Transcript: Homeopathy and Pregnancy

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Preggie Pals
Homeopathy and Pregnancy


[Theme Music]

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Many medications that you took prior to expecting are no longer safe for your growing baby. So what are your options when you’re suffering from an ailment and need effective relief?

I’m Paula Tipton-Healy, homeopathic consultant and today on Preggie Pals we’ll be discussing the use of homeopathy to contribute to a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby.

[Theme Music/Intro]

ANNIE LAIRD: Welcome to Preggie Pals. We’re broadcasting from the birth education centre of San Diego. Preggie Pals is your weekly online on-the-go-support group for expecting parents or even if you’re not pregnant yet but you want to be pregnant go ahead to our website and learn upon all of the applicable things that you need to know about being pregnant and birth and new babies all that kind of stuff.

I’m your host Annie Laird. Thanks to all of our loyal listeners who’ve join the Preggie Pals club. Our members will get special episodes, bonus content after each new show plus special giveaways and discounts. See the website for more information.

Another way for you to stay connected is by downloading our free Preggie Pals app and that’s available in Android, iTunes and the Windows market places and is a great way for you to keep up on all your pregnancy topics while you’re waiting around while pushing your stroller with your toddler in the park, just anytime you looking to kill some time.

Samantha our producer is now going to give us some more information about our virtual panellist program. Sam take it away.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Alright thanks Annie. So if you don’t live in San Diego but you’d like to be a panellist on our show. You can still participate through our virtual panellist program. Just like us on Facebook and follow us on Tweeter using #preggiepalsvp. We’ll post questions throughout the week prior to our taping and we’d love for you to comment directly so we can incorporate your thoughts into our episode. You can also submit your questions directly to our experts. Learn more about our VP program through the community section on our website .

ANNIE LAIRD: Thanks Sam. Alright well let’s introduce ourselves, just a few people in the studio today so I’m Annie. I’m the host. I’m almost 36 years old. Occupation during the day is I’m a government contractor. I have no due date. I have three little girls. No type of birth coming up for me in the year shortly so I was just talking to my husband about that he’s deployed right now so that I think we’re done but we’re not like vasectomy done you know so just 90% done. We’re like 90% done like I’m like maybe just a month out of diapers would be awesome.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: It will be fantastic.

ANNIE LAIRD: Like before, before yeah right now I got two on diapers. I changed like this morning before I went to the gym I must’ve changed 6 diapers. 6. I’m like I kept putting the baby down and like hearing just her fill her diaper again as I’m changing the toddler I’m like awesome…

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Another time.

ANNIE LAIRD: I’m totally not going to yeah there here’s another one. Good thing I use you know the cheap diapers.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: There you go.


SAMANTHA EKLUND: Alright I’m Samantha. I’m the producer of Preggie Pals. I have an 18 month old daughter named Olivia. No due date as of now although I wish I did and hoping for a VBAC next time around.



[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: We always love to get comments and feedback thank you feedback from our listeners. So if you comment us and go to our Facebook pages or go to our website you have an opportunity there if you go to our website you can submit comments that way. Please submit them because we read them on air so right now Sam is going to be giving us some feedback that we got from our website.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: So here we have Dedrail left us this comment on our latest episode concerning sacred pregnancy by we were talking about an article that came out from ACOG regarding water birth so…

ANNIE LAIRD: Right okay so that was like the intro to the before we start talking about sacred pregnancy.



SAMANTHA EKLUND: So I’m going to go ahead and read it and let’s get started.


SAMANTHA EKLUND: So “Hey everyone. I want to start by saying that I love the show. I don’t have anyone I can talk with about this topics and I’m often overwhelmed by the chat on online forums. I’ve been going through older episodes as well as keeping up with the new ones. I can’t say how much I appreciate the podcast.

I was left feeling uneasy after the quote unquote review at the start of our sacred pregnancy episode. The discussion was to the review of an article of water birthing. But based on the discussion, it sounded like the panellists were the title of the article not the article itself. I’m not going to go point by point but I think the ACOG article does a great job at communicating that there is a need for more research and if someone is to choose a water birth they should do so knowing the risks which are few but devastating and that there are no known benefits.

Also known said that there are no benefits to labouring in water but certain regulations seemed to be followed. The discussion was full of guesses and little reference to what the article actually said. No one seemed to disagree with what was actually in the article but somehow didn’t like that they have been written. I too want women to have options but just as importantly I want them to have real information from which they can make informed decisions.

This podcast is such a great research but this discussion missed the mark. You end the conversation saying that you hope that this article doesn’t discouraged women from choosing water birth. I wish you have ended it with I hope this article encourages women to do research and seek expert advice so they can be well informed when they make choices regarding labour and delivery. I’ll look forward to the next episode and keep up the good work.”

ANNIE LAIRD: Alright well thanks Dedrail.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Yes. Thank you.

ANNIE LAIRD: Thanks for you know we always you know want to hear from our listeners…


ANNIE LAIRD: And hear what they have to say so and then I want to make clear too that you know when we talk about articles like this you know it’s impossible for us to completely take out our bias.


ANNIE LAIRD: So I’m sure that came through and want to say as well you know we are definitely not doctors or midwives or anything like that so everything that we say on here please take it as not from a care practitioner. You know if you want a care practitioner’s opinion about what they think is research based then you need to ask your care practitioner so…

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Right exactly and I think we’re here just to I mean our conversations are like women sitting around having coffee. We’re not here to analytically review every article. We’re here to have a discussion about what it’s about. But it’s unfortunate that you know we came off a little more bias than maybe we should have.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. Yeah.

