Transcript: Partial Breastfeeding: When Supplementation is Needed

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The Boob Group
Partial Breast Feeding: When Supplementation Is Needed

Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.


[Theme Song/Intro]

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : There are times when a new mother, who plans to exclusively breastfeed, needs to provide supplementation for her baby. This can often come as a shock and a disappointment. However, every drop of breast milk that she provides for baby is very valuable.I am Rose deVigne Jackiewiczlactation consultant at the Caiso Permanente outpatient lactation clinic in San Diego, California. Today we will be discussing Partial breast feeding when supplementation is needed. This is the Boob Group, Episode 5.

[Theme Song]

Robin Kaplan : Welcome to the Boob Group broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. I am your host Robin Kaplan. I am also a certified lactation consultant and owner of the San Diego breast feeding center. At the Boob Group we have online support group for all things related to breast feeding. Wondering how you can become involved with our show? Please send us your comments or suggestions through our website or call our Boob Group hotline at 619-866-4775. Also feel free to join our conversation on our Facebook page. Do you love our shows and wanna help support them? How about considering making a donation to the BoobGroup? Any amount is greatly appreciated and if you are feeling especially generous and donate over $50 dollars we will personally thank you on our show. We are all volunteers here and your contribution helps us to pay for operating cost, needed to produce great shows for you week after week. So, today I am joined by three fabulous panelists in our studio. Would you please introduce yourself ladies?

Danielle Lo Presti : Hi, my name is Danielle Lo Prestiand I am 43 years old. I am a musician. I have one child Lucian and he is going to be 9 months tomorrow and he is adopted.

Heidi Runge : My name is Heidi Runge. I am 33 years. I am a Paralegal. I have one boy he turned 4 months old yesterday.

Cassidy Freitas : My name is Cassidy and I am 26 years old. I am an urgent family therapist intern. And I have one daughter 7 months old now. Her name is Rylie.

[Theme Song]
[Featured Segment: Overcoming Societal Booby Traps]

Robin Kaplan : Before we get started with today’s topic, here is Lara Audelotalking about ways to overcome societal booby traps.Lara Audelo : Hi, Boob Group listeners, I am LaraAudelo a certified lactation educator, regional Marketing Manager at Best for Babes and the owner of Mama Pear Designs. I am here to answer some of your most common questions about how you can achieve your personal breast feeding goals without being undermined by cultural and institutional Booby traps such as, how can I plan for breast feeding before birth? Pregnancy is the time when we are very likely to encounter institutional booby trap. Socially,there is a lot you can do to give your best your best chances in meeting your breast feeding goals and beating those booby traps. Here is the checklist multiple ways based on powerful research about what support and what sabotages breastfeeding during the prenatal period. We hope you can use it to beat the booby traps in your pregnancies. First, choose a prenatal care provider who has the knowledge about breast feeding and follows the academy of breastfeeding medicines protocol. Second, choose a prenatal care provider who will talk about breastfeeding during your visit. Third, choose a prenatal care provider who doesn’t distribute formula company samples or literature. Fourth, consider using a midwife, the midwife model of care or if you have an OB consider hiring a doula. Fifth, plan for breast feeding friendly birth. Have a doula or other support person present. Learn about non drug and pain relief techniques along with your OB or midwife at hospital induction epidural and C section needs. Sixth, take a great breast feeding class and seventh, read a great breastfeeding book. A special thank you to Tanya Weederman IBCOC providing the Booby traps series for Best for Babe. Visit for more great information about how to meet your breastfeeding goals and my business,https://https://www.mamapeardesigns.comfor breastfeeding support. And be sure to listen to the Boob Group for fantastic conversations about breast feeding and breastfeeding support.

[Theme Song]

Robin Kaplan : Today on the Boob Group we are discussing Partial Breast feeding when supplementation is needed. It is important for the listeners to know that here at New Mommy Media we completely support hook hood which means that we will not market or advertise breast milk substitutes. However, today we will be discussing products that will help to assist those mothers who needs to supplement for their babies. Our expert Rose deVigne Jackiewiczis been an international board certified lactation consultant since 1984 and she runs the Outpatient Lactation clinic at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. Rose, welcome to the show and thanks for joining us.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Thank you so much and I am happy to be here.

Robin Kaplan : So, Rose what are the few reasons why a breastfeeding mom might need to provide supplement nutrition for her baby?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Well, there could be actually several reasons immediately after delivery if there is any kind of medical complications, if the baby has low blood sugar and is too sleepy to nurse sometimes there needed supplement, supplementation is needed to help to bring the blood sugar up. Sometimes babies get jaundice and depending on how high the jaundice levels are they may need an additional supplementation to help treat the jaundice. Pre matured babies or new term babies are sometimes very tired, very sleepy and they don’t suck very well. And therefore, they may need additional supplementation until they get bigger and stronger. In the case of baby that has lost too much weight and they may need some additional supplementation as well. After hospital discharge there could be again a baby who has poor weight gain and this could be related to pre mature, new term baby that’s just not quite nursing vigorous enough and not getting enough milk in. Occasionally, we will see moms like with low milk supply for variety of reasons and babies may need to have some additional supplementation for this reason as well.

Robin Kaplan : Okay, So panelists can you share a little about why you need to supplement your breast fed baby?

Heidi Runge : Sure, we found out that my milk never fully came in. We tried breast feeding at the hospital and his weight kept decreasing he was down. He was born 8 pounds 9 ounces when we left the hospital he was 8 pounds 1 ounce. The next day when we went to the doctor he was 7 pounds 10 ounces and we needed to supplement because my milk had not yet come in and we waited and waited my milk never came in. I think it’s due to several issues. I think when you are first time you are busy stressed, you forget to eat, you forget to drink water or you forget all these things that you don’t necessarily think or associate with breast milk and how important it is to getting that to come in. So, that was kind of what I learned that I needed to have supplement and gonna come to terms with that I guess.

Robin Kaplan : Thank you Heidi, how about you Danielle?

