Transcript: Preparing for Breastfeeding

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Preggie Pals
Preparing for Breastfeeding


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[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: You are pregnant and plan to breastfeed, you have heard the amazing benefits of breastfeeding but you are not sure where to start when preparing for it. Today we are discussing how to prepare for breastfeeding. This is Preggie Pals.

[Theme Music/ Intro]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Welcome to Preggie Pals, Broadcasting from the Birth Education Centre of San Diego. Preggie Pals is your online on the go support group for expecting parents and those hoping to become pregnant. I am your host Stephanie Glover.  We have covered topics for every phase of pregnancy.  Visit our episode guide on our website to scroll through those this topic and listen directly from your computer through iTunes or download our free app available on Android, iTunes and Windows Market Place.

Be sure to check out our new network app where you can listen to all your favourite New Mommy Media shows on the go. Here is Sunny with more information on how to get involved with Preggie Pals.

SUNNY GAULT:  Hi everybody, thanks for been with us today.  So we have different segments on the show that we really love you guys to be part of, we love to hear from our listeners to make the episodes more fun to know you guys are participating in it with us.  So couple of the segments that I want to highlight today, we have a great segment where you can “ask our experts” questions.  So it could be about your pregnancy, you know whatever that is going with you; we would love to know about it.  

We could basically pair that question up with an expert and then we will release that on our future episodes so that other pregnant mammas can learn about it and odds out they have the same questions you do anyways,  it is helpful for anybody everybody.

There is another segment we do that we love and it is called “Pregnancy Oops” This is where we share funny stories of what has happened to us basically during pregnancy.  So if there is anything that you have look back on and you are like oh my gosh, I can’t believe that happened, why don't you share with the world because that is a natural thing to do.

So there is a couple of different ways that you can send it for these segments you can go to our website at  and click on the contact link and submit that way. Or actually, if you want to share the story yourself as suppose to myself reading it or Stephanie reading it you can call Voicemail at 619- 866-4775 and that way you can tell your stories and we will just take that clip and put it on our future episode.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Thank you Sunny, so we are going to go around and introduce ourselves as panelists.  I will start again my name is Stephanie Glover. I host Preggie Pals, I am a mom to 2 daughters, Gretchen is 4, and she was my c-section baby and Lydia is 2 and she was my VBAC. Shannon?

SHANNON:  Hi I am Shannon,  I am 31,  I am a stay-at-home mom to 2  children,  Gabriella is going to be 2 next week and Emerson will be 4 months. I had 2 c-section because I am consistent.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Sheila how about you?

SHEILA GROVE: Hi I am Sheila Grove, I am 34, I have 1 child, a 9-month-old son name [inaudible] and he was a natural hypnobirth in hospital with a midwife.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Awesome!  And Sunny.

SUNNY GAULT:  I have 4 kiddos of my own, my oldest is 5 and he is in Kindergarten,  then I have a 3 year old boy and  then I have an identical twin girls who just turned 2 to last week. So no more babies for me, we are done.  We have enough on our plate.

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: Before we kick off today show we have a news headline that I found out online that I thought was pretty intriguing, hopefully, you guys will think the same.  So is actually been based out of the UK so you kind of have to use your imagination for everyone here that is in the US because it doesn't apply necessarily to us but actually they soundproof some maternity and delivery rooms over in the UK and I kind of want to get your feedback on this, it is an interesting concept for what they are doing in the UK,  it is kind of a sad story, they are you it at a specific maternity unit.  

The reason they are doing it is because there was a family there whose baby was born stillborn and if you kind of wrap your head around this scenario, obviously didn't know that her baby was going to be born stillborn, there is a lot of trauma there.  But she is listening to all these babies being born and happy families and things like that.

Obviously, that can have a pretty big impact on you and so one of the things this family wanted to do was at least start small and start with this one hospital again in the UK and see if they can soundproof some maternity to just give people little bit more privacy because it is true you never know what is going on in the room right next to you and it can have the same effect to of someone that is trying not to freak out about labor and delivery over you know the hypnobirthing and you hear something going on in the next room and it totally throws you off.  It is really hard to concentrate.

So anyways again it is not happening in the US but I want to throw it out there because I understand trust me because you know been in radio and TV and that kind of stuff,  I understand soundproofing and that can be expenses.  But you know I don't know what do you guys think, Stephanie?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I could see some benefits [inaudible]  ladies before we started recording,  when I arrived to the hospital with my second in  labor with my second child,  I was very vocal and probably a little scary I am sure that others in the hospital who are hoping for peaceful environment would appreciate it.

SHANNON:  My only question would be how are they going to pick which mom goes into what room? Like this mom maybe she had some sort of complication and anything like that and she gets to go into the soundproof room or she was a screamer with her last kid so we are going to put her in the soundproof room. Red ink across the top “screamer”, she goes into the soundproof room. That would be my first question but I think it is a good idea otherwise.

SUNNY GAULT:  And you get all worried like when they . . . they are like I am sorry but we are going to sign you to the soundproof room, you are like “Oh my gosh what is wrong”

SHANNON:   I am going to be louder now, I am going to test the sound.

SUNNY GAULT:  It is a challenge for you.

SHANNON: Exactly!

SUNNY GAULT: I am sure. . .  I am sure they have thought this true.It doesn't the article that it's going to cost €25,000, so not dollars but Euros to fund two soundproofing rooms so it's really expensive.  So Sheila any thoughts in this article?

SHEILA GROVE:  I actually think it is a great idea, we were fortunate when my son was born, we were the only patient in the hospital,  so there wasn't a lot of sound out in the hall but apparently at one point in my delivery I was pretty vocal and nurses were laughing afterward that they had brought [inaudible] as a new employee like through the birthing center while I was being a little [inaudible] I am pretty sure that one guy was extremely traumatized. “Oh my gosh that poor guy”. So in that case that would have been great.

SUNNY GAULT:   Well you know you got to break them in early.  Alright, guys so I will put up a link on our Facebook page so that you guys can check it out.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Today we're discussing how to prepare for breastfeeding. Joining us on the phone Gina Ciayne, Certified Lactation Counselor, mom of 2 breastfed kids and Global Vice President of Healthcare Relations at Lanchino a breastfeeding and accessories company. Welcome to Preggie Pals Gina.

GC: Thank You.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  So once a mother decides that she is going to breastfeed, there are resources to help her prepare while she is pregnant.  Are there classes that she can take?

GC:  Yes,  absolutely and it really good idea to know what to expect so taken in class they are often offered with childbirth classes like labor and delivery. So if you can sign for the breastfeeding classes before the baby comes,  it is great because you know what to expect, you understand sort of how the whole process works.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  So the classes covers what to expect so are they generally like a onetime class Audi go for a few . . .