[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: Today on Preggie Pals we’re talking about the use of homeopathy during pregnancy. Joining us today as our expert is Paula Tiption-Healy. Paula is a homeopathic consultant and that is the pace that she’s talking to us today but she’s also going to be talking a lot about as this is a pregnancy and birth podcast about midwifery and she was retired for a time but now she’s back in practice and catching babies again. Her website is and there is a dash between the tipton and then the healy there. Paula welcome to the show thanks for joining us.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Thank you so much for having me Annie.

ANNIE LAIRD: Well I think it’s so exciting too. I got to say this here because when I was preparing for this episode I know that for a time you had retired and were focusing on your homeopathy but then you’re back in the game now. You’re back catching babies.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I am and the funny thing is I’ve been retired for almost 10 years and there hasn’t been a year that has gone by I think that I haven’t done or gone to at least 5 or 6 deliveries so while I was retired. And then I thought maybe there is something to that so I’m back on the business now.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah that’s great. Now I’m going and talking a little bit more today obviously the topic for today is homeopathy. So how is homeopathy, I think everybody has heard of you know teething tablets or something like that but how is it different than other traditional types of medication that a pregnant woman could use?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It’s different in several ways. One is how it’s prepared and a lot of people I think immediately when they hear homeopathy they think you mean natural medicine which it is but they also think that means herbs and their very different actually and so one of the things is how it’s prepared. It’s actually done in micro doses and what’s called surcaster shuckup and the other thing that’s very different is that it’s completely nontoxic. There is no toxicity.

There’s no side-effects with it which is really, really different and the reason I got to it as a midwife and the reason I started studying it, was looking for something that were safe and effective for moms and babies.

ANNIE LAIRD: Right. How are teething tablets different than like traditional homeopathy? I guess I think of like the tubes. You know you can find it at sprouts or something like that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Well they’re the same. They’re still homeopathic remedies it’s just teething tablets use their combination remedies. They take four or five remedies or could be more that can be used often for teething babies successfully and they put them all in one container and hopefully one of them…


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: The symptoms match and will work. And you know as long as they’re not too low of potencies so that you’re actually using the raw substance, there’s no harm in that at all.

ANNIE LAIRD: I guess I thought it was – there was a batch of them that were pulled off the market for belladonna like there was two and see now I don’t understand the high doses the low doses.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I will tell you.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That was the thing is belladonna. First of all homeopathy can be made from anything. It’s made from all those herbs that we know about animal, vegetable, mineral, it doesn’t matter. They can be made into homeopathic remedies and many of the remedies are made from very toxic substances in its original form but once it passes like the 4C potentiation anything above that, 4C, 6C, 12C, 30, there is no longer any of the original substance in it therefore it’s nontoxic. But if you use it like Belladonna and its original form its toxic and you use it a too low of potency like a 1X, 2X or 3X then still it would take a lot of it.



ANNIE LAIRD: Literally have the whole bottle. So how to you take homeopathic remedies then?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Well we usually have a couple of recommendations. One is don’t touch them with your hands and the reason for that is if you have moisture on your hands, they’ll start dissolving very quickly because they’re meant to be sublingual or beuical so they’re absorbed through the mucous membranes so we and so if you have any kind of moisture on your hands you can start deteriorating the remedy right then. The other thing is if you have any like high aromatics on your hands, oils, lotions you know one of those things antiseptic stuff you know…


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: On your hands you can actually nullify the remedy or cancel it. It’s not like you’re going to have a drug reaction or interaction or anything like that. You don’t hurt it but you may not get maximum…

ANNIE LAIRD: Benefit from it.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Benefit from it yes.

ANNIE LAIRD: Okay alright. Yeah it was my midwife I think you work with her actually Marla Hicks.


ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah you know the first time it was my second baby and I’d never taken a homeopathic remedy of course I’d use teething tablets I don’t know who doesn’t use teething tablets.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Right. I’ve use them.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah but it was I don’t even remember what remedy it was for but she said okay have you taken them before and I’m like yeah teething tablet and she’s not really and she comes over with the thing she like only with your tongue and I am like what I’m not supposed to touch them? That makes a lot of sense now you know.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: So what I recommend for my clients is you just put the remedy in the cap, dump it under the tongue and then and make sure it’s like 15 to 20 minutes before or after eating. And again that’s just if you have anything in your mouth that the would cancel it.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: You’re not going to get maximum efficiency.

ANNIE LAIRD: And that’s the same thing for like brushing your teeth as well.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Because that’s really a high aromatic most toothpaste had mint in them so that could cancel certain remedies very quickly. It’s just easier just to say don’t touch it with your hands and don’t take them away from food. It doesn’t really matter whether you have anything in your stomach, it’s not like medication.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It’s just like you don’t want to have something in our mouth that cancels it out.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. Now you’ve already mentioned before these are not herbal products so it’s different than taking an herb. It’s as if you go to someone who does traditional Chinese medicine then they’ll give you herbs.


ANNIE LAIRD: This is different than that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Exactly. I went to acupuncture school so it’s in you learn and I’m not saying the herbs are not good they are good but they are prescribe in the same way medicines are regular allopathic medicines.

So if you have sneezing and a runny nose you’re going to take either a medication or an herb that dries up the mucous membranes so that you don’t have the runny nose and the sneezing. That’s how allopathic medicine works and that’s how herbs work.

In homeopathy it’s completely the opposite. We’re going to look for something in a healthy person that if we gave them a plant of whatever it was that we gave to a healthy person and they started having a runny nose and sneezing then we make a remedy from that and give it to that person and it balances them and the body heals itself. And that’s two things that’s super important for anyone that is wanting to know anything about homeopathy that’s important.

