Suzanne Colson

Nurse/ Midwife

Dr. Suzanne Colson is a midwife and a nurse. Her PhD thesis introduced a new paradigm called biological nurturing® ~laid-back breastfeeding and won the prestigious Royal College of Nursing Inaugural Akinsanya Award for originality and scholarship in doctoral studies. Suzanne is co-founder of The Nurturing Project, an organization created to disseminate biological nurturing research. Mother of three breastfed children, and grandmother of three breastfed children, she is an honorary member and a founding mother/leader of La Leche League France. She has over 35 years clinical experience supporting breastfeeding mothers, first in France working with Dr. Michel Odent, then in London hospitals as a caseload midwife and baby feeding advisor, and finally during her research appointments and university work as a senior midwifery lecturer Suzanne is retired from the university and active midwifery practice but remains available for clinical consultation and lectures widely across the world.

Episodes for this expert

  • Biological Nurturing and Laid-Back Breastfeeding

    Mothers have breastfed their babies since the beginning of time- otherwise, the human race wouldn’t have survived. So, why does it seem that more and more women are having trouble? Are we missing something our babies are trying to tell us? Today we’re learning all about biological nurturing, which encourages your own breastfeeding instincts.

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