What are some of the exercises that you do with strollers?

Jenny Nichols: Everything. We’ll start off, we’ll run to a certain point, we park them and then we’ll do our cardio drills and our resistance training while they’re parked.

Johner Riehl: And you just leave the baby in the stroller.

Jenny Nichols: Yep. And they just… they’re all in the swing of thing; they’ve got their snacks, their toys, they all kind of know what it’s all about; and then we’ll do walk and lunges with the strollers or sometimes we’ll weave around the strollers, but my class is more about the moms.

Johner Riehl: It’s not like a Quanah parade where everyone is driving little mullah cars and configure patterns. It’s more about running…

Jenny Nichols: Yeah, exactly. We run… my class might be different than other classes. In my class we focus on the moms; because you don’t get that time, and so… yes, you bring your kids and yes, they’re in a stroller, and we interact with them if they need it, but…

Johner Riehl: But it’s more because the kids have to be somewhere. But it’s all about the moms.

Jenny Nichols: Right. Because we all need it. I want them to have their time to work out and if their kid’s fussy I’ll stop what I’m doing and I’ll push their stroller or I’ll interact with their kid so that they can get their workout.

Johner Riehl: I know I find that from my perspective too that the kids are a huge excuse why not to exercise.

Sunny Gault: It’s an excuse, but also legitimate. Because after I had my first son I was all about getting back into shape. I looked at myself in the mirror; I was completely naked and looked myself in the mirror and went, “what the hell just happened to my body? I don’t even recognize this anymore.” And I was just like, “how do I fix this?” I ended up getting some personal training lessons and went to the gym and I was dedicated; I worked off all the baby weight and then some. And then I got pregnant again. I didn’t gain as much baby weight, but for some reason my body didn’t bounce back even more and afterward I thought, “I could go through everything I went through that first time trying to get my body back”, but I knew we were going to have more kids and I felt not that it wasn’t worth it, but that it would have been a lot of extra energy – I already had a little kid to take care of – and I’m kind of in the same boat with this pregnancy. It’s difficult, we know we should be exercising, we know that this is good for our body and it’s good for our baby, but… Yes, it’s an excuse, but it’s a legitimate excuse. Because I actually… I wouldn’t say I enjoy exercising; I enjoy how I feel afterwards. And I enjoy looking good, right? But it’s such a difficult thing. I think you almost have to do a program where you can bring your kids; or if they have daycare, if you feel comfortable with that. Because otherwise… I have an elliptical in my house that is gathering dust because if I’m on it then my kids want to play on it too.

Laurie Babb: Oh yeah.

Sunny Gault: Even if you have this stuff at home it’s like… I’m trying to use a medicine ball to build up my arm strength and my kids want to play with it too. It’s tough.

Laurie Babb: People are like, “don’t you do yoga at home with your kids?” Oh no! I mean… carrying something on my back while I’m trying to go upside down… no. It’s not at all the same.

Jenny Nichols: I think that as moms we have to make it a priority for ourselves though. Every Tuesday and Thursday I have my boys after 3:30 in the afternoon and they know that they get in the stroller and we go for a run. And my two-and-a-half –year-old will pack his toys underneath the double stroller and be ready to go and he’ll climb in and… yeah, during the run he’ll say, “I want this, I need a snack, I need water. And, maybe it’s just me, but I’ll say to him, “Connor, mommy is running. This is my time, I’m running. We’ll get to the playground after the run and then you can play, but right now it’s mommy’s time.” And I talk to him throughout the run, it’s not like I’m ignoring him. But you have to be a little selfish so that you don’t lose yourself to everything kid.

Sunny Gault: Well the one thing that was recommended to me is that you pencil it in in your schedule. It’s like an appointment. Like if I have a business meeting, I’m not just going to fluff it off because it’s difficult or whatever. I have an appointment and you almost have to treat it as such. Because you are right, we need that and in my head it’s a priority, but it just never manifests itself because something always comes up. And then suddenly you’re selfish if you’re not taking care of your kids and your kids are crying and you’re just like, “I have to get 10 more minutes in on the elliptical.” It’s like a zoo.

Johner Riehl: I think kids can adjust to a lot of different routines, but they love routines. And if something becomes a ritual, if it happens a handful of times, then they’re used to it and ready for it and prepared for it and looking forward to it.

Jenny Nichols: Exactly.

Johner Riehl: So that’s really about making a priority. Is that what you do, Erika?