GC:  It really depends on the hospital that is offering it or the OBGYN office that is offering it.  But I went to 2 days that was a combination of childbirth, labor and delivery and breastfeeding.  And breastfeeding is a segment of it but generally, it is several hours long and again covers what to expect,  what to expect in the early days,  what is going on with your milk,  supply and demand,  all of those sort of basic building blocks of breastfeeding.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Would you recommend that a mom just go on her own or should her partner also attend as well?

GC:  It would be great if her partner goes.  because breastfeeding is normally between moms and babies but there is so much that a partner can do to keep an eye out on baby’s latch, or how good positioning or even grabbing water for mom or she is nursing and just understanding that feeding makes her thirsty,  she needs to stay hydrated.  So just does sort of 2 people thinking about how to triage this very new situation can be you really, really helpful.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Who often teaches the classes, are the nurses or childbirth educators?

GC:  It really depends but it can run through a nurse due to the result of their breastfeeding specialization or a lactation Counselor or consultant, I mean there are a lot of . . . they might start with the childbirth educator or a nurse or midwife during the labor and delivery section and then you know a breastfeeding Counselor or consultant who is doing the breastfeeding section.

But a lot of nurses also get their breastfeeding specialization so a lot of times there is someone who is trained in breastfeeding.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Okay that is awesome.  When would you recommend that a couple take the breastfeeding course or the breastfeeding preparedness class? Is it usually like the middle of pregnancy or more towards the end of their recommended time?

GC: You know the third trimester, like the beginning of the third trimester, so you are not too close to birth.  You are thinking about so many things but that point in time, and really mom's brains are switched to focus on labor and delivery.  So doing it a little bit earlier in your third trimester is helpful,  because you know babies not too far away from coming you are able to sort of thing about the information and absorb it without being in any kind of stress situation like “ Oh my gosh the baby could arrive any day”.

It is important then to follow up when baby actually get here,  there are classes that you can take when you are in the hospital and those could be really helpful because a baby is here and you can actually practice with your baby.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Before they release you into the world. I remember thinking; I just get to take his baby home now really? Now Shannon, did you take any breastfeeding classes?

SHANNON:  I did not take any classes beforehand,  I agree with Gina’s point that it would be helpful to have done that because I was like oh  my grandmother breastfed 6 children,  my mom breastfed me for a while,  I got this and Gabriella got here and I was like “what am I doing”.

SUNNY GAULT:  This is totally different.

SHANNON:  Totally different, it really started coming in until like the 5th or the 6th day.  So I was nursing and they were getting the colostrum, but I had to supplement formula and there was this whole like the stigma attached to having to do that, that I had to deal with.  So if I would have had some classes and that would have been addressed in the class you know I would have felt much better, much, much better.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Gina do they address like what happens after c-section and the difference between birthing methods and breastfeeding classes?

GC:  They do, and that is why it is also good to make contact with the person who is teaching the class.  I mean I didn't know if I was going to have any problems, but I had that [inaudible] and number with me and she said you know let me know when you have a question, there they are  no bad questions, a small situation can turn kind of into a big deal when you know there are people around to help.  

So it is definitely something that they cover especially if you are going to have a c-section. Whatever situation there are people definitely available to help. I mean breastfeeding is natural but it does not recover naturally.  I think that is totally understandable, like your grandma nursed, your mom nursed and everyone is like why can't you just do it.

That is all well and good until you are absolutely exhausted and you do not know what is going on.  So you know . . . I am a breastfeeding educator,  and I called the hotline when I had my childbirth,  I don't know what to do, he won't wake up.  They were like Gina is that you?  I mean you do not know what is up and what is down. I mean it was much earlier on when I was just starting to become a peer counselor, you know you doubt yourself.  

So I think it’s kind of knowing yourself and knowing that there are people to help I think is also . . .  you know and if you got the question many, many, many other moms could have had the same questions. It's kind of buying together in over journey.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Sheila did you attend any breastfeeding classes while you were expected?

SHEILA GROVE:  I did, I was actually maybe over compared I think that is possible because we kind of signed up for everything that the hospital offered.  So we did the childbirth education class where breastfeeding was one of the segments of that class.  We also sign up for the introduction to breastfeeding course that was maybe for couple of hours on a different evening and then do the hypno-baby study course that I did and there was also information about breastfeeding in there.  

I  mean that there was  a lot of overlap and the information that I got between those three classes but I think at the end of the day it helps you know just to reinforce the things that I have learned  and really build my confidence and  my ability to breastfeed.

I think I felt I was prepared as possible and when I was actually you know time to start breastfeeding and there are a lot of things that you don't learn until you actually have a baby in your arms and you are working through it yourself.  I felt like I had a pretty solid background.  I would certainly recommend taken at least one class, I think you know 3 is probably you know little bit overboard but one class for sure will be really helpful.

SUNNY GAULT:  one thing that I have had to that it is helpful to go to a breastfeeding support group which is a little bit different than the actual classes that the hospitals offer simply because you do not know if you are going to need that afterwards and there is a lot that is going on right after you have your baby that trying to find a group afterwards and where is it located and where do I park and simple things like that when you are carrying a newborn baby especially for those who are brand new moms,  they have never been moms before can be overwhelming.  

So I would say in addition to the hospital classes what you can do if you can find a local support group and even go once or twice before just too kind of get the idea of what it is all about could be very helpful.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  That is an awesome tip. Gina are there any additional breastfeeding resources that you would recommend, I mean Sunny brought up an awesome resource, You know anything else that a woman can look for within her community or in her book store.  Any other resources you can recommend?

GC: Yes I mean in the hospital,  if you are having a baby in hospital is a good place to start because a lot of times there are support groups a little gathering,  like I was lucky enough to give birth in a women's hospital which unfortunately now it’s becoming few and far between.  There was this little group at the breastfeeding center in the hospital put together.  So it was in the hospital but in a nice cozy setting with a breastfeeding Counselor right there.  I went there when I was going back to work to talk with moms and they have scaled there so it was very clean and they weigh the baby before and after.

So groups in the hospital can be really helpful but also like in your pediatrician's office, a lot of times they have their bulletin board up there, I mean I used to meet other moms just sitting in the waiting room because you go all the time and you tend to see . . . you get all of similar rotation without the moms.  

But I think bookstores are also very good. Any clip you have like a bulletin board with a community gathering just keep your eyes opened for stuffs like that.  But also ask your friends who have kids and then obviously like for technical breastfeeding stuff like online resources it is important to know that the resources credible like AGV [ph] has a ton of information,  it is very understandable. is an amazing resource, Lanchino has got resources on its website,  so in personal it can be super helpful because you can be with other moms and see the babies and have some special interaction.