Danielle Lo Presti : I am an adoptive mom and actually didn’t even find out that I could breastfeed until week after he was born I think it was. I just always assumed that I would have to load my body up with drugs in order to make it happen and so I just didn’t even allow myself to think about it because why would I wanna pass all those drugs on to my baby. And it was just in passing a fellow musician actually mentioned breast feeding so many times that I told him “he could do the research for me” which he did and I found that it was totally possible to do largely with herbal supplementation and pumping. And so I found Robin, actually I found two lactation consultants and one was very curt on the phone and cold and the other was Robin. And that was it, my choice was made. I knew I needed someone lovely and cozy and sweet because I knew this was gonna be hard. I just knew it. I didn’t have the in utero experience or any of that I wasgonna ask my little boobies to do a lot. So, I needed someone amazing and you were amazing and we just started kind of figuring this out together. It just happened to be when I called you for the first time at a conference for adoptive mothers who wanted to breast feed, right?

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, well we were fortunate in San Diego to have the international lactation consultant association conference here this past summer and one of the posters that was there was this women Lenore Goldfarb who has been studying induce lactation for how long, 20 years?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : At least, at least.

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, and so she happened to be presenting there so I walked to her and said “I have someone that I would like to discuss with you” And she was really, really helpful I mean even you were able to contact her as well, weren’t you Danielle?

Danielle Lo Presti : Yeah, I did contact her as well. So,

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, great resource for moms who are inducing lactation.

Danielle Lo Presti : Yeah, I mean at this point , he was given formula from the moment he was born and so we really were late in introducing the boob to him but he did it.

Robin Kaplan : He is a genius.

Danielle Lo Presti : He did it, yeah he did it. So we were supplementing all along. Yeah, so breast milk and formula for him but it has been amazing.


Robin Kaplan : Rose, what type of supplementations or supplements can moms offer in addition to her breast milk?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Well, mother’s own breast milk is always the number 1 choice. In fact, the world health organization says “donor breast milk” is should be number 2 choice. We don’t have a lot of donor breast milk available. We do in some of the hospitals foryour really sick preemies but it is kind of expensive but it is awesome. And right now if you don’t have enough of your own milk or if we don’t have donor milk then the formula or the current term is artificial baby milk is available to supplement babies. And I know when I use the term supplementation I don’t automatically assume it’s going to be formula. Our goal is to always supplement with mom’s milk first and then if we need to we can go to the best formula that the baby may need.

Robin Kaplan : And how would a mom decide on which ones to use?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Well, that’s also a very good question. I think there are lots of different formulas out there and it’s just like when you go to the doctor you have to be put on a medicine the one of the first things he will ask you “do you have any allergies to medicines?” Well, I ask the same question when a baby needs to have a formula supplement. Does your family have any allergies to corn, eggs, milk, wheat, peanuts because if there is a strong milk allergy then may be a milk based formula may not be the best choice? So, based on mom’s family and dad’s family history that’s the way to pick the appropriate supplementation whether it be a soyaelementary formula or milk based formula.

Robin Kaplan : It will never be similar also for a mom who is gonna use donor milk as well if the mom has an allergy to dairy for example,

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Absolutely.

Robin Kaplan : Showing that may be the donor milk of a mom was on a dairy based diet then that wouldn’t be the best?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Absolutely, that’s a very good question because I have a mom right now whose friend is not making enough and she has one or two quart jars and she pumps every day to give it to her friend. And the same question is allergies to foods, medicines or you on anywhere for regular medicines because there are criteria for donating milk when you donate it to the milk bank. So, we want to maintain those same criteria to make sure that you are not getting milk that might have something that could bother your baby. But, yes absolutely.

Robin Kaplan : Okay, Ladies what type of ways did you supplement your babies?

Heidi Runge : I initially started with, I guess the supplementing nursing system in using formula. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a pump or encouraged to pump at the hospital which I think in high side would have been really beneficial. I didn’t start that probably and so maybe he was a week older or 6 days which I think it would have very helpful in helping my milk comes in. But I think I didn’t realize the importance and wasn’t really kind of told the importance I think really until Robin told me that it would be helpful. So, it was basically supplemental nursing system with feeding to or not feeding to but to and also I was using a nipple shield so it was going through that. And then I did start pumping as well to supplement and that was very little that would come out initially which is kind of discouraging. So, you just had a kind of like, I just had to work through that and just be like “Okay, I got this much today. Let’s see how much I get in, let’s start drinking my water, let’s, you know, do whatever I can to eat enough today to be able to pump in milk.” So,

Robin Kaplan : That’s terrific advice.

Heidi Runge : Yeah, it’s just daily like rechecking one day it could be great and then the next day it could be not so great. And so every day I think it just changed on how much I was able to get.

Danielle Lo Presti: We had to teach him how to go to the breast obviously because we started so late with him. So you had us use, I guess that’s the term for the syringe and tube the supplemental nursing system is that what it is?

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, it’s kind of a make shift one.

Danielle Lo Presti: So, alright make shift and it’s a ton of work. It just requires an absolute determination because every single time you are done with that syringe you got to wash that thing and you’ve got to, it’s a lot. And the tube you know has to be taped to your boob just so and you got to get the tube into his mouth with the nipples as well. It’s all so a lot but it worked, it worked you know so and you have got to help him along. We had to help him a lot. We had to really push that, the syringe quite a bit and then whenever anyone else feeds him he had to be fed with a finger and the tube on the finger. But you know when I think back to how much work it was, I have to say it was just worth every single bit of it. He went through, you know, a lot of peaks and valleys in that process but,you know, it was always the breast milk and the formula with the feeding system. And eventually he got to the place where we could give him the bottle with the formula and then we could give him the breast for the breast milk and he was fine with either. Oh! That was after we found the breast milk bottle. That was a big help for us called something like a breast flow bottle and it is harder. It doesn’t come out as fast. It replicates the feel of the breast more and it really helped a lot.


Robin Kaplan : Okay, actually the question for some other panelists is how are your partners able to support you in all that?

Danielle Lo Presti : I think for me was the finger feeding. My husband was definitely he wanted to be involved and he kind of took it upon himself to learn how to finger feed so that he could help me in any way so that he would take the syringe and he would have the tube and he would have it on his finger so that he could help me because you know you get tired, you get frustrated you know anything that I would pump and he would finger feed. So, that way I would try to stimulate as much as I could because there is latching issues as well. So, luckily I was very fortunate in having someone who really, really wanted to be involved but he would definitely do the finger feeding. And then also when we introduced a bottle at 4 weeks he was also trying to do that so that he could get some time with him as well and share in that. So, he was definitely involved and that was good.