Ericka Palowski: Exactly. We try to make it a routine so that they have something to look forward to, even though my two-year-old is at the point where he just screams in his stroller, but, you know, I bribe him. (Laughs)

Johner Riehl: That’s one of the things that happened especially with our first as he wouldn’t stay in a stroller. So we would try to go exercise and we’d try on the weekend to go around one of the lakes here. And we would get out two miles and then he’s just balling and wants to get out; and then you’re two miles out, what do you do? What tips do you have for new moms? What are the most important things that you tell new moms about? Why exercise and exercises to do, what they should focus on and what’s important.

Jenny Nichols: Start small, definitely. If it’s your first, your life is changed, you need to figure it out. Walks or something is good; you can do so much home-based so you don’t have to feel the pressure of getting into a gym or doing something with the new baby – I know when I had my first I tried not to go out too much because I had to get in the swing of things. You can do pushups, you can do triceps dips on the edge of a chair; you can do lunges in your house. There are so many things you can do.

Johner Riehl: Accept to think differently.

Jenny Nichols: Yes, and again, start small. If you’re on your second or third kid, then it definitely becomes more challenging. Because you’re contending with conflicting nap schedules and whatever. But, again, just make it a priority and home-based stuff is good, or coming to Baby Bootcamp, finding something where you can bring your kids with you is great; if there’s a yoga studio that has a daycare with it or something – there’s definitely options out there.

Johner Riehl: I think every mom struggles with it and how to do it and how to get it back. So thanks for sharing your thoughts. Thanks so much for joining us on the phone, Erika. For more information about exercising after you had a baby or for information about any of our panelists or Baby Bootcamp San Diego, you can visit the episode page on our website. We’re actually going to continue the conversation for members of our Parent Savers Club. After the show Jenny is going to tell us a little bit more about special gear that new moms can use to exercise to help them out. For more information about that, the Parent Savers Club, or anything else Parent Savers or New Mommy Media-related visit or

[Theme Music]
[Featured Segments: The Emotional Side of Parenting]

Johner Riehl: Before we wrap things up here’s psychologist Jennifer Schere with some tips on surviving the emotional side of parenting.

Jennifer Schere: Hi, Parent Savers! I am Dr. Jennifer Schere, a clinical psychologist with a practice in San Diego. One of my specialties is working with women during pregnancy and throughout the transition to motherhood. Today’s segment is on ways to manage the panic we often feel with the sleep deprivation that comes along with baby. There are certain things we all know we should do in order to get the sleep we need. However actually doing them is a whole other story. We know we should nap when baby naps, let go of the housework and allow others to help us. However, in order to do these things we must let go of how we are used to functioning. Do battle with the perfectionist inside us and allow ourselves to be partially dependent on others.

Some ways to exercise this necessary shift is to remind yourself that this is an extremely intense, yet very temporary time of your life; to really commit to the job responsibilities of becoming a new mom in relation to sleep. Job is all about baby and self-care. And the rest is interference. Do your best to stay focused on the true priority and guard it like a momma bear. Accept that you will be functioning with a certain level of stress that comes from fatigue and that’s ok. We’re still capable of being just good enough without feeling fully prepared or on top of your game. Try accepting this level of discomfort instead of fighting it, like relaxing muscles instead of tensing them when you feel stressed. It’s difficult to allow yourself to feel somewhat dependent on others. Recognize that you are doing this in service of being more fully available for your baby. It might be helpful to remind yourself that even if you feel resistant or uncomfortable in these new behaviors, it is all to benefit baby and your own feelings of maternal competence. I hope these ways of thinking about the anxiety with mom fatigue aids you all in having more restful sleep whenever the opportunity is there for you to take. Thanks for listening to Parent Savers.

[Theme Music]

Johner Riehl: Alright, that wraps up the show for today. We appreciate you guys listening so much to Parent Savers. Don’t forget to check out our sister show Preggie Pals for expecting parents, and our show The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed their babies. They’re at over two thousand likes on Facebook now and we would love to catch up to them, so check out our Facebook page, join in the conversation there, like it, tell your friends about it if we post something interesting. I like to post some kind of funny videos or parenting things that happen. We also have links to shows that are happening as well. We’ll be back next week talking about another topic that’s of special interest to parents of newborns, infants or young toddlers. This is Parent Savers, empowering new parents.

This has been a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Though information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problems or diseases or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

[End Of Audio]

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