One is that we believe the body is always trying to heal itself and if we allow it to come into balance it will heal itself. And the second thing is that homeopathy is based on the belief and the understanding and the facts that like cures like. And that’s really and so it’s really the opposite of what we have learned in western medicine.



SAMANTHA EKLUND: Whether that body is you or thinking of a sick person you know and yeah how do you fix that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Exactly and also trying to do the opposite of what you’re experiencing and what you’re really doing is putting a band aid on it and that’s really different in homeopathy we don’t want to put band aids on anything. We want to balance the person…

ANNIE LAIRD: You want to get to the core of the issue it’s where it sounds like allopathic medicine is just treating the symptoms not treating the root.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That’s exactly right. Exactly!

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. So where do you get these remedies from then?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Well there are several places if you’re looking at lower potencies, low to medium potencies, you can buy them at Sprouts, Jimbo’s here in San Diego. We have a couple of homeopathic pharmacies here that carry some of the less everyday remedies so to speak. One is Kim, it’s been around for many, many years Kim pharmacy in San Diego in 38th and there’s also Arcana pharmacy near the 56 and 5. And Pharmaca also carries not a lot but they carry a pretty good amount of what we call polychrests remedies. The polychrests remedies are common remedies that are used for a lot of different things.

ANNIE LAIRD: Now do you need a prescription for this type of thing from a homeopathic consultant or is it something somebody just go in and buy them.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Most remedies you just go in and buy. There’s thousands that just you can go buy off the shelf. There are a few, homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA just like anything else and so there are a few of them. If their base product is made from something that is a controlled substance in the US then you need a prescription for it which is really kind of funny that’s not true in other countries. By the way homeopathy is super common in most - I’ve been to many other countries and they’re really, really common. I mean in Spain and in France and in Germany, I can walk in to any pharmacy and buy homeopathic remedies right along with any kind of medications.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah you definitely can’t do that if you go into like CBS or Right Aid.


ANNIE LAIRD: I mean the only thing that you can probably get is maybe some kind of Arnica cream.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: No they haven’t. People are now they’re really starting to bottle up a lot of things like arnica, entrammeled and there’s snore stop which is incredible. It’s a homeopathic combination for snoring.

Many, many of my women have thanked me after they’ve snuck them into their husbands before bed and it’s a combination remedy but it’s a pure homeopathic it’s like Kim – it is a pure homeopathic that is for colds and shortening cold time period. And those are all commercial they’re very expensive. It’s funny because people think that they’re okay since they’re commercially developed and they don’t have to go and buy something that’s just pure it just says homeopathy on the package. They think it’s just another medication at the pharmacy.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. What are some of kind of common uses that you know as a homeopathic consultant that you’re prescribing or you’re recommending to a pregnant women?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Pregnant women.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I would I in fact this morning on the way I just jotted down a couple of these are the most common things that I have prescribed for prenatally. Here’s morning sickness, haemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhoea, cystitis, urinary tract infections, back pain, malposition of the baby, pedalism that’s where excessive saliva in pregnancy, pregnancy mask that’s a super common one, those are the severe fear of giving birth that’s a big one too.

ANNIE LAIRD: I think I took that one. What is that one again?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: There’s a couple of them, we got Gelsemium is the precipitory type fear like test taking birth those kind of things. Another one is…

ANNIE LAIRD: What is that one again?


ANNIE LAIRD: So there are four?


ANNIE LAIRD: Four super common ones for that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Let me list them down for reference.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Gelsemium, Cimicifuga, Chamoilla and rescue remedy.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. I think I got some rescue remedy yeah and the first one so.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It makes a huge difference.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I’m not kidding like I have come to you know I’ve been at thousands of birth. I’ve been a midwife for over 30 years. I’ve trained a lot of midwives here and in Mexico.

I have come to the house at times where I thought women were totally prepared, everything was great and you know I specialize in home birth so come to the house and they’re like they look like deer caught in the headlights and I’m like oh okay. So I immediately get out my kit and give them one of these remedies depending on which one matches their symptoms the best and I’m telling you I’ve never ever have to transport or change the birth plan because of anxiety or fear. That doesn’t mean I have lots of transports but for those reasons.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. When we comeback, we’re going to be discussing dosing. We’ll be right back.

[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: Welcome back. Today we’re talking about the use of homeopathy during pregnancy. Paula Tipton-Healy is our expert. Now Paula we talked a little bit before the break about dosing and you mentioned Xs and Cs and all that but how would a pregnant woman know what kind of dose to get? What’s the difference between ones with Xs and Cs and all the numbers in front of it?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It’s a good question. First of all there’re low potencies, medium potencies and higher potencies and for across the board when you’re not sure what potency to take I usually recommend taking a low to medium potency because then you’re not going to have any issues there and what I mean to say about that as I said before there’s really no side-effects or any problem so then maybe you’re wondering how can I say there’s any issues.

There are times if you take high potencies for long periods of time and too much you can have what’s called a proving where you actually start exhibiting symptoms of the remedy itself. Hard to do that but it can happen.