Robin Kaplan : Will be right back.

[Theme Song]

Robin Kaplan : Okay, so we are back. Rose can you show the different ways that supplements can be given to breast feeding babies?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Sure, there is definitely several options. One of my favorites is obviously if the baby is able latch on, being able to supplement him at the breast so it’s just one feeding and the baby begins to associate all this extra milk is from the breast. However sometimes babies aren’t able to latch on or they don’t latch very well. So, we have already mentioned finger feeding, finger feeding is an option, cup feeding and bottle feeding with a nipple that mimics a little bit of what the breast is areoptions or it could be a combination of all of these. The key is that the mom needs to decide what is gonna work for her. I may have preferences for lactation consultant butI’m not necessarily going home with her. So, I think sharing with moms here are several ways of doing it what’s gonna work best for you and it maybe a combination of each of these or two of them that is whatever is gonna work best for mom and baby.

Robin Kaplan : Ladies, you were describing just you know the ups and downs of the emotional component of breast feeding and needing to supplement. How important was it to you? I mean obviously it important but can you describe a little bit what helped you to perceive to the point that you are right now to continue this breast feeding relationship with your child?

Heidi Runge : I kind of just came up with daily goals really. Especially at the beginning I just kept telling myself “Okay, one more day, one more day” and then make it to the end of the week. And then I had “Okay, let’s make it to 2 months, let’s make it to 3 months” I made it to 4 months now and then you know next goal is 6 months and you just have to kind of keep coaxing yourself along and giving yourself you know small goals that are attainable. If you start of and you have problems like I need to make to 6 months it seems so far away when you are that early on. I remember, you know, talking and reaching out to someone like my baby is crying and then when does things get better? Oh! It’s 5 weeks” And I am like I am at 5 days so it just seems so far away. So, like you just need small attainable goals I think just keep working towards them.

Robin Kaplan : That’s a great adviceHeidi, how about you Danielle?

Danielle Lo Presti : You know, everything you hear about how powerful breast milk is and how powerful that bond is it can work against you because it can add pressure but it can also workfor you in that if you can lighten up on yourself a little bit you realize that every drop is a gift and you realize that you are going that anything you produce is better than nothing and so you just start from that. You start from the most humble tiny beginning and you know what I often will tell people in a situation where they are frustrated and struggling is talk to yourself like you are a baby like “It’s Okay you can do this” like “I know this is so hard but you know it we can do it, we can do this, we can do this” And I do that, I will do that if I am not frustrated I will do that with myself really making ceremony out of this. So, what we would do is after bath time we would put on, actually for me it was a lullaby cd that I made over 7 years ago for my sister, it took that long for me to play it for my own child. And we would play that and we would light the room dimly or light candles and we do massage time after bathing naked both of us and then we would breast feed or we would snuggle. And just really like being aware that this time is gonna go by in a blink of an eye and just constantly, constantly reminding ourselves how precious it is so that you just feel like every day you are even with the struggles and frustrations every day you’reliving this little dream, this beautiful child is here in your arms and you are gonna get whatever bonding you can get whether he is latching well or not you are gonna get this beautiful moment now with your child. So, you kind of start rewarding yourself each day with those moments by making yourself stay conscious about what a miracle it is to have this beautiful baby in your arms.


Robin Kaplan : Rose, for moms to continue to increase their supply when they need to start supplementing what message do you offer as advice to them?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : One again, if at all possible try to supplement the breast because it’s mom and baby together. If that’s not possible, if that’s not working well,more kangaroo care, lots of skin to skin in between feedings, have dad, have your partner, have grandma, have somebody else do the bottles or the alternative feeding methods. So, that cause you are busy doing the possibly pumping and the breast feeding and then comfort nursing. Comfort nursing is baby nurses at the breast just for comfort we have called it incubreast nursing or pacifier but it’s basically comfort nursing and those are always an option no matter how much or how little milk you make.

Robin Kaplan : And what type of supplements would you recommend for the mom?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Okay, there is different types of supplements for a mom a lot of it is really based on her history, her health history common herbal ones like Fenugreek is one of the more common ones. It is a spice that comes from India and it is used to flavor maple syrup but the side effect is more milk supply. So, it is a cousin to the peanut and has a potential to lower blood sugar and you wanna make sure that you candidate for it. There’s other prescription type medicines that are also used Regulan, Motilium ordomperidone- things like that but you definitely want to work with a lactation consultant then your physician an one on one to make sure that there is no contra indications for any of those medicines or even herbs for helping to increase your milk supply. Pumping, additional pumping is always a great additional thing. If babies are not doing his part then the next best is a good breast pump to stimulate the breast. So, the breasts think the babies are nursing great and will start making more milk.

Robin Kaplan : Have you, so the panelists have any of you tried any other methods as well to help increase your supply at any point?

Heidi Runge : I have tried Fenugreek and also the Motiliumon both of those. I think I had more success with the Fenugreek without side effects but I think always that conjunction with I can stress enough just drinking enough water. If you like you should be pumping or feeding just having like 8 glasses of water every time because,

Robin Kaplan : Did you find any difference when you didn’t have as much water?

Heidi Runge : Yeah, definitely so less supply I would pump and Asher would feed less on me as well so water I will always carry with me.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : It is interesting too because if somebody is into research and they read some of the current literature there is a research that says increasing your fluids doesn’t increase milk supply. However how many of us actually get the fluids we need in a day because most women that do increase their fluids notice an increase but that’s part because they weren’t drinking when they should have been drinking anyway. So,

Danielle Lo Presti : I have a couple, I heard but I can’t do this because it makes me too tired can’t but a beer a day,there are some people who would swear by that. rye bread which I totally do there is that barley,

Robin Kaplan : Barley wheat grass?

Danielle Lo Presti : Yeah, barley wheat grass, thank you put in your water. I went from being a vegetarian to eating meat and I totally feel like I couldn’t even keep from doing it that was craving me. And I planned to go back when I am done but I did that and Acupuncture which you referred me to Acupuncturist and she is amazing. And I really feel that has been an extra help, really, really feel that has been helpful.


Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Along that line I had oat meal. Oat meal is awesome. From the beer stand point it is usually the ducker beer the guiness which lot of people don’t like but apparently the non-alcoholic beer will do the same thing.