So also when you take classes, enquiring there, they often would give a list of resources for you know follow-ups.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: When we come back we will discuss how to prepare for breastfeeding during the postpartum period.  We will be right back.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Welcome back, today we're discussing how to prepare for breastfeeding. Certified Lactation Counselor Gina Ciayne is our expert.  So let's talk about breastfeeding itself, what can a mom expect while establishing breastfeeding, such as you know how long does it take for the milk to come in?

GC: Well it is interesting you know because while a woman is pregnant her body is already preparing the milk.  So if the baby is born at whatever age then the body has the milk in order to help with the baby’s growth and development at that age.  So when the baby is born, the early milk is called colostrums, very thick, very dense, and yellow. It is like the best booster ever, It has so many antibodies, vitamins, new trans Minerals and many other things.  It is very thick and it is not [inaudible].

So moms mature milk will come in at about days 3 or 4,  however if a mom has c-section it could take a little bit longer  and that is something she would be monitoring with her lactation counselor. But when baby is born, it is important to know that the baby’s tummy is about the size of a marble. So when mom has that thick colostrums, it is so dense and so thick and that it fills the baby's little tummy perfectly.

So moms are often thinking “Oh my gosh, I am not gushing out milk right away when baby is born” that is totally normal and that more familiar whitish milk would tend to come in around day three or four. Often you know feel very tingly, breast would start to swell with milk, those are the indications.  So usually on day 3 or 4 and for c-section are around 5 or 6.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: How many times could a mom expect to be nursing the baby in that first week of life?

GC:  It is again important to remember that like babies is so small, so day 1 is about the size of a marble, day 3 is about the size of an egg, maybe a little bit smaller than an egg like the Ping Pong ball and then day 10 it gets bigger to more of you know Ping Pong ball or a small ball not quite a tennis ball. So mom is going to be feeding baby, baby is going to be drinking, digesting the milk because it is made just for them. So really easy to digest and then they are going to deplete that milk out of their little marble tummy and then they got to need it refilled, so very often.

So moms are going to be filled in at least 8 to 10 times during a 24 hour period, I can at least have this underlined because babies really need to be feeding very often because what they are doing his teachings mom’s body how much milk to make. So it is just an incredible supply and demand process so it is usually and it could be every hour and half to two hours, every day their tummy gets bigger, every day that time sort of links in.

But especially in the first week the baby comes out and again it’s natural but it doesn't always come naturally and baby things what am I doing,  my body is thinking what am I doing and so it is that first week is quite an adjustment but it does all sort of slow and fits together.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  How can you describe to someone who hasn't yet breastfed?  What it might feel like?

GC: It is such an interesting . . . I mean my kids are 14 and 11 and I can literally still feel what it was like to breastfeed. It is a combination of feelings like when your milk starts to let down after the baby is latched on, your milk starts to let down because baby’s sucking is signaling to your body to release the milk. And then your milk starts to travel down through these channels and then eventually it comes out and it is this tingling clean feeling, and sometimes tingling can be “oh that is kind of an interesting feeling”.  Other times, tingling can be “oh my gosh just hurry up and get the milk down”.  Because your breasts are generally swollen until your body sort of figures out “Okay how much milk am I making” and it is a good thing to have a lot of milk.  

But your breast can get very tight, they can be hard, I think I am not selling this to scare you [laughing].  Well you sort of get that “Oh that's kind of interesting” and then you are like “no, no, no that is actually not very comfortable”.  The best thing is that they are going to answer for it and the answer is just nurse on demand. I know that sounds really ridiculous and overwhelming but babies are going to tell your body and babies are going to tell you when they are hungry and it is going to be often.

But then they grow and it is not going to be as often and all of this is like a kind of a process and every little role that you see on your baby you are going to know “Okay that is why I am feeding every hour and a half”  and then eventually it gets to every 2 hours. But during that time you can feel very tingly, tight, but the other amazing thing about breastfeeding if you're almost get this like lovely cloud rolling over you and you get this relaxed feeling. It might last for a second, because you are like okay that is free and I still have laundry to do and all that you need to do is get right back to the stress.  But oxytocin is released when you're breastfeeding or when someone touches your skin and you feel so sleepy and it is just an amazing feeling.

That is why a lot of times you get drowsy when you are nursing, baby get drowsy, you get kind of this little . . . so it is this daunting and scariest seen sometimes and I 100% get that, there is so much in me than feeling that comes from it as well. I mean it is something that no one else can replicate.  It is really nice.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I love that you touch down that fog because I remember we are all in the studio nodding right now, I used to think as if it is like a . . .  it would force me to slow down for those moments because we are always thinking of a to do list or whatever and you're almost sort of couldn't go there mentally, like you would just relax, just space out for a little bit and that was okay as if you needed to.

Panelist I would love to hear from you, were there any surprises with how it felt or the feelings of bonding or whatever?  Any surprises that you just discovered with breastfeeding?

SHANNON:  I was mainly surprised about how painful it was with my nipples, like they needed to like chap and like get hard almost before it was . . . and then they healed and it was fine. I was also surprised that the second time that did not happen, my nipples were good to go.

The other thing I would say that was really awesome that kept me come back  with the inner saying,  because I had planned  with a birth centre birth and then a water birth and it was going to be a nice and idyllic and then my blood pressure spiked  and I ended up in a hospital.  so I was determined to breastfeed,  I was like look this is happening,  I am doing this,  I don't care if it comes out on day 6 or day 7,  I don't care.  The lactation consultant came to the house and she helped me out a lot.

But I was surprised about the high, that once my milk came in and she would nurse, I would be sitting there like “wow, this is amazing there is some rainbows and butterflies”.  I would fall asleep while I was nursing her a lot.  it kept me coming back,  I was like okay I don't feel like feeding her,  I don't want her to be attached to me right now, I pumped you know let her have a bottle.  But I was like wait a second; this is like my one perk right now. I am going to take this.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Sheila how about you?

SHEILA GROVE: I love the way Gina described it because she was kind of able to vocalize some of the differentiation that we initial feel during breastfeeding. I think I was really surprised by that tingling sensation and the first time that my milk came in and that was just a little bit, it wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable and to the point where I needed to get that milk out right that second.  I remember that my son was sleeping, I think he was about 3 or 4 days old but the time he was sleeping and till I was just like running for my pump I hadn't even unpacked it or unwrapped it already,  the instruct sheet or anything,  I was just trying to figure out how to fit it together as quickly as possible to get this milk out.  

Because it was just such an odd sensation and you know now that he is 9 months old I don't really experience the let down sensation as much as I did like in the early days.  So it is kind of a bizarre sensation and to describe. I really thought the way Gina described it was pretty accurate.