So I recommend using lower to medium potencies which are anywhere from usually in the store you’ll going to see 6X, 6C, 12s and 30s. Those are the most common and those are the good potencies to go with if you don’t know if you’re not sure. And the difference by the way between an X potency and a C potency is how it’s diluted and so an X means to the 10th and C means to the 100th.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. Just like Roman numeral.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Just like Roman numeral.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: So that means that if something is a 1X it’s been diluted 1 to the 10th and then sercast and then a 2X is that has been taken out and it’s 2 to the 10th and a C is 1 to a 100th. The more homeopathic remedy is diluted and then shocken up the higher the potency the deeper acting it goes. And so a 6X and a 6C both fallen to a lower potency category but a 6C is slightly higher because it’s 1 to a 100th than a 6X. It’s just…

ANNIE LAIRD: It’s just diluted more.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Diluted more exactly.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. And you mentioned that homeopathy is regulated by the FDA. I didn’t know that.


ANNIE LAIRD: I thought it was just like just something you make in your backyard or something and you know you put in sprouts.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Yeah it has to be all homeopathic remedies are prepared according to strict [inaudible] regulations.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah I mean it supposed it had to be otherwise they won’t allow it in sprouts would they.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: They wouldn’t sell it.

ANNIE LAIRD: No they wouldn’t so because they’ll be too much liability.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Right of course.

ANNIE LAIRD: So pregnant women she could take and you mentioned the whole list of things of symptoms that pregnant women normally come to you for so she can take these alongside the westerns medicine then there’s no…

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Absolutely there’s no interaction there’s no drug reaction that is stimulated to homeopathic and many clients will simultaneously be treated with medicine and also homeopathy and there’s no problem with that.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah I mean I could see especially for something I just had a dear friend she gave birth to her second baby and she had very, very bad morning sickness so I could see where if you know just one modality wasn’t working, she was willing to try anything you know so.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Oh yes and I was one of those I mean my first baby was born I hate to say this but 38 years ago and I had the worst morning sickness I mean I lost 12 pounds in my first trimester.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And by my second baby which is Willow who you know I know about homeopathy and it was a… I started out the same way you know with…

ANNIE LAIRD: As well like 6 weeks isn’t when it started it kind of kick in and…

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And then it goes to about 12 to 15 weeks depending, mine went for a lot longer and it was very, very difficult and…

ANNIE LAIRD: How old was your first when you had that then?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Nope that was my first.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And then when I was pregnant with my second which is Willow, I started out the same way but I knew about homeopathy then and I started treating myself. And was I 100% completely better? I was not I actually had a still small amount of nauseousness when I first woke in the morning but I would take my remedy I had right it next to my bed and then I was okay. So it was a complete and I know it would have been just as bad as with my first baby.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: So my 3 following were so much better…


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: With homeopathy and there’s not a lot in medicine by the way that’s safe to give a pregnant women for morning sickness.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah when you mentioned that now I just read about that were I forget the name of the drug but…


ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. Thalidomide; that’s were like the limbs didn’t develop I think.


ANNIE LAIRD: Very, very scary looking at the footage.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Severe malformation in the foetus it was really bad.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah and then now you just never know down the road is this medication safe in the long term?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That’s exactly…

ANNIE LAIRD: And you can’t and that’s such a nice thing with homeopathy that it is nontoxic you know some of these drugs that are coming out you can’t ethically make a group of you know here’s the control of pregnant women because it affects the baby.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That’s why so many medications say you know if you’re pregnant or nursing, consult your health practitioner.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And by the way that’s why it says that on homeopathic labels for because of the FDA and even though there is no consequence in taking them in pregnancy or nursing, they still have to put it on the label.

ANNIE LAIRD: Exactly yeah. Well thanks Paula for joining us today. For more information about Paula and her practice as well as information about Sam or I since we don’t have other panellists today well learn about us, visit the episode page on our website. This conversation continues for members of our Preggie Pals club.

After the show, Paula is going to be discussing the use of homeopathy and how it can benefit you when you’re actually giving birth to the baby so that’s like you know we talk about a little bit about pregnancy, now we’re going to talk about the whole giving birth thing. Baby’s going to come out eventually one way or the other right usually one or two ways. To join our club visit our website .

[Theme Music]

CYNTHIA KAIDEN: Hello Preggie Pals. I am Cynthia Kaiden, founder of Trick my Crib Nursery and Kid’s Room Designs were I help your nursery dreams come true. I’m excited to talk to you today about money saving tips for the baby’s room specifically about saving on the crib.

One of the first steps in designing your baby’s room is to know your overall budget and develop a good idea of how much you have to spend on a crib.

Second, explore whether you might have the opportunity to receive a hand me down or borrow crib from someone who wasn’t using theirs. Moms love to help other moms to be as a side benefit they get that unused crib out of their home.

If you’re going to purchase a new crib, shop around. Go to the big baby stores to look, feel and experience the crib hands on but then go home and shop online. You will be amazed that you can find online virtually the same crib you fell in love with in the baby store for hundreds less.

Convertible cribs are huge money savers. If you don’t buy convertible, you should plan on buying a toddler bed in about two years and then a big bed in another two years. I think that’s a waste of huge resources and it really is not necessary. The convertible cribs convert first to a toddler bed and then to a full size bed often with a head board and flip board that already fits and matches the room. They’re great.

Be aware that you can also buy a crib mattress that converts from infant to toddler just by flipping it over. What a great money saver. I can help you find the perfect crib as part of my flat fee design service. Please like Trick my Crib on Facebook and visit my page often for decorating ideas. Thanks for listening to today’s money saving tips and be sure to listen to Preggie Pals for more great pregnancy tips in the future.

[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Preggie Pals.
Don’t forget to check out our sister shows:
• Parent Savers for parents with newborns, infants and toddlers
• Twin Talks for parents of multiples.
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed their babies

Next week we’ll be continuing our series on your changing pregnant body, talking all about your uterus
This is Preggie Pals, your pregnancy, your way.