Danielle Lo Presti : Really?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Yes, many women had taken brewer’s yeast. Yes, if you like oat meal, oat meal cookies! Woohoo!

Heidi Runge: I ate many in the name of Asher!

Cassidy Freitas : I think for me when my supply drops or increases I really look back on the stress you know was I really stressed out that week or a day? And when I took the time to slow down may be go get a massage may be you know cooks my partner in giving me a massage or spending just a quality time with my daughter skin to skin and just kind of slowing down my supply seemed up itself. So, it is sort of a natural way for me and when I look back I really pin point the time when my supply was down I was more stressed out.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Absolutely or sick.

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, absolutely so obviously with what Dan and Heidi were talking about the need for supplementation obviously breast feeding does not have to be all or nothing and I would imagine that you would definitely agree with that so continuing Rose, what do you say to mom who come to you who are needing a supplement and feeling like they are not breast feeding moms because they need to offer something other than their breast milk in addition for their baby to continue to gain weight?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : You guys have worded so much of it so nicely but to reassure mom that much of it is not really her fault sometimes it’s the baby that you know if it’s a medical condition, if it’s a preemie, if it’s a jaundice ley’s get through this let’s get this treated but then we are showing moms that she is doing that absolutely what she needs to do she is being the best mom. And of course we read lots of books that say everybody breast feeds and you know if you are a woman and you have got breast of course you can breast feed and make milk. Well, I you know years and years ago I still kind of formulating how I listened to a physician Dr. Marianne Neifert who is the author of couple of baby books but she is a Pediatrician in Denver and she has said you know every part of our body has a failure rate. Why it is just because I am a women my breasts are supposed work on 100% every time and that needs so much sense that on occasion you know there are times where a mom may be a low volume producer but she is still producing some milk any amount of milk is absolutely gonna benefit your baby. So, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing it can be a combo for as long as you choose it to and yes I have had women who go for who can make enough milk but that is not worth it. Well, that’s not necessarily the case any milk is gonna benefit you know if I can’t run a marathon that’s not worth it to exercise.

Danielle Lo Presti : That’s a great, great example I couldn’t agree more with that. So, people have hard time I think appreciating ambiguity. This all or nothing is so much easier, right? It is not true at all there is a million shades of color in between black and white and also you know there is that thing we like to do if it’s not happening you, you are the only one standing in the way of it, that’s not true. There could be a million different reasons for not happening for you the way you thought it would. There could be all kinds of gifts here in this process. But you are not gonna get there if you can’t honor where you are at you know honor where you are at.

Heidi Runge : I am just kind of accepting that you know may be you can’t be a full time mom breast feeding but that’s okay. You may have a plan how you wanna things to go but it’s not gonna go that way from someone who is a control freak. And it’s okay you have to just let go and accept like okay this is the amount that I could produce today and that’s okay. And just keep on with it and just know that whatever you do is over and over again is good and enough.

Cassidy Freitas : I think this is all a really great lesson for parenthood to that you are never gonna be the perfect parent now and there is no such thing as the perfect breast feeding mom. There is gonna be bums you are gonna make mistakes it’s gonna be hard at times and all you really need to do is be just good enough and that’s all we need you to do.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Which is why I just think working with lactation consultants in situations like this because often I have people go well. What happened 200 years ago or 100 years well you had your mother, your aunt, your sister everybody breast fed you didn’t need a lactation consultant. Today, it’s a little bit different families aren’t together we haven’t seen babies breast feed many women growing up and so it’s kind of an lost art. So, the lactation consultant is very, very special and very valuable in helping you to recognize what your potentials are and how effects it? As well and working on reducing the amount of supplements and many women are able to get off this supplement. If they can great but there is a few moms and babies that still needs supplement but that’s okay you are still being the absolute best mom giving your baby the best that you can give him.


Robin Kaplan : Absolutely, absolutely well thank you so much Rose for your insight into Partial breast feeding: when supplementation is needed and thank you panelists for sharing your stories as well.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Thank you.

[Theme Song]
[Featured Segment: The Best Online Breastfeeding Resources]

Robin Kaplan : Before we wrap things up here is Amber McCann talking about the best online breast feeding resources.

Amber McCann : Hello, boob group listeners I am Amber McCann an International Board Certified Lactation consultant and owner of Nourish Breast Feeding Support just outside of Washington D.C. I am here to answer some of your common questions when it comes for finding quality breast feeding resources online such as what about Pinterest? Can I learn about breast feeding there? If you are on Pinterest, you know what an absolutely delightfully time sucking endeavor it can be. I have got boards for redecorating my house, craft projects that I’ll probably never get to, brownies that contain 600 calories each and inspirational quotes about how to get my back side in gear and exercise more. Well, one of my favorite board is called breast feeding vision board started by LaraAudelo of Mama Pear Designs. This board has 59 contributors and over 175 tints and growing every day. You can find it at just enter breast feeding vision board in the search box and look for Lara’s name. On the board you will find pins with excellent information, helpful products and brilliant ideas like a “momsicle” made out of frozen breast milk to help really teething pain. And my very favorite incredibly inspirational photos of mother’s breast feeding their little ones it’s like one oxytocin rush! Check it out at .Hey the Boob Group also has a great interest paid also along with their sister shows Preggie Pals and Parent Savers check it out at Thanks for listening. I am Amber McCann and I would love if you check out my website at for information on my business and a little bit more about where to get connected with the great online breast feeding support or join me on my Facebook page https:// And if you have a great online breast feeding resource that you would like us to know about please send an e-mail to or share it on the Boob group facebook page. Make sure you listen to the Boob group each week for more fantastic conversations about breast feeding and how to find great breast feeding support.

Robin Kaplan : Thank you to all of our listeners I hope you visit our website and our Facebook page to offer your personal stories about breast feeding. If you have any questions about today’s show or on the topics we discussed call our boob group hotline at 619-866-4775 and we will answer your question in our upcoming episode. If you have a breast feeding topic that you would like to discuss we would love to hear it simply visit our website, and send us an email through the contact link. Coming up next week we will be discussing Vitamin supplements for the breast fed babies. Thanks for listening to the Boob Group because mothers know breasts.

This is a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Suggestions and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. For such information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing any healthcare problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby get assistance from a qualified health care provider.