SHANNON: I was going to say to your let down point, it is really interesting how different that is for everybody because I remember with Gabriella like “where is my let down,  where is my let down” and I didn't start to feel it until she got a little stronger and I remember she was about 5 months when I was like “what is that pressure” and I was like “that must be my let down”.

I call my mom and I am like “mom I have got pressure” and she is like “that is your letdown, good job”.  I was like “I got a letdown now” you know I was really happy and with Emerson I felt that right away.  I mean he was 10 pound at birth, I was like “how am I going to nourish like you are huge”.

My daughter was 7 pounds and she was a typical breastfeeder like she nursed for an hour and a half, every hour and a half and for 45 minutes so she was constantly on me.  Emerson was a champ, he would nurse for 7 or 8 minutes and then he was done with me for like maybe an hour or two hours

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  I am an efficient mom.

SHANNON:  Exactly!  I have got this down. So it is really, really interesting how different it is and we all as women has this shared experience of mother in our children and breastfeeding and going through labor and then you get the baby home and then it's like everything is completely different for everybody.  That is really, really cool.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Sheila where you're saying something else?

SHEILA GROVE: I was going to that I was also surprised on how much I loved breastfeeding and really from the beginning like even when the nipples are sore and chapped and they still keep coming back for more, it has always been my favorite part of the day just kind of snuggling up with Henry and it is over you know cuddling time together and I really feel like not only does it be nutritionally but emotionally.

It is like we both need that time to just like plug-in with each other and connect and so that even 9 months later that keeps me going and even on the days when and even having a million other things that I need to be doing besides sitting there and breastfeeding it is just that I love it so much.  That was surprising to me.

SUNNY GAULT:  Sheila I love how you said you know plug-in with one another and connect, I had this image like you know how you charge your phone at night, it is like your battery is like on empty,  that was what I was thinking because you know we do that every day and that's how I feel too because I am still breastfeeding my twins who just turned 2,  and it is just so nice I mean they don't have to do it nearly as often anymore.  

They are very efficient,  they only need one like for 5 minutes but that is how I feel too and if I can just say love myself to relax for 5 minutes and just be with them and I do weird stuff to like I smell their hair because they still have the baby smell. But anyway that is how I feel too, I am like an iPhone, I just need to be plugged in and connect with my kids again.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Now Gina is actually on Preggie Pals,  we have covered “creating your postpartum plans”, we have got a whole episode on it but Gina what would some tips be for creating that postpartum breastfeeding plan. We have talked about finding some resources but are there any other tips that you want to share with future breastfeeding mammas to really prepare for that postpartum period.

GC:I think it kind of goes back to knowing what to expect and knowing what the process is and knowing what is contained in that. I mean it really comes back down to those sorts of basics that could really be super helpful especially when you get back home. It is interesting what's my OBGYN said to me and I have heard different reactions but what he said to me,  he said your job that you have chosen for the first 2 weeks when you get home do not do anything.  

He said your job is rejuvenating like trying to catch up on anything you possibly can and then he laughed a lot and I didn't know why. He said your job is eating, hanging out with the baby oftentimes and you are going to realize what I mean by feeding constantly and taking care of yourself and taking care of the baby. Let other people take care of everything else.

You might think you are going to be interested in laundry, like just really it is going to be there and someone else to is looking for a job to do that if they can help you with that. But understanding that this is one of the most important jobs you will have, it does mean that breastfeeding super feeds the important of everything and I am definitely not suggesting that. However your baby is relying on you and you have this breast milk that your body has made specifically for tailor-made for your baby.

So knowing that you are going to be feeding a lot,  a lot of moms like to you know either whether they use an app or whether they write it down the old fashion way you know like how long they have been on the left side? How long they are on the right side? How many diaper changes? And all those things are good to do because you are tracking your recording materials; you are able to give information to your health care provider.  I mean I think having realistic expectations that you know honestly you are probably not going to get a lot of sleep.

But that is okay, I mean you really got to rest when baby rest and then snuggle up and learn how to breastfeed lying down because that is an amazing position that will free your mind like to relax and to breast and try not to be as rigid because baby don't come with an instruction manual unfortunately and they would constantly be changing everything.  So if you are really ridged with a really big plan you just need to kind of go with the flow and if baby needs like 45 minutes ago and she feels hungry well then their little tummy needs to be refilled and they are hungry. So try not to be too regiment that I think is really, really important and ask the crowd.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, I think motherhood teaches you that you should just have to learn to ask for help for sure.

SUNNY GAULT:  That you need your mama tribes.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Yes definitely.  Gina thank you so much for joining us today, for more information about Gina and as well as information about any of our panelist please visit our episode page on our website. This conversation continues for members of the Preggie Pals club. After the show Gina Ciayne is going to discuss some helpful tools for nursing in public.

[Theme Music]

CYNTHIA KAIDEN: Hello Preggie Pals, I am Cynthia Kaiden Founder of TRICK MY CRIB NURSERY AND KID'S ROOM DESIGNS, where I help your nursery dreams come true. I am excited to talk to you today about money-saving tips for the baby's room, specifically about saving on the crib.

One of the first steps in designing your baby's room is to know your overall budget and develop a good idea of how much you have to spend on a crib.

Second explore whether you might have the opportunity to receive a hand me down or borrow a crib from someone who isn’t using theirs. Moms love to help other moms to be as a side benefit they get that unused crib out of their home. If you are going to purchase a new crib, shop around. Go to the big baby stores to look, feel and experience the crib hands-on but then go home and shop online.  You would be amazed that you can find online virtually the same crib you fell in love with at the baby stores hundreds less.

Convertible cribs are huge money-savers, if you don't by convertible you should plan on buying a toddler bed in about 2 years and then a big bed in another 2 years.  I think that is a huge waste of resources and really is not necessary. The convertible cribs convert first to a toddler bed and then to a full size bed often with a headboard and footboard that already fits and matches the room, they are great.

Be aware that you can also buy a crib mattress that can convert from infant to toddler just by flipping it over, what a great money saver. I can help you find a perfect crib as part of my flat fee design service please like TRICK MY CRIB on Facebook and visit my page often for decorating ideas.

Thanks for listening to today's money-saving tips and be sure to listen to Preggie Pals for more great pregnancy tips in the future.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Preggie Pals.

Don’t forget to check out our sister show:
• Newbies – For postpartum moms during baby's first year
• Parent Savers for parents with infants and toddlers
• Twin Talks for parents with multiples and
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed

This is Preggie Pals. Your pregnancy, your way!

This has been a New Mommy Media production. The information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. While such information and materials are believed to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical advice or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: How would you like to have your own show on the New Mommy Media network? We're expanding our lineup and looking for great content. If you're a business or organization interested in learning more about our co-branded podcasts, visit our website at

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Episode Transcript

Preggie Pals
Preparing for Breastfeeding


Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: You are pregnant and plan to breastfeed, you have heard the amazing benefits of breastfeeding but you are not sure where to start when preparing for it. Today we are discussing how to prepare for breastfeeding. This is Preggie Pals.

