When Twins Grow Up

Experienced twin parents will tell you… twins don't stay tiny for long. In this segment, we'll share stories of older twins and the interesting things that happen them throughout their lives.
Experienced twin parents will tell you… twins don't stay tiny for long. In this segment, we'll share stories of older twins and the interesting things that happen them throughout their lives.
Hmmm… have you done your twin homework? Just how well do you know facts about twins? Play along with us as we shout out our best guesses to some of the toughest twin trivia on the planet!
Parents are infamous for giving unsolicited parenting advice- usually at the worst times but with the best intentions. Our listeners tell us about parenting issues they're currently dealing with in their family. We poll our audience for advice from real parents!
Hmmmm. Don’t understand what your kid is saying? Then you’re probably becoming old and outdated. We’ll review some of the latest lingo and important terms you’ll need to know to stay relevant in your own home. Share words you've learned on our facebook page!
Facebook may have started this meme, but we’re taking it to the next level. Tune in to test your knowledge of decades past and earn some pretty cool (nostalgic) prizes.
Have a new product that you absolutely love? Has it changed your world? Tell us about it so we can help spread it to shopping carts everywhere! Email, text us or leave a voicemail at 619-866-4775!
Parenting is all about choices, right? We’ll give you some choices of things parents commonly experience and you tell us which one you would rather pick. Assuming you had a choice in real life… but you probably won’t.
Pregnancy brain is definitely real, ladies! So, let's embrace our temporary craziness by sharing our most entertaining stories. If you have a funny experience to share, send us a voicemail through our website and we'll share your story on an episode!
You may have plenty of personal experience breastfeeding or pumping for your baby, but what's your overall breastfeeding IQ? When it comes to the boob, are you street smart or book smart? Take our multiple choice test to see if you're breast in class!
Kids say (and do) the darnest things. Sometimes their strange behavior leaves parents completely puzzled and wondering "what up with that"? We want to hear those crazy stories! Email us or record them through the voicemail button on our website!