[00:34:33] End of Audio

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Episode Transcript

The Boob Group
Partial Breast Feeding: When Supplementation Is Needed

Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.


[Theme Song/Intro]

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : There are times when a new mother, who plans to exclusively breastfeed, needs to provide supplementation for her baby. This can often come as a shock and a disappointment. However, every drop of breast milk that she provides for baby is very valuable.I am Rose deVigne Jackiewiczlactation consultant at the Caiso Permanente outpatient lactation clinic in San Diego, California. Today we will be discussing Partial breast feeding when supplementation is needed. This is the Boob Group, Episode 5.

[Theme Song]

Robin Kaplan : Welcome to the Boob Group broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. I am your host Robin Kaplan. I am also a certified lactation consultant and owner of the San Diego breast feeding center. At the Boob Group we have online support group for all things related to breast feeding. Wondering how you can become involved with our show? Please send us your comments or suggestions through our website or call our Boob Group hotline at 619-866-4775. Also feel free to join our conversation on our Facebook page. Do you love our shows and wanna help support them? How about considering making a donation to the BoobGroup? Any amount is greatly appreciated and if you are feeling especially generous and donate over $50 dollars we will personally thank you on our show. We are all volunteers here and your contribution helps us to pay for operating cost, needed to produce great shows for you week after week. So, today I am joined by three fabulous panelists in our studio. Would you please introduce yourself ladies?

Danielle Lo Presti : Hi, my name is Danielle Lo Prestiand I am 43 years old. I am a musician. I have one child Lucian and he is going to be 9 months tomorrow and he is adopted.

Heidi Runge : My name is Heidi Runge. I am 33 years. I am a Paralegal. I have one boy he turned 4 months old yesterday.

Cassidy Freitas : My name is Cassidy and I am 26 years old. I am an urgent family therapist intern. And I have one daughter 7 months old now. Her name is Rylie.

[Theme Song]
[Featured Segment: Overcoming Societal Booby Traps]

Robin Kaplan : Before we get started with today’s topic, here is Lara Audelotalking about ways to overcome societal booby traps.Lara Audelo : Hi, Boob Group listeners, I am LaraAudelo a certified lactation educator, regional Marketing Manager at Best for Babes and the owner of Mama Pear Designs. I am here to answer some of your most common questions about how you can achieve your personal breast feeding goals without being undermined by cultural and institutional Booby traps such as, how can I plan for breast feeding before birth? Pregnancy is the time when we are very likely to encounter institutional booby trap. Socially,there is a lot you can do to give your best your best chances in meeting your breast feeding goals and beating those booby traps. Here is the checklist multiple ways based on powerful research about what support and what sabotages breastfeeding during the prenatal period. We hope you can use it to beat the booby traps in your pregnancies. First, choose a prenatal care provider who has the knowledge about breast feeding and follows the academy of breastfeeding medicines protocol. Second, choose a prenatal care provider who will talk about breastfeeding during your visit. Third, choose a prenatal care provider who doesn’t distribute formula company samples or literature. Fourth, consider using a midwife, the midwife model of care or if you have an OB consider hiring a doula. Fifth, plan for breast feeding friendly birth. Have a doula or other support person present. Learn about non drug and pain relief techniques along with your OB or midwife at hospital induction epidural and C section needs. Sixth, take a great breast feeding class and seventh, read a great breastfeeding book. A special thank you to Tanya Weederman IBCOC providing the Booby traps series for Best for Babe. Visit for more great information about how to meet your breastfeeding goals and my business,https://https://www.mamapeardesigns.comfor breastfeeding support. And be sure to listen to the Boob Group for fantastic conversations about breast feeding and breastfeeding support.

[Theme Song]

Robin Kaplan : Today on the Boob Group we are discussing Partial Breast feeding when supplementation is needed. It is important for the listeners to know that here at New Mommy Media we completely support hook hood which means that we will not market or advertise breast milk substitutes. However, today we will be discussing products that will help to assist those mothers who needs to supplement for their babies. Our expert Rose deVigne Jackiewiczis been an international board certified lactation consultant since 1984 and she runs the Outpatient Lactation clinic at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego. Rose, welcome to the show and thanks for joining us.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Thank you so much and I am happy to be here.

Robin Kaplan : So, Rose what are the few reasons why a breastfeeding mom might need to provide supplement nutrition for her baby?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Well, there could be actually several reasons immediately after delivery if there is any kind of medical complications, if the baby has low blood sugar and is too sleepy to nurse sometimes there needed supplement, supplementation is needed to help to bring the blood sugar up. Sometimes babies get jaundice and depending on how high the jaundice levels are they may need an additional supplementation to help treat the jaundice. Pre matured babies or new term babies are sometimes very tired, very sleepy and they don’t suck very well. And therefore, they may need additional supplementation until they get bigger and stronger. In the case of baby that has lost too much weight and they may need some additional supplementation as well. After hospital discharge there could be again a baby who has poor weight gain and this could be related to pre mature, new term baby that’s just not quite nursing vigorous enough and not getting enough milk in. Occasionally, we will see moms like with low milk supply for variety of reasons and babies may need to have some additional supplementation for this reason as well.

Robin Kaplan : Okay, So panelists can you share a little about why you need to supplement your breast fed baby?

Heidi Runge : Sure, we found out that my milk never fully came in. We tried breast feeding at the hospital and his weight kept decreasing he was down. He was born 8 pounds 9 ounces when we left the hospital he was 8 pounds 1 ounce. The next day when we went to the doctor he was 7 pounds 10 ounces and we needed to supplement because my milk had not yet come in and we waited and waited my milk never came in. I think it’s due to several issues. I think when you are first time you are busy stressed, you forget to eat, you forget to drink water or you forget all these things that you don’t necessarily think or associate with breast milk and how important it is to getting that to come in. So, that was kind of what I learned that I needed to have supplement and gonna come to terms with that I guess.

Robin Kaplan : Thank you Heidi, how about you Danielle?