[Theme Music/ Intro]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Welcome to Preggie Pals, Broadcasting from the Birth Education Centre of San Diego. Preggie Pals is your online on the go support group for expecting parents and those hoping to become pregnant. I am your host Stephanie Glover.  We have covered topics for every phase of pregnancy.  Visit our episode guide on our website to scroll through those this topic and listen directly from your computer through iTunes or download our free app available on Android, iTunes and Windows Market Place.

Be sure to check out our new network app where you can listen to all your favourite New Mommy Media shows on the go. Here is Sunny with more information on how to get involved with Preggie Pals.

SUNNY GAULT:  Hi everybody, thanks for been with us today.  So we have different segments on the show that we really love you guys to be part of, we love to hear from our listeners to make the episodes more fun to know you guys are participating in it with us.  So couple of the segments that I want to highlight today, we have a great segment where you can “ask our experts” questions.  So it could be about your pregnancy, you know whatever that is going with you; we would love to know about it.  

We could basically pair that question up with an expert and then we will release that on our future episodes so that other pregnant mammas can learn about it and odds out they have the same questions you do anyways,  it is helpful for anybody everybody.

There is another segment we do that we love and it is called “Pregnancy Oops” This is where we share funny stories of what has happened to us basically during pregnancy.  So if there is anything that you have look back on and you are like oh my gosh, I can’t believe that happened, why don't you share with the world because that is a natural thing to do.

So there is a couple of different ways that you can send it for these segments you can go to our website at  and click on the contact link and submit that way. Or actually, if you want to share the story yourself as suppose to myself reading it or Stephanie reading it you can call Voicemail at 619- 866-4775 and that way you can tell your stories and we will just take that clip and put it on our future episode.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Thank you Sunny, so we are going to go around and introduce ourselves as panelists.  I will start again my name is Stephanie Glover. I host Preggie Pals, I am a mom to 2 daughters, Gretchen is 4, and she was my c-section baby and Lydia is 2 and she was my VBAC. Shannon?

SHANNON:  Hi I am Shannon,  I am 31,  I am a stay-at-home mom to 2  children,  Gabriella is going to be 2 next week and Emerson will be 4 months. I had 2 c-section because I am consistent.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Sheila how about you?

SHEILA GROVE: Hi I am Sheila Grove, I am 34, I have 1 child, a 9-month-old son name [inaudible] and he was a natural hypnobirth in hospital with a midwife.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Awesome!  And Sunny.

SUNNY GAULT:  I have 4 kiddos of my own, my oldest is 5 and he is in Kindergarten,  then I have a 3 year old boy and  then I have an identical twin girls who just turned 2 to last week. So no more babies for me, we are done.  We have enough on our plate.

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: Before we kick off today show we have a news headline that I found out online that I thought was pretty intriguing, hopefully, you guys will think the same.  So is actually been based out of the UK so you kind of have to use your imagination for everyone here that is in the US because it doesn't apply necessarily to us but actually they soundproof some maternity and delivery rooms over in the UK and I kind of want to get your feedback on this, it is an interesting concept for what they are doing in the UK,  it is kind of a sad story, they are you it at a specific maternity unit.  

The reason they are doing it is because there was a family there whose baby was born stillborn and if you kind of wrap your head around this scenario, obviously didn't know that her baby was going to be born stillborn, there is a lot of trauma there.  But she is listening to all these babies being born and happy families and things like that.

Obviously, that can have a pretty big impact on you and so one of the things this family wanted to do was at least start small and start with this one hospital again in the UK and see if they can soundproof some maternity to just give people little bit more privacy because it is true you never know what is going on in the room right next to you and it can have the same effect to of someone that is trying not to freak out about labor and delivery over you know the hypnobirthing and you hear something going on in the next room and it totally throws you off.  It is really hard to concentrate.

So anyways again it is not happening in the US but I want to throw it out there because I understand trust me because you know been in radio and TV and that kind of stuff,  I understand soundproofing and that can be expenses.  But you know I don't know what do you guys think, Stephanie?

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I could see some benefits [inaudible]  ladies before we started recording,  when I arrived to the hospital with my second in  labor with my second child,  I was very vocal and probably a little scary I am sure that others in the hospital who are hoping for peaceful environment would appreciate it.

SHANNON:  My only question would be how are they going to pick which mom goes into what room? Like this mom maybe she had some sort of complication and anything like that and she gets to go into the soundproof room or she was a screamer with her last kid so we are going to put her in the soundproof room. Red ink across the top “screamer”, she goes into the soundproof room. That would be my first question but I think it is a good idea otherwise.

SUNNY GAULT:  And you get all worried like when they . . . they are like I am sorry but we are going to sign you to the soundproof room, you are like “Oh my gosh what is wrong”

SHANNON:   I am going to be louder now, I am going to test the sound.

SUNNY GAULT:  It is a challenge for you.

SHANNON: Exactly!

SUNNY GAULT: I am sure. . .  I am sure they have thought this true.It doesn't the article that it's going to cost €25,000, so not dollars but Euros to fund two soundproofing rooms so it's really expensive.  So Sheila any thoughts in this article?

SHEILA GROVE:  I actually think it is a great idea, we were fortunate when my son was born, we were the only patient in the hospital,  so there wasn't a lot of sound out in the hall but apparently at one point in my delivery I was pretty vocal and nurses were laughing afterward that they had brought [inaudible] as a new employee like through the birthing center while I was being a little [inaudible] I am pretty sure that one guy was extremely traumatized. “Oh my gosh that poor guy”. So in that case that would have been great.

SUNNY GAULT:   Well you know you got to break them in early.  Alright, guys so I will put up a link on our Facebook page so that you guys can check it out.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Today we're discussing how to prepare for breastfeeding. Joining us on the phone Gina Ciayne, Certified Lactation Counselor, mom of 2 breastfed kids and Global Vice President of Healthcare Relations at Lanchino a breastfeeding and accessories company. Welcome to Preggie Pals Gina.

GC: Thank You.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  So once a mother decides that she is going to breastfeed, there are resources to help her prepare while she is pregnant.  Are there classes that she can take?

GC:  Yes,  absolutely and it really good idea to know what to expect so taken in class they are often offered with childbirth classes like labor and delivery. So if you can sign for the breastfeeding classes before the baby comes,  it is great because you know what to expect, you understand sort of how the whole process works.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  So the classes covers what to expect so are they generally like a onetime class Audi go for a few . . .