This has been a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Though information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: New Mommy Media is expanding our line up of shows for new and expecting parents. If you have an idea for a new series or if you’re a business or organization interested in joining our network of shows through a co-branded podcast, visit .

[End of Audio]

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Episode Transcript

Preggie Pals
Homeopathy and Pregnancy


[Theme Music]

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Many medications that you took prior to expecting are no longer safe for your growing baby. So what are your options when you’re suffering from an ailment and need effective relief?

I’m Paula Tipton-Healy, homeopathic consultant and today on Preggie Pals we’ll be discussing the use of homeopathy to contribute to a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby.

[Theme Music/Intro]

ANNIE LAIRD: Welcome to Preggie Pals. We’re broadcasting from the birth education centre of San Diego. Preggie Pals is your weekly online on-the-go-support group for expecting parents or even if you’re not pregnant yet but you want to be pregnant go ahead to our website and learn upon all of the applicable things that you need to know about being pregnant and birth and new babies all that kind of stuff.

I’m your host Annie Laird. Thanks to all of our loyal listeners who’ve join the Preggie Pals club. Our members will get special episodes, bonus content after each new show plus special giveaways and discounts. See the website for more information.

Another way for you to stay connected is by downloading our free Preggie Pals app and that’s available in Android, iTunes and the Windows market places and is a great way for you to keep up on all your pregnancy topics while you’re waiting around while pushing your stroller with your toddler in the park, just anytime you looking to kill some time.

Samantha our producer is now going to give us some more information about our virtual panellist program. Sam take it away.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Alright thanks Annie. So if you don’t live in San Diego but you’d like to be a panellist on our show. You can still participate through our virtual panellist program. Just like us on Facebook and follow us on Tweeter using #preggiepalsvp. We’ll post questions throughout the week prior to our taping and we’d love for you to comment directly so we can incorporate your thoughts into our episode. You can also submit your questions directly to our experts. Learn more about our VP program through the community section on our website .

ANNIE LAIRD: Thanks Sam. Alright well let’s introduce ourselves, just a few people in the studio today so I’m Annie. I’m the host. I’m almost 36 years old. Occupation during the day is I’m a government contractor. I have no due date. I have three little girls. No type of birth coming up for me in the year shortly so I was just talking to my husband about that he’s deployed right now so that I think we’re done but we’re not like vasectomy done you know so just 90% done. We’re like 90% done like I’m like maybe just a month out of diapers would be awesome.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: It will be fantastic.

ANNIE LAIRD: Like before, before yeah right now I got two on diapers. I changed like this morning before I went to the gym I must’ve changed 6 diapers. 6. I’m like I kept putting the baby down and like hearing just her fill her diaper again as I’m changing the toddler I’m like awesome…

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Another time.

ANNIE LAIRD: I’m totally not going to yeah there here’s another one. Good thing I use you know the cheap diapers.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: There you go.


SAMANTHA EKLUND: Alright I’m Samantha. I’m the producer of Preggie Pals. I have an 18 month old daughter named Olivia. No due date as of now although I wish I did and hoping for a VBAC next time around.



[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: We always love to get comments and feedback thank you feedback from our listeners. So if you comment us and go to our Facebook pages or go to our website you have an opportunity there if you go to our website you can submit comments that way. Please submit them because we read them on air so right now Sam is going to be giving us some feedback that we got from our website.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: So here we have Dedrail left us this comment on our latest episode concerning sacred pregnancy by we were talking about an article that came out from ACOG regarding water birth so…

ANNIE LAIRD: Right okay so that was like the intro to the before we start talking about sacred pregnancy.



SAMANTHA EKLUND: So I’m going to go ahead and read it and let’s get started.


SAMANTHA EKLUND: So “Hey everyone. I want to start by saying that I love the show. I don’t have anyone I can talk with about this topics and I’m often overwhelmed by the chat on online forums. I’ve been going through older episodes as well as keeping up with the new ones. I can’t say how much I appreciate the podcast.

I was left feeling uneasy after the quote unquote review at the start of our sacred pregnancy episode. The discussion was to the review of an article of water birthing. But based on the discussion, it sounded like the panellists were the title of the article not the article itself. I’m not going to go point by point but I think the ACOG article does a great job at communicating that there is a need for more research and if someone is to choose a water birth they should do so knowing the risks which are few but devastating and that there are no known benefits.

Also known said that there are no benefits to labouring in water but certain regulations seemed to be followed. The discussion was full of guesses and little reference to what the article actually said. No one seemed to disagree with what was actually in the article but somehow didn’t like that they have been written. I too want women to have options but just as importantly I want them to have real information from which they can make informed decisions.

This podcast is such a great research but this discussion missed the mark. You end the conversation saying that you hope that this article doesn’t discouraged women from choosing water birth. I wish you have ended it with I hope this article encourages women to do research and seek expert advice so they can be well informed when they make choices regarding labour and delivery. I’ll look forward to the next episode and keep up the good work.”

ANNIE LAIRD: Alright well thanks Dedrail.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Yes. Thank you.

ANNIE LAIRD: Thanks for you know we always you know want to hear from our listeners…


ANNIE LAIRD: And hear what they have to say so and then I want to make clear too that you know when we talk about articles like this you know it’s impossible for us to completely take out our bias.