Danielle Lo Presti : I am an adoptive mom and actually didn’t even find out that I could breastfeed until week after he was born I think it was. I just always assumed that I would have to load my body up with drugs in order to make it happen and so I just didn’t even allow myself to think about it because why would I wanna pass all those drugs on to my baby. And it was just in passing a fellow musician actually mentioned breast feeding so many times that I told him “he could do the research for me” which he did and I found that it was totally possible to do largely with herbal supplementation and pumping. And so I found Robin, actually I found two lactation consultants and one was very curt on the phone and cold and the other was Robin. And that was it, my choice was made. I knew I needed someone lovely and cozy and sweet because I knew this was gonna be hard. I just knew it. I didn’t have the in utero experience or any of that I wasgonna ask my little boobies to do a lot. So, I needed someone amazing and you were amazing and we just started kind of figuring this out together. It just happened to be when I called you for the first time at a conference for adoptive mothers who wanted to breast feed, right?

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, well we were fortunate in San Diego to have the international lactation consultant association conference here this past summer and one of the posters that was there was this women Lenore Goldfarb who has been studying induce lactation for how long, 20 years?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : At least, at least.

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, and so she happened to be presenting there so I walked to her and said “I have someone that I would like to discuss with you” And she was really, really helpful I mean even you were able to contact her as well, weren’t you Danielle?

Danielle Lo Presti : Yeah, I did contact her as well. So,

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, great resource for moms who are inducing lactation.

Danielle Lo Presti : Yeah, I mean at this point , he was given formula from the moment he was born and so we really were late in introducing the boob to him but he did it.

Robin Kaplan : He is a genius.

Danielle Lo Presti : He did it, yeah he did it. So we were supplementing all along. Yeah, so breast milk and formula for him but it has been amazing.


Robin Kaplan : Rose, what type of supplementations or supplements can moms offer in addition to her breast milk?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Well, mother’s own breast milk is always the number 1 choice. In fact, the world health organization says “donor breast milk” is should be number 2 choice. We don’t have a lot of donor breast milk available. We do in some of the hospitals foryour really sick preemies but it is kind of expensive but it is awesome. And right now if you don’t have enough of your own milk or if we don’t have donor milk then the formula or the current term is artificial baby milk is available to supplement babies. And I know when I use the term supplementation I don’t automatically assume it’s going to be formula. Our goal is to always supplement with mom’s milk first and then if we need to we can go to the best formula that the baby may need.

Robin Kaplan : And how would a mom decide on which ones to use?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Well, that’s also a very good question. I think there are lots of different formulas out there and it’s just like when you go to the doctor you have to be put on a medicine the one of the first things he will ask you “do you have any allergies to medicines?” Well, I ask the same question when a baby needs to have a formula supplement. Does your family have any allergies to corn, eggs, milk, wheat, peanuts because if there is a strong milk allergy then may be a milk based formula may not be the best choice? So, based on mom’s family and dad’s family history that’s the way to pick the appropriate supplementation whether it be a soyaelementary formula or milk based formula.

Robin Kaplan : It will never be similar also for a mom who is gonna use donor milk as well if the mom has an allergy to dairy for example,

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Absolutely.

Robin Kaplan : Showing that may be the donor milk of a mom was on a dairy based diet then that wouldn’t be the best?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Absolutely, that’s a very good question because I have a mom right now whose friend is not making enough and she has one or two quart jars and she pumps every day to give it to her friend. And the same question is allergies to foods, medicines or you on anywhere for regular medicines because there are criteria for donating milk when you donate it to the milk bank. So, we want to maintain those same criteria to make sure that you are not getting milk that might have something that could bother your baby. But, yes absolutely.

Robin Kaplan : Okay, Ladies what type of ways did you supplement your babies?

Heidi Runge : I initially started with, I guess the supplementing nursing system in using formula. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a pump or encouraged to pump at the hospital which I think in high side would have been really beneficial. I didn’t start that probably and so maybe he was a week older or 6 days which I think it would have very helpful in helping my milk comes in. But I think I didn’t realize the importance and wasn’t really kind of told the importance I think really until Robin told me that it would be helpful. So, it was basically supplemental nursing system with feeding to or not feeding to but to and also I was using a nipple shield so it was going through that. And then I did start pumping as well to supplement and that was very little that would come out initially which is kind of discouraging. So, you just had a kind of like, I just had to work through that and just be like “Okay, I got this much today. Let’s see how much I get in, let’s start drinking my water, let’s, you know, do whatever I can to eat enough today to be able to pump in milk.” So,

Robin Kaplan : That’s terrific advice.

Heidi Runge : Yeah, it’s just daily like rechecking one day it could be great and then the next day it could be not so great. And so every day I think it just changed on how much I was able to get.

Danielle Lo Presti: We had to teach him how to go to the breast obviously because we started so late with him. So you had us use, I guess that’s the term for the syringe and tube the supplemental nursing system is that what it is?

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, it’s kind of a make shift one.

Danielle Lo Presti: So, alright make shift and it’s a ton of work. It just requires an absolute determination because every single time you are done with that syringe you got to wash that thing and you’ve got to, it’s a lot. And the tube you know has to be taped to your boob just so and you got to get the tube into his mouth with the nipples as well. It’s all so a lot but it worked, it worked you know so and you have got to help him along. We had to help him a lot. We had to really push that, the syringe quite a bit and then whenever anyone else feeds him he had to be fed with a finger and the tube on the finger. But you know when I think back to how much work it was, I have to say it was just worth every single bit of it. He went through, you know, a lot of peaks and valleys in that process but,you know, it was always the breast milk and the formula with the feeding system. And eventually he got to the place where we could give him the bottle with the formula and then we could give him the breast for the breast milk and he was fine with either. Oh! That was after we found the breast milk bottle. That was a big help for us called something like a breast flow bottle and it is harder. It doesn’t come out as fast. It replicates the feel of the breast more and it really helped a lot.


Robin Kaplan : Okay, actually the question for some other panelists is how are your partners able to support you in all that?

Danielle Lo Presti : I think for me was the finger feeding. My husband was definitely he wanted to be involved and he kind of took it upon himself to learn how to finger feed so that he could help me in any way so that he would take the syringe and he would have the tube and he would have it on his finger so that he could help me because you know you get tired, you get frustrated you know anything that I would pump and he would finger feed. So, that way I would try to stimulate as much as I could because there is latching issues as well. So, luckily I was very fortunate in having someone who really, really wanted to be involved but he would definitely do the finger feeding. And then also when we introduced a bottle at 4 weeks he was also trying to do that so that he could get some time with him as well and share in that. So, he was definitely involved and that was good.

Robin Kaplan : Will be right back.