GC:  It really depends on the hospital that is offering it or the OBGYN office that is offering it.  But I went to 2 days that was a combination of childbirth, labor and delivery and breastfeeding.  And breastfeeding is a segment of it but generally, it is several hours long and again covers what to expect,  what to expect in the early days,  what is going on with your milk,  supply and demand,  all of those sort of basic building blocks of breastfeeding.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Would you recommend that a mom just go on her own or should her partner also attend as well?

GC:  It would be great if her partner goes.  because breastfeeding is normally between moms and babies but there is so much that a partner can do to keep an eye out on baby’s latch, or how good positioning or even grabbing water for mom or she is nursing and just understanding that feeding makes her thirsty,  she needs to stay hydrated.  So just does sort of 2 people thinking about how to triage this very new situation can be you really, really helpful.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Who often teaches the classes, are the nurses or childbirth educators?

GC:  It really depends but it can run through a nurse due to the result of their breastfeeding specialization or a lactation Counselor or consultant, I mean there are a lot of . . . they might start with the childbirth educator or a nurse or midwife during the labor and delivery section and then you know a breastfeeding Counselor or consultant who is doing the breastfeeding section.

But a lot of nurses also get their breastfeeding specialization so a lot of times there is someone who is trained in breastfeeding.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Okay that is awesome.  When would you recommend that a couple take the breastfeeding course or the breastfeeding preparedness class? Is it usually like the middle of pregnancy or more towards the end of their recommended time?

GC: You know the third trimester, like the beginning of the third trimester, so you are not too close to birth.  You are thinking about so many things but that point in time, and really mom's brains are switched to focus on labor and delivery.  So doing it a little bit earlier in your third trimester is helpful,  because you know babies not too far away from coming you are able to sort of thing about the information and absorb it without being in any kind of stress situation like “ Oh my gosh the baby could arrive any day”.

It is important then to follow up when baby actually get here,  there are classes that you can take when you are in the hospital and those could be really helpful because a baby is here and you can actually practice with your baby.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Before they release you into the world. I remember thinking; I just get to take his baby home now really? Now Shannon, did you take any breastfeeding classes?

SHANNON:  I did not take any classes beforehand,  I agree with Gina’s point that it would be helpful to have done that because I was like oh  my grandmother breastfed 6 children,  my mom breastfed me for a while,  I got this and Gabriella got here and I was like “what am I doing”.

SUNNY GAULT:  This is totally different.

SHANNON:  Totally different, it really started coming in until like the 5th or the 6th day.  So I was nursing and they were getting the colostrum, but I had to supplement formula and there was this whole like the stigma attached to having to do that, that I had to deal with.  So if I would have had some classes and that would have been addressed in the class you know I would have felt much better, much, much better.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Gina do they address like what happens after c-section and the difference between birthing methods and breastfeeding classes?

GC:  They do, and that is why it is also good to make contact with the person who is teaching the class.  I mean I didn't know if I was going to have any problems, but I had that [inaudible] and number with me and she said you know let me know when you have a question, there they are  no bad questions, a small situation can turn kind of into a big deal when you know there are people around to help.  

So it is definitely something that they cover especially if you are going to have a c-section. Whatever situation there are people definitely available to help. I mean breastfeeding is natural but it does not recover naturally.  I think that is totally understandable, like your grandma nursed, your mom nursed and everyone is like why can't you just do it.

That is all well and good until you are absolutely exhausted and you do not know what is going on.  So you know . . . I am a breastfeeding educator,  and I called the hotline when I had my childbirth,  I don't know what to do, he won't wake up.  They were like Gina is that you?  I mean you do not know what is up and what is down. I mean it was much earlier on when I was just starting to become a peer counselor, you know you doubt yourself.  

So I think it’s kind of knowing yourself and knowing that there are people to help I think is also . . .  you know and if you got the question many, many, many other moms could have had the same questions. It's kind of buying together in over journey.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Sheila did you attend any breastfeeding classes while you were expected?

SHEILA GROVE:  I did, I was actually maybe over compared I think that is possible because we kind of signed up for everything that the hospital offered.  So we did the childbirth education class where breastfeeding was one of the segments of that class.  We also sign up for the introduction to breastfeeding course that was maybe for couple of hours on a different evening and then do the hypno-baby study course that I did and there was also information about breastfeeding in there.  

I  mean that there was  a lot of overlap and the information that I got between those three classes but I think at the end of the day it helps you know just to reinforce the things that I have learned  and really build my confidence and  my ability to breastfeed.

I think I felt I was prepared as possible and when I was actually you know time to start breastfeeding and there are a lot of things that you don't learn until you actually have a baby in your arms and you are working through it yourself.  I felt like I had a pretty solid background.  I would certainly recommend taken at least one class, I think you know 3 is probably you know little bit overboard but one class for sure will be really helpful.

SUNNY GAULT:  one thing that I have had to that it is helpful to go to a breastfeeding support group which is a little bit different than the actual classes that the hospitals offer simply because you do not know if you are going to need that afterwards and there is a lot that is going on right after you have your baby that trying to find a group afterwards and where is it located and where do I park and simple things like that when you are carrying a newborn baby especially for those who are brand new moms,  they have never been moms before can be overwhelming.  

So I would say in addition to the hospital classes what you can do if you can find a local support group and even go once or twice before just too kind of get the idea of what it is all about could be very helpful.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  That is an awesome tip. Gina are there any additional breastfeeding resources that you would recommend, I mean Sunny brought up an awesome resource, You know anything else that a woman can look for within her community or in her book store.  Any other resources you can recommend?

GC: Yes I mean in the hospital,  if you are having a baby in hospital is a good place to start because a lot of times there are support groups a little gathering,  like I was lucky enough to give birth in a women's hospital which unfortunately now it’s becoming few and far between.  There was this little group at the breastfeeding center in the hospital put together.  So it was in the hospital but in a nice cozy setting with a breastfeeding Counselor right there.  I went there when I was going back to work to talk with moms and they have scaled there so it was very clean and they weigh the baby before and after.

So groups in the hospital can be really helpful but also like in your pediatrician's office, a lot of times they have their bulletin board up there, I mean I used to meet other moms just sitting in the waiting room because you go all the time and you tend to see . . . you get all of similar rotation without the moms.  

But I think bookstores are also very good. Any clip you have like a bulletin board with a community gathering just keep your eyes opened for stuffs like that.  But also ask your friends who have kids and then obviously like for technical breastfeeding stuff like online resources it is important to know that the resources credible like AGV [ph] has a ton of information,  it is very understandable. is an amazing resource, Lanchino has got resources on its website,  so in personal it can be super helpful because you can be with other moms and see the babies and have some special interaction.

So also when you take classes, enquiring there, they often would give a list of resources for you know follow-ups.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: When we come back we will discuss how to prepare for breastfeeding during the postpartum period.  We will be right back.