ANNIE LAIRD: So I’m sure that came through and want to say as well you know we are definitely not doctors or midwives or anything like that so everything that we say on here please take it as not from a care practitioner. You know if you want a care practitioner’s opinion about what they think is research based then you need to ask your care practitioner so…

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Right exactly and I think we’re here just to I mean our conversations are like women sitting around having coffee. We’re not here to analytically review every article. We’re here to have a discussion about what it’s about. But it’s unfortunate that you know we came off a little more bias than maybe we should have.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. Yeah.

[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: Today on Preggie Pals we’re talking about the use of homeopathy during pregnancy. Joining us today as our expert is Paula Tiption-Healy. Paula is a homeopathic consultant and that is the pace that she’s talking to us today but she’s also going to be talking a lot about as this is a pregnancy and birth podcast about midwifery and she was retired for a time but now she’s back in practice and catching babies again. Her website is and there is a dash between the tipton and then the healy there. Paula welcome to the show thanks for joining us.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Thank you so much for having me Annie.

ANNIE LAIRD: Well I think it’s so exciting too. I got to say this here because when I was preparing for this episode I know that for a time you had retired and were focusing on your homeopathy but then you’re back in the game now. You’re back catching babies.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I am and the funny thing is I’ve been retired for almost 10 years and there hasn’t been a year that has gone by I think that I haven’t done or gone to at least 5 or 6 deliveries so while I was retired. And then I thought maybe there is something to that so I’m back on the business now.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah that’s great. Now I’m going and talking a little bit more today obviously the topic for today is homeopathy. So how is homeopathy, I think everybody has heard of you know teething tablets or something like that but how is it different than other traditional types of medication that a pregnant woman could use?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It’s different in several ways. One is how it’s prepared and a lot of people I think immediately when they hear homeopathy they think you mean natural medicine which it is but they also think that means herbs and their very different actually and so one of the things is how it’s prepared. It’s actually done in micro doses and what’s called surcaster shuckup and the other thing that’s very different is that it’s completely nontoxic. There is no toxicity.

There’s no side-effects with it which is really, really different and the reason I got to it as a midwife and the reason I started studying it, was looking for something that were safe and effective for moms and babies.

ANNIE LAIRD: Right. How are teething tablets different than like traditional homeopathy? I guess I think of like the tubes. You know you can find it at sprouts or something like that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Well they’re the same. They’re still homeopathic remedies it’s just teething tablets use their combination remedies. They take four or five remedies or could be more that can be used often for teething babies successfully and they put them all in one container and hopefully one of them…


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: The symptoms match and will work. And you know as long as they’re not too low of potencies so that you’re actually using the raw substance, there’s no harm in that at all.

ANNIE LAIRD: I guess I thought it was – there was a batch of them that were pulled off the market for belladonna like there was two and see now I don’t understand the high doses the low doses.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I will tell you.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That was the thing is belladonna. First of all homeopathy can be made from anything. It’s made from all those herbs that we know about animal, vegetable, mineral, it doesn’t matter. They can be made into homeopathic remedies and many of the remedies are made from very toxic substances in its original form but once it passes like the 4C potentiation anything above that, 4C, 6C, 12C, 30, there is no longer any of the original substance in it therefore it’s nontoxic. But if you use it like Belladonna and its original form its toxic and you use it a too low of potency like a 1X, 2X or 3X then still it would take a lot of it.



ANNIE LAIRD: Literally have the whole bottle. So how to you take homeopathic remedies then?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Well we usually have a couple of recommendations. One is don’t touch them with your hands and the reason for that is if you have moisture on your hands, they’ll start dissolving very quickly because they’re meant to be sublingual or beuical so they’re absorbed through the mucous membranes so we and so if you have any kind of moisture on your hands you can start deteriorating the remedy right then. The other thing is if you have any like high aromatics on your hands, oils, lotions you know one of those things antiseptic stuff you know…


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: On your hands you can actually nullify the remedy or cancel it. It’s not like you’re going to have a drug reaction or interaction or anything like that. You don’t hurt it but you may not get maximum…

ANNIE LAIRD: Benefit from it.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Benefit from it yes.

ANNIE LAIRD: Okay alright. Yeah it was my midwife I think you work with her actually Marla Hicks.


ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah you know the first time it was my second baby and I’d never taken a homeopathic remedy of course I’d use teething tablets I don’t know who doesn’t use teething tablets.

SAMANTHA EKLUND: Right. I’ve use them.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah but it was I don’t even remember what remedy it was for but she said okay have you taken them before and I’m like yeah teething tablet and she’s not really and she comes over with the thing she like only with your tongue and I am like what I’m not supposed to touch them? That makes a lot of sense now you know.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: So what I recommend for my clients is you just put the remedy in the cap, dump it under the tongue and then and make sure it’s like 15 to 20 minutes before or after eating. And again that’s just if you have anything in your mouth that the would cancel it.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: You’re not going to get maximum efficiency.

ANNIE LAIRD: And that’s the same thing for like brushing your teeth as well.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Because that’s really a high aromatic most toothpaste had mint in them so that could cancel certain remedies very quickly. It’s just easier just to say don’t touch it with your hands and don’t take them away from food. It doesn’t really matter whether you have anything in your stomach, it’s not like medication.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It’s just like you don’t want to have something in our mouth that cancels it out.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. Now you’ve already mentioned before these are not herbal products so it’s different than taking an herb. It’s as if you go to someone who does traditional Chinese medicine then they’ll give you herbs.


ANNIE LAIRD: This is different than that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Exactly. I went to acupuncture school so it’s in you learn and I’m not saying the herbs are not good they are good but they are prescribe in the same way medicines are regular allopathic medicines.