[Theme Song]

Robin Kaplan : Okay, so we are back. Rose can you show the different ways that supplements can be given to breast feeding babies?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Sure, there is definitely several options. One of my favorites is obviously if the baby is able latch on, being able to supplement him at the breast so it’s just one feeding and the baby begins to associate all this extra milk is from the breast. However sometimes babies aren’t able to latch on or they don’t latch very well. So, we have already mentioned finger feeding, finger feeding is an option, cup feeding and bottle feeding with a nipple that mimics a little bit of what the breast is areoptions or it could be a combination of all of these. The key is that the mom needs to decide what is gonna work for her. I may have preferences for lactation consultant butI’m not necessarily going home with her. So, I think sharing with moms here are several ways of doing it what’s gonna work best for you and it maybe a combination of each of these or two of them that is whatever is gonna work best for mom and baby.

Robin Kaplan : Ladies, you were describing just you know the ups and downs of the emotional component of breast feeding and needing to supplement. How important was it to you? I mean obviously it important but can you describe a little bit what helped you to perceive to the point that you are right now to continue this breast feeding relationship with your child?

Heidi Runge : I kind of just came up with daily goals really. Especially at the beginning I just kept telling myself “Okay, one more day, one more day” and then make it to the end of the week. And then I had “Okay, let’s make it to 2 months, let’s make it to 3 months” I made it to 4 months now and then you know next goal is 6 months and you just have to kind of keep coaxing yourself along and giving yourself you know small goals that are attainable. If you start of and you have problems like I need to make to 6 months it seems so far away when you are that early on. I remember, you know, talking and reaching out to someone like my baby is crying and then when does things get better? Oh! It’s 5 weeks” And I am like I am at 5 days so it just seems so far away. So, like you just need small attainable goals I think just keep working towards them.

Robin Kaplan : That’s a great adviceHeidi, how about you Danielle?

Danielle Lo Presti : You know, everything you hear about how powerful breast milk is and how powerful that bond is it can work against you because it can add pressure but it can also workfor you in that if you can lighten up on yourself a little bit you realize that every drop is a gift and you realize that you are going that anything you produce is better than nothing and so you just start from that. You start from the most humble tiny beginning and you know what I often will tell people in a situation where they are frustrated and struggling is talk to yourself like you are a baby like “It’s Okay you can do this” like “I know this is so hard but you know it we can do it, we can do this, we can do this” And I do that, I will do that if I am not frustrated I will do that with myself really making ceremony out of this. So, what we would do is after bath time we would put on, actually for me it was a lullaby cd that I made over 7 years ago for my sister, it took that long for me to play it for my own child. And we would play that and we would light the room dimly or light candles and we do massage time after bathing naked both of us and then we would breast feed or we would snuggle. And just really like being aware that this time is gonna go by in a blink of an eye and just constantly, constantly reminding ourselves how precious it is so that you just feel like every day you are even with the struggles and frustrations every day you’reliving this little dream, this beautiful child is here in your arms and you are gonna get whatever bonding you can get whether he is latching well or not you are gonna get this beautiful moment now with your child. So, you kind of start rewarding yourself each day with those moments by making yourself stay conscious about what a miracle it is to have this beautiful baby in your arms.


Robin Kaplan : Rose, for moms to continue to increase their supply when they need to start supplementing what message do you offer as advice to them?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : One again, if at all possible try to supplement the breast because it’s mom and baby together. If that’s not possible, if that’s not working well,more kangaroo care, lots of skin to skin in between feedings, have dad, have your partner, have grandma, have somebody else do the bottles or the alternative feeding methods. So, that cause you are busy doing the possibly pumping and the breast feeding and then comfort nursing. Comfort nursing is baby nurses at the breast just for comfort we have called it incubreast nursing or pacifier but it’s basically comfort nursing and those are always an option no matter how much or how little milk you make.

Robin Kaplan : And what type of supplements would you recommend for the mom?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Okay, there is different types of supplements for a mom a lot of it is really based on her history, her health history common herbal ones like Fenugreek is one of the more common ones. It is a spice that comes from India and it is used to flavor maple syrup but the side effect is more milk supply. So, it is a cousin to the peanut and has a potential to lower blood sugar and you wanna make sure that you candidate for it. There’s other prescription type medicines that are also used Regulan, Motilium ordomperidone- things like that but you definitely want to work with a lactation consultant then your physician an one on one to make sure that there is no contra indications for any of those medicines or even herbs for helping to increase your milk supply. Pumping, additional pumping is always a great additional thing. If babies are not doing his part then the next best is a good breast pump to stimulate the breast. So, the breasts think the babies are nursing great and will start making more milk.

Robin Kaplan : Have you, so the panelists have any of you tried any other methods as well to help increase your supply at any point?

Heidi Runge : I have tried Fenugreek and also the Motiliumon both of those. I think I had more success with the Fenugreek without side effects but I think always that conjunction with I can stress enough just drinking enough water. If you like you should be pumping or feeding just having like 8 glasses of water every time because,

Robin Kaplan : Did you find any difference when you didn’t have as much water?

Heidi Runge : Yeah, definitely so less supply I would pump and Asher would feed less on me as well so water I will always carry with me.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : It is interesting too because if somebody is into research and they read some of the current literature there is a research that says increasing your fluids doesn’t increase milk supply. However how many of us actually get the fluids we need in a day because most women that do increase their fluids notice an increase but that’s part because they weren’t drinking when they should have been drinking anyway. So,

Danielle Lo Presti : I have a couple, I heard but I can’t do this because it makes me too tired can’t but a beer a day,there are some people who would swear by that. rye bread which I totally do there is that barley,

Robin Kaplan : Barley wheat grass?

Danielle Lo Presti : Yeah, barley wheat grass, thank you put in your water. I went from being a vegetarian to eating meat and I totally feel like I couldn’t even keep from doing it that was craving me. And I planned to go back when I am done but I did that and Acupuncture which you referred me to Acupuncturist and she is amazing. And I really feel that has been an extra help, really, really feel that has been helpful.


Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Along that line I had oat meal. Oat meal is awesome. From the beer stand point it is usually the ducker beer the guiness which lot of people don’t like but apparently the non-alcoholic beer will do the same thing.

