Frank Nice
Dr. Frank J. Nice has practiced as a consultant, lecturer, and author on medications and breastfeeding for over 30 years. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy, a Masters Degree in Pharmacy Administration, and Masters and Doctorate Degrees in Public Administration. Dr. Nice holds Certification in Public Health Pharmacy and is registered as a pharmacist in Pennsylvania, Maine, Arizona, and Maryland. He currently serves as a pharmacist at the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Nice has organized and participated in over a two dozen medical missions to the country of Haiti. He retired from the US Public Health Service after 30 years of service as a Commissioned Officer and pharmacist. He served 20 years of that time at the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical Neurosciences Program as Assistant Program Director. Dr. Nice recently published the textbook, Nonprescription Drugs for the Breastfeeding Mother. He has also published over two dozen peer-reviewed articles on the use of prescription medications, Over-the-Counter (OTC) products, and herbals during breastfeeding, in addition to articles and book chapters on the use of power, epilepsy, and work characteristics of health care professionals. He continues to provide consultations, lectures, and presentations to the breastfeeding community and to serve the poor of Haiti.
Episodes for this expert
Breastfeeding and Medication
Although many medications are safe to use when you’re breastfeeding, most drugs will get into your milk to some degree and may even affect your milk supply. We’ll break down common medications and discuss the impact on both mom and baby.
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