So if you have sneezing and a runny nose you’re going to take either a medication or an herb that dries up the mucous membranes so that you don’t have the runny nose and the sneezing. That’s how allopathic medicine works and that’s how herbs work.

In homeopathy it’s completely the opposite. We’re going to look for something in a healthy person that if we gave them a plant of whatever it was that we gave to a healthy person and they started having a runny nose and sneezing then we make a remedy from that and give it to that person and it balances them and the body heals itself. And that’s two things that’s super important for anyone that is wanting to know anything about homeopathy that’s important.

One is that we believe the body is always trying to heal itself and if we allow it to come into balance it will heal itself. And the second thing is that homeopathy is based on the belief and the understanding and the facts that like cures like. And that’s really and so it’s really the opposite of what we have learned in western medicine.



SAMANTHA EKLUND: Whether that body is you or thinking of a sick person you know and yeah how do you fix that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Exactly and also trying to do the opposite of what you’re experiencing and what you’re really doing is putting a band aid on it and that’s really different in homeopathy we don’t want to put band aids on anything. We want to balance the person…

ANNIE LAIRD: You want to get to the core of the issue it’s where it sounds like allopathic medicine is just treating the symptoms not treating the root.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That’s exactly right. Exactly!

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. So where do you get these remedies from then?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Well there are several places if you’re looking at lower potencies, low to medium potencies, you can buy them at Sprouts, Jimbo’s here in San Diego. We have a couple of homeopathic pharmacies here that carry some of the less everyday remedies so to speak. One is Kim, it’s been around for many, many years Kim pharmacy in San Diego in 38th and there’s also Arcana pharmacy near the 56 and 5. And Pharmaca also carries not a lot but they carry a pretty good amount of what we call polychrests remedies. The polychrests remedies are common remedies that are used for a lot of different things.

ANNIE LAIRD: Now do you need a prescription for this type of thing from a homeopathic consultant or is it something somebody just go in and buy them.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Most remedies you just go in and buy. There’s thousands that just you can go buy off the shelf. There are a few, homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA just like anything else and so there are a few of them. If their base product is made from something that is a controlled substance in the US then you need a prescription for it which is really kind of funny that’s not true in other countries. By the way homeopathy is super common in most - I’ve been to many other countries and they’re really, really common. I mean in Spain and in France and in Germany, I can walk in to any pharmacy and buy homeopathic remedies right along with any kind of medications.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah you definitely can’t do that if you go into like CBS or Right Aid.


ANNIE LAIRD: I mean the only thing that you can probably get is maybe some kind of Arnica cream.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: No they haven’t. People are now they’re really starting to bottle up a lot of things like arnica, entrammeled and there’s snore stop which is incredible. It’s a homeopathic combination for snoring.

Many, many of my women have thanked me after they’ve snuck them into their husbands before bed and it’s a combination remedy but it’s a pure homeopathic it’s like Kim – it is a pure homeopathic that is for colds and shortening cold time period. And those are all commercial they’re very expensive. It’s funny because people think that they’re okay since they’re commercially developed and they don’t have to go and buy something that’s just pure it just says homeopathy on the package. They think it’s just another medication at the pharmacy.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. What are some of kind of common uses that you know as a homeopathic consultant that you’re prescribing or you’re recommending to a pregnant women?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Pregnant women.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I would I in fact this morning on the way I just jotted down a couple of these are the most common things that I have prescribed for prenatally. Here’s morning sickness, haemorrhoids, constipation, diarrhoea, cystitis, urinary tract infections, back pain, malposition of the baby, pedalism that’s where excessive saliva in pregnancy, pregnancy mask that’s a super common one, those are the severe fear of giving birth that’s a big one too.

ANNIE LAIRD: I think I took that one. What is that one again?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: There’s a couple of them, we got Gelsemium is the precipitory type fear like test taking birth those kind of things. Another one is…

ANNIE LAIRD: What is that one again?


ANNIE LAIRD: So there are four?


ANNIE LAIRD: Four super common ones for that.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Let me list them down for reference.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Gelsemium, Cimicifuga, Chamoilla and rescue remedy.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. I think I got some rescue remedy yeah and the first one so.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It makes a huge difference.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: I’m not kidding like I have come to you know I’ve been at thousands of birth. I’ve been a midwife for over 30 years. I’ve trained a lot of midwives here and in Mexico.

I have come to the house at times where I thought women were totally prepared, everything was great and you know I specialize in home birth so come to the house and they’re like they look like deer caught in the headlights and I’m like oh okay. So I immediately get out my kit and give them one of these remedies depending on which one matches their symptoms the best and I’m telling you I’ve never ever have to transport or change the birth plan because of anxiety or fear. That doesn’t mean I have lots of transports but for those reasons.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. When we comeback, we’re going to be discussing dosing. We’ll be right back.

[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: Welcome back. Today we’re talking about the use of homeopathy during pregnancy. Paula Tipton-Healy is our expert. Now Paula we talked a little bit before the break about dosing and you mentioned Xs and Cs and all that but how would a pregnant woman know what kind of dose to get? What’s the difference between ones with Xs and Cs and all the numbers in front of it?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: It’s a good question. First of all there’re low potencies, medium potencies and higher potencies and for across the board when you’re not sure what potency to take I usually recommend taking a low to medium potency because then you’re not going to have any issues there and what I mean to say about that as I said before there’s really no side-effects or any problem so then maybe you’re wondering how can I say there’s any issues.

There are times if you take high potencies for long periods of time and too much you can have what’s called a proving where you actually start exhibiting symptoms of the remedy itself. Hard to do that but it can happen.