[Theme Music]

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Welcome back, today we're discussing how to prepare for breastfeeding. Certified Lactation Counselor Gina Ciayne is our expert.  So let's talk about breastfeeding itself, what can a mom expect while establishing breastfeeding, such as you know how long does it take for the milk to come in?

GC: Well it is interesting you know because while a woman is pregnant her body is already preparing the milk.  So if the baby is born at whatever age then the body has the milk in order to help with the baby’s growth and development at that age.  So when the baby is born, the early milk is called colostrums, very thick, very dense, and yellow. It is like the best booster ever, It has so many antibodies, vitamins, new trans Minerals and many other things.  It is very thick and it is not [inaudible].

So moms mature milk will come in at about days 3 or 4,  however if a mom has c-section it could take a little bit longer  and that is something she would be monitoring with her lactation counselor. But when baby is born, it is important to know that the baby’s tummy is about the size of a marble. So when mom has that thick colostrums, it is so dense and so thick and that it fills the baby's little tummy perfectly.

So moms are often thinking “Oh my gosh, I am not gushing out milk right away when baby is born” that is totally normal and that more familiar whitish milk would tend to come in around day three or four. Often you know feel very tingly, breast would start to swell with milk, those are the indications.  So usually on day 3 or 4 and for c-section are around 5 or 6.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: How many times could a mom expect to be nursing the baby in that first week of life?

GC:  It is again important to remember that like babies is so small, so day 1 is about the size of a marble, day 3 is about the size of an egg, maybe a little bit smaller than an egg like the Ping Pong ball and then day 10 it gets bigger to more of you know Ping Pong ball or a small ball not quite a tennis ball. So mom is going to be feeding baby, baby is going to be drinking, digesting the milk because it is made just for them. So really easy to digest and then they are going to deplete that milk out of their little marble tummy and then they got to need it refilled, so very often.

So moms are going to be filled in at least 8 to 10 times during a 24 hour period, I can at least have this underlined because babies really need to be feeding very often because what they are doing his teachings mom’s body how much milk to make. So it is just an incredible supply and demand process so it is usually and it could be every hour and half to two hours, every day their tummy gets bigger, every day that time sort of links in.

But especially in the first week the baby comes out and again it’s natural but it doesn't always come naturally and baby things what am I doing,  my body is thinking what am I doing and so it is that first week is quite an adjustment but it does all sort of slow and fits together.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  How can you describe to someone who hasn't yet breastfed?  What it might feel like?

GC: It is such an interesting . . . I mean my kids are 14 and 11 and I can literally still feel what it was like to breastfeed. It is a combination of feelings like when your milk starts to let down after the baby is latched on, your milk starts to let down because baby’s sucking is signaling to your body to release the milk. And then your milk starts to travel down through these channels and then eventually it comes out and it is this tingling clean feeling, and sometimes tingling can be “oh that is kind of an interesting feeling”.  Other times, tingling can be “oh my gosh just hurry up and get the milk down”.  Because your breasts are generally swollen until your body sort of figures out “Okay how much milk am I making” and it is a good thing to have a lot of milk.  

But your breast can get very tight, they can be hard, I think I am not selling this to scare you [laughing].  Well you sort of get that “Oh that's kind of interesting” and then you are like “no, no, no that is actually not very comfortable”.  The best thing is that they are going to answer for it and the answer is just nurse on demand. I know that sounds really ridiculous and overwhelming but babies are going to tell your body and babies are going to tell you when they are hungry and it is going to be often.

But then they grow and it is not going to be as often and all of this is like a kind of a process and every little role that you see on your baby you are going to know “Okay that is why I am feeding every hour and a half”  and then eventually it gets to every 2 hours. But during that time you can feel very tingly, tight, but the other amazing thing about breastfeeding if you're almost get this like lovely cloud rolling over you and you get this relaxed feeling. It might last for a second, because you are like okay that is free and I still have laundry to do and all that you need to do is get right back to the stress.  But oxytocin is released when you're breastfeeding or when someone touches your skin and you feel so sleepy and it is just an amazing feeling.

That is why a lot of times you get drowsy when you are nursing, baby get drowsy, you get kind of this little . . . so it is this daunting and scariest seen sometimes and I 100% get that, there is so much in me than feeling that comes from it as well. I mean it is something that no one else can replicate.  It is really nice.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: I love that you touch down that fog because I remember we are all in the studio nodding right now, I used to think as if it is like a . . .  it would force me to slow down for those moments because we are always thinking of a to do list or whatever and you're almost sort of couldn't go there mentally, like you would just relax, just space out for a little bit and that was okay as if you needed to.

Panelist I would love to hear from you, were there any surprises with how it felt or the feelings of bonding or whatever?  Any surprises that you just discovered with breastfeeding?

SHANNON:  I was mainly surprised about how painful it was with my nipples, like they needed to like chap and like get hard almost before it was . . . and then they healed and it was fine. I was also surprised that the second time that did not happen, my nipples were good to go.

The other thing I would say that was really awesome that kept me come back  with the inner saying,  because I had planned  with a birth centre birth and then a water birth and it was going to be a nice and idyllic and then my blood pressure spiked  and I ended up in a hospital.  so I was determined to breastfeed,  I was like look this is happening,  I am doing this,  I don't care if it comes out on day 6 or day 7,  I don't care.  The lactation consultant came to the house and she helped me out a lot.

But I was surprised about the high, that once my milk came in and she would nurse, I would be sitting there like “wow, this is amazing there is some rainbows and butterflies”.  I would fall asleep while I was nursing her a lot.  it kept me coming back,  I was like okay I don't feel like feeding her,  I don't want her to be attached to me right now, I pumped you know let her have a bottle.  But I was like wait a second; this is like my one perk right now. I am going to take this.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Sheila how about you?

SHEILA GROVE: I love the way Gina described it because she was kind of able to vocalize some of the differentiation that we initial feel during breastfeeding. I think I was really surprised by that tingling sensation and the first time that my milk came in and that was just a little bit, it wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable and to the point where I needed to get that milk out right that second.  I remember that my son was sleeping, I think he was about 3 or 4 days old but the time he was sleeping and till I was just like running for my pump I hadn't even unpacked it or unwrapped it already,  the instruct sheet or anything,  I was just trying to figure out how to fit it together as quickly as possible to get this milk out.  

Because it was just such an odd sensation and you know now that he is 9 months old I don't really experience the let down sensation as much as I did like in the early days.  So it is kind of a bizarre sensation and to describe. I really thought the way Gina described it was pretty accurate.

