Susan Newman

Dr. Susan Newman, stepmother of four children and mother of one, focuses on problems affecting family. She writes a parenting blog for Psychology Today that encompasses complicated decisions from how many children to have to the anxieties of raising them. She has tackled the wisdom of giving birth as an “older” woman to parents’ worries about a child’s imaginary friends. She is the author of 15 books including The Case for the Only Child: Your Essential Guide, The Book of NO: 250 Ways to Say It and Mean It, and Under One Roof Again: All Grown Up and (Re)learning to Live Together Happily. Dr. Newman taught at Rutgers University in NJ. For more, visit her website.
Episodes for this expert
Debunking “Only Child” Myths
You’ve chosen to have one child… only. How do you do this effectively when everyone (especially family and friends) are encouraging the exact opposite? Plus, what do you need to know as a parent of an only child? Is only lonely?