Vanessa Wells


Vanessa Wells started True Nature Nutrition in 2011 with the goal of providing nutritional consulting services to the North County area, and online. She has a Bachelor's degree in from the University of Auckland. After a few years of working in an office, she returned and completed her Graduate Certificate in Human Nutrition (BS in Nutrition without all the 101 classes) and she is working towards an MSc in Human Nutrition. Vanessa realized that her “dream job” was not in an office building. She loves discovering how interesting and important nutrition is in life, and the impact that food has on the environment. When her daughter was born, her eyes were opened to the world of healthy eating for life. She believes giving your child the best health in life begins before they are even conceived, and good eating habits start to develop in the womb. The foundations for a lifetime of good nutrition is laid in the first few years of life. It's Vanessa's goal to help parents give their children the best start possible, with healthy eating for the whole family.

Episodes for this expert

  • Feeding Your Child: Starting Baby on Solids

    We’re launching a new series focused on feeding your child. In this episode, learn more how to effectively transition your baby to solids after six months. How do you know if they’re ready? And what are the best foods to try first?

Additional Experts

Vicki Twomey

Certified Lactation Counselor

Julie Lothamer

Dietitian/ Lactation Consultant

Brent Keime


Gina Ciagne

Lactation Counselor

Jennifer Sandoval

Clinical Psychologist

Beth Warren