SHANNON: I was going to say to your let down point, it is really interesting how different that is for everybody because I remember with Gabriella like “where is my let down,  where is my let down” and I didn't start to feel it until she got a little stronger and I remember she was about 5 months when I was like “what is that pressure” and I was like “that must be my let down”.

I call my mom and I am like “mom I have got pressure” and she is like “that is your letdown, good job”.  I was like “I got a letdown now” you know I was really happy and with Emerson I felt that right away.  I mean he was 10 pound at birth, I was like “how am I going to nourish like you are huge”.

My daughter was 7 pounds and she was a typical breastfeeder like she nursed for an hour and a half, every hour and a half and for 45 minutes so she was constantly on me.  Emerson was a champ, he would nurse for 7 or 8 minutes and then he was done with me for like maybe an hour or two hours

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  I am an efficient mom.

SHANNON:  Exactly!  I have got this down. So it is really, really interesting how different it is and we all as women has this shared experience of mother in our children and breastfeeding and going through labor and then you get the baby home and then it's like everything is completely different for everybody.  That is really, really cool.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Sheila where you're saying something else?

SHEILA GROVE: I was going to that I was also surprised on how much I loved breastfeeding and really from the beginning like even when the nipples are sore and chapped and they still keep coming back for more, it has always been my favorite part of the day just kind of snuggling up with Henry and it is over you know cuddling time together and I really feel like not only does it be nutritionally but emotionally.

It is like we both need that time to just like plug-in with each other and connect and so that even 9 months later that keeps me going and even on the days when and even having a million other things that I need to be doing besides sitting there and breastfeeding it is just that I love it so much.  That was surprising to me.

SUNNY GAULT:  Sheila I love how you said you know plug-in with one another and connect, I had this image like you know how you charge your phone at night, it is like your battery is like on empty,  that was what I was thinking because you know we do that every day and that's how I feel too because I am still breastfeeding my twins who just turned 2,  and it is just so nice I mean they don't have to do it nearly as often anymore.  

They are very efficient,  they only need one like for 5 minutes but that is how I feel too and if I can just say love myself to relax for 5 minutes and just be with them and I do weird stuff to like I smell their hair because they still have the baby smell. But anyway that is how I feel too, I am like an iPhone, I just need to be plugged in and connect with my kids again.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Now Gina is actually on Preggie Pals,  we have covered “creating your postpartum plans”, we have got a whole episode on it but Gina what would some tips be for creating that postpartum breastfeeding plan. We have talked about finding some resources but are there any other tips that you want to share with future breastfeeding mammas to really prepare for that postpartum period.

GC:I think it kind of goes back to knowing what to expect and knowing what the process is and knowing what is contained in that. I mean it really comes back down to those sorts of basics that could really be super helpful especially when you get back home. It is interesting what's my OBGYN said to me and I have heard different reactions but what he said to me,  he said your job that you have chosen for the first 2 weeks when you get home do not do anything.  

He said your job is rejuvenating like trying to catch up on anything you possibly can and then he laughed a lot and I didn't know why. He said your job is eating, hanging out with the baby oftentimes and you are going to realize what I mean by feeding constantly and taking care of yourself and taking care of the baby. Let other people take care of everything else.

You might think you are going to be interested in laundry, like just really it is going to be there and someone else to is looking for a job to do that if they can help you with that. But understanding that this is one of the most important jobs you will have, it does mean that breastfeeding super feeds the important of everything and I am definitely not suggesting that. However your baby is relying on you and you have this breast milk that your body has made specifically for tailor-made for your baby.

So knowing that you are going to be feeding a lot,  a lot of moms like to you know either whether they use an app or whether they write it down the old fashion way you know like how long they have been on the left side? How long they are on the right side? How many diaper changes? And all those things are good to do because you are tracking your recording materials; you are able to give information to your health care provider.  I mean I think having realistic expectations that you know honestly you are probably not going to get a lot of sleep.

But that is okay, I mean you really got to rest when baby rest and then snuggle up and learn how to breastfeed lying down because that is an amazing position that will free your mind like to relax and to breast and try not to be as rigid because baby don't come with an instruction manual unfortunately and they would constantly be changing everything.  So if you are really ridged with a really big plan you just need to kind of go with the flow and if baby needs like 45 minutes ago and she feels hungry well then their little tummy needs to be refilled and they are hungry. So try not to be too regiment that I think is really, really important and ask the crowd.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: Yes, I think motherhood teaches you that you should just have to learn to ask for help for sure.

SUNNY GAULT:  That you need your mama tribes.

STEPHANIE GLOVER:  Yes definitely.  Gina thank you so much for joining us today, for more information about Gina and as well as information about any of our panelist please visit our episode page on our website. This conversation continues for members of the Preggie Pals club. After the show Gina Ciayne is going to discuss some helpful tools for nursing in public.

[Theme Music]

CYNTHIA KAIDEN: Hello Preggie Pals, I am Cynthia Kaiden Founder of TRICK MY CRIB NURSERY AND KID'S ROOM DESIGNS, where I help your nursery dreams come true. I am excited to talk to you today about money-saving tips for the baby's room, specifically about saving on the crib.

One of the first steps in designing your baby's room is to know your overall budget and develop a good idea of how much you have to spend on a crib.

Second explore whether you might have the opportunity to receive a hand me down or borrow a crib from someone who isn’t using theirs. Moms love to help other moms to be as a side benefit they get that unused crib out of their home. If you are going to purchase a new crib, shop around. Go to the big baby stores to look, feel and experience the crib hands-on but then go home and shop online.  You would be amazed that you can find online virtually the same crib you fell in love with at the baby stores hundreds less.

Convertible cribs are huge money-savers, if you don't by convertible you should plan on buying a toddler bed in about 2 years and then a big bed in another 2 years.  I think that is a huge waste of resources and really is not necessary. The convertible cribs convert first to a toddler bed and then to a full size bed often with a headboard and footboard that already fits and matches the room, they are great.

Be aware that you can also buy a crib mattress that can convert from infant to toddler just by flipping it over, what a great money saver. I can help you find a perfect crib as part of my flat fee design service please like TRICK MY CRIB on Facebook and visit my page often for decorating ideas.

Thanks for listening to today's money-saving tips and be sure to listen to Preggie Pals for more great pregnancy tips in the future.

STEPHANIE GLOVER: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Preggie Pals.

Don’t forget to check out our sister show:
• Newbies – For postpartum moms during baby's first year
• Parent Savers for parents with infants and toddlers
• Twin Talks for parents with multiples and
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed

This is Preggie Pals. Your pregnancy, your way!

This has been a New Mommy Media production. The information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. While such information and materials are believed to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical advice or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: How would you like to have your own show on the New Mommy Media network? We're expanding our lineup and looking for great content. If you're a business or organization interested in learning more about our co-branded podcasts, visit our website at

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