Danielle Lo Presti : Really?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Yes, many women had taken brewer’s yeast. Yes, if you like oat meal, oat meal cookies! Woohoo!

Heidi Runge: I ate many in the name of Asher!

Cassidy Freitas : I think for me when my supply drops or increases I really look back on the stress you know was I really stressed out that week or a day? And when I took the time to slow down may be go get a massage may be you know cooks my partner in giving me a massage or spending just a quality time with my daughter skin to skin and just kind of slowing down my supply seemed up itself. So, it is sort of a natural way for me and when I look back I really pin point the time when my supply was down I was more stressed out.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Absolutely or sick.

Robin Kaplan : Yeah, absolutely so obviously with what Dan and Heidi were talking about the need for supplementation obviously breast feeding does not have to be all or nothing and I would imagine that you would definitely agree with that so continuing Rose, what do you say to mom who come to you who are needing a supplement and feeling like they are not breast feeding moms because they need to offer something other than their breast milk in addition for their baby to continue to gain weight?

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : You guys have worded so much of it so nicely but to reassure mom that much of it is not really her fault sometimes it’s the baby that you know if it’s a medical condition, if it’s a preemie, if it’s a jaundice ley’s get through this let’s get this treated but then we are showing moms that she is doing that absolutely what she needs to do she is being the best mom. And of course we read lots of books that say everybody breast feeds and you know if you are a woman and you have got breast of course you can breast feed and make milk. Well, I you know years and years ago I still kind of formulating how I listened to a physician Dr. Marianne Neifert who is the author of couple of baby books but she is a Pediatrician in Denver and she has said you know every part of our body has a failure rate. Why it is just because I am a women my breasts are supposed work on 100% every time and that needs so much sense that on occasion you know there are times where a mom may be a low volume producer but she is still producing some milk any amount of milk is absolutely gonna benefit your baby. So, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing it can be a combo for as long as you choose it to and yes I have had women who go for who can make enough milk but that is not worth it. Well, that’s not necessarily the case any milk is gonna benefit you know if I can’t run a marathon that’s not worth it to exercise.

Danielle Lo Presti : That’s a great, great example I couldn’t agree more with that. So, people have hard time I think appreciating ambiguity. This all or nothing is so much easier, right? It is not true at all there is a million shades of color in between black and white and also you know there is that thing we like to do if it’s not happening you, you are the only one standing in the way of it, that’s not true. There could be a million different reasons for not happening for you the way you thought it would. There could be all kinds of gifts here in this process. But you are not gonna get there if you can’t honor where you are at you know honor where you are at.

Heidi Runge : I am just kind of accepting that you know may be you can’t be a full time mom breast feeding but that’s okay. You may have a plan how you wanna things to go but it’s not gonna go that way from someone who is a control freak. And it’s okay you have to just let go and accept like okay this is the amount that I could produce today and that’s okay. And just keep on with it and just know that whatever you do is over and over again is good and enough.

Cassidy Freitas : I think this is all a really great lesson for parenthood to that you are never gonna be the perfect parent now and there is no such thing as the perfect breast feeding mom. There is gonna be bums you are gonna make mistakes it’s gonna be hard at times and all you really need to do is be just good enough and that’s all we need you to do.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Which is why I just think working with lactation consultants in situations like this because often I have people go well. What happened 200 years ago or 100 years well you had your mother, your aunt, your sister everybody breast fed you didn’t need a lactation consultant. Today, it’s a little bit different families aren’t together we haven’t seen babies breast feed many women growing up and so it’s kind of an lost art. So, the lactation consultant is very, very special and very valuable in helping you to recognize what your potentials are and how effects it? As well and working on reducing the amount of supplements and many women are able to get off this supplement. If they can great but there is a few moms and babies that still needs supplement but that’s okay you are still being the absolute best mom giving your baby the best that you can give him.


Robin Kaplan : Absolutely, absolutely well thank you so much Rose for your insight into Partial breast feeding: when supplementation is needed and thank you panelists for sharing your stories as well.

Rose deVigne Jackiewicz : Thank you.

[Theme Song]
[Featured Segment: The Best Online Breastfeeding Resources]

Robin Kaplan : Before we wrap things up here is Amber McCann talking about the best online breast feeding resources.

Amber McCann : Hello, boob group listeners I am Amber McCann an International Board Certified Lactation consultant and owner of Nourish Breast Feeding Support just outside of Washington D.C. I am here to answer some of your common questions when it comes for finding quality breast feeding resources online such as what about Pinterest? Can I learn about breast feeding there? If you are on Pinterest, you know what an absolutely delightfully time sucking endeavor it can be. I have got boards for redecorating my house, craft projects that I’ll probably never get to, brownies that contain 600 calories each and inspirational quotes about how to get my back side in gear and exercise more. Well, one of my favorite board is called breast feeding vision board started by LaraAudelo of Mama Pear Designs. This board has 59 contributors and over 175 tints and growing every day. You can find it at just enter breast feeding vision board in the search box and look for Lara’s name. On the board you will find pins with excellent information, helpful products and brilliant ideas like a “momsicle” made out of frozen breast milk to help really teething pain. And my very favorite incredibly inspirational photos of mother’s breast feeding their little ones it’s like one oxytocin rush! Check it out at .Hey the Boob Group also has a great interest paid also along with their sister shows Preggie Pals and Parent Savers check it out at Thanks for listening. I am Amber McCann and I would love if you check out my website at for information on my business and a little bit more about where to get connected with the great online breast feeding support or join me on my Facebook page https:// And if you have a great online breast feeding resource that you would like us to know about please send an e-mail to or share it on the Boob group facebook page. Make sure you listen to the Boob group each week for more fantastic conversations about breast feeding and how to find great breast feeding support.

Robin Kaplan : Thank you to all of our listeners I hope you visit our website and our Facebook page to offer your personal stories about breast feeding. If you have any questions about today’s show or on the topics we discussed call our boob group hotline at 619-866-4775 and we will answer your question in our upcoming episode. If you have a breast feeding topic that you would like to discuss we would love to hear it simply visit our website, and send us an email through the contact link. Coming up next week we will be discussing Vitamin supplements for the breast fed babies. Thanks for listening to the Boob Group because mothers know breasts.

This is a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Suggestions and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. For such information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing any healthcare problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby get assistance from a qualified health care provider.

[00:34:33] End of Audio

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