So I recommend using lower to medium potencies which are anywhere from usually in the store you’ll going to see 6X, 6C, 12s and 30s. Those are the most common and those are the good potencies to go with if you don’t know if you’re not sure. And the difference by the way between an X potency and a C potency is how it’s diluted and so an X means to the 10th and C means to the 100th.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. Just like Roman numeral.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Just like Roman numeral.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: So that means that if something is a 1X it’s been diluted 1 to the 10th and then sercast and then a 2X is that has been taken out and it’s 2 to the 10th and a C is 1 to a 100th. The more homeopathic remedy is diluted and then shocken up the higher the potency the deeper acting it goes. And so a 6X and a 6C both fallen to a lower potency category but a 6C is slightly higher because it’s 1 to a 100th than a 6X. It’s just…

ANNIE LAIRD: It’s just diluted more.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Diluted more exactly.

ANNIE LAIRD: Oh okay. And you mentioned that homeopathy is regulated by the FDA. I didn’t know that.


ANNIE LAIRD: I thought it was just like just something you make in your backyard or something and you know you put in sprouts.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Yeah it has to be all homeopathic remedies are prepared according to strict [inaudible] regulations.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah I mean it supposed it had to be otherwise they won’t allow it in sprouts would they.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: They wouldn’t sell it.

ANNIE LAIRD: No they wouldn’t so because they’ll be too much liability.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Right of course.

ANNIE LAIRD: So pregnant women she could take and you mentioned the whole list of things of symptoms that pregnant women normally come to you for so she can take these alongside the westerns medicine then there’s no…

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Absolutely there’s no interaction there’s no drug reaction that is stimulated to homeopathic and many clients will simultaneously be treated with medicine and also homeopathy and there’s no problem with that.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah I mean I could see especially for something I just had a dear friend she gave birth to her second baby and she had very, very bad morning sickness so I could see where if you know just one modality wasn’t working, she was willing to try anything you know so.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Oh yes and I was one of those I mean my first baby was born I hate to say this but 38 years ago and I had the worst morning sickness I mean I lost 12 pounds in my first trimester.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And by my second baby which is Willow who you know I know about homeopathy and it was a… I started out the same way you know with…

ANNIE LAIRD: As well like 6 weeks isn’t when it started it kind of kick in and…

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And then it goes to about 12 to 15 weeks depending, mine went for a lot longer and it was very, very difficult and…

ANNIE LAIRD: How old was your first when you had that then?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Nope that was my first.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And then when I was pregnant with my second which is Willow, I started out the same way but I knew about homeopathy then and I started treating myself. And was I 100% completely better? I was not I actually had a still small amount of nauseousness when I first woke in the morning but I would take my remedy I had right it next to my bed and then I was okay. So it was a complete and I know it would have been just as bad as with my first baby.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: So my 3 following were so much better…


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: With homeopathy and there’s not a lot in medicine by the way that’s safe to give a pregnant women for morning sickness.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah when you mentioned that now I just read about that were I forget the name of the drug but…


ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah. Thalidomide; that’s were like the limbs didn’t develop I think.


ANNIE LAIRD: Very, very scary looking at the footage.

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: Severe malformation in the foetus it was really bad.

ANNIE LAIRD: Yeah and then now you just never know down the road is this medication safe in the long term?

PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That’s exactly…

ANNIE LAIRD: And you can’t and that’s such a nice thing with homeopathy that it is nontoxic you know some of these drugs that are coming out you can’t ethically make a group of you know here’s the control of pregnant women because it affects the baby.



PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: That’s why so many medications say you know if you’re pregnant or nursing, consult your health practitioner.


PAULA TIPTON-HEALY: And by the way that’s why it says that on homeopathic labels for because of the FDA and even though there is no consequence in taking them in pregnancy or nursing, they still have to put it on the label.

ANNIE LAIRD: Exactly yeah. Well thanks Paula for joining us today. For more information about Paula and her practice as well as information about Sam or I since we don’t have other panellists today well learn about us, visit the episode page on our website. This conversation continues for members of our Preggie Pals club.

After the show, Paula is going to be discussing the use of homeopathy and how it can benefit you when you’re actually giving birth to the baby so that’s like you know we talk about a little bit about pregnancy, now we’re going to talk about the whole giving birth thing. Baby’s going to come out eventually one way or the other right usually one or two ways. To join our club visit our website .

[Theme Music]

CYNTHIA KAIDEN: Hello Preggie Pals. I am Cynthia Kaiden, founder of Trick my Crib Nursery and Kid’s Room Designs were I help your nursery dreams come true. I’m excited to talk to you today about money saving tips for the baby’s room specifically about saving on the crib.

One of the first steps in designing your baby’s room is to know your overall budget and develop a good idea of how much you have to spend on a crib.

Second, explore whether you might have the opportunity to receive a hand me down or borrow crib from someone who wasn’t using theirs. Moms love to help other moms to be as a side benefit they get that unused crib out of their home.

If you’re going to purchase a new crib, shop around. Go to the big baby stores to look, feel and experience the crib hands on but then go home and shop online. You will be amazed that you can find online virtually the same crib you fell in love with in the baby store for hundreds less.

Convertible cribs are huge money savers. If you don’t buy convertible, you should plan on buying a toddler bed in about two years and then a big bed in another two years. I think that’s a waste of huge resources and it really is not necessary. The convertible cribs convert first to a toddler bed and then to a full size bed often with a head board and flip board that already fits and matches the room. They’re great.

Be aware that you can also buy a crib mattress that converts from infant to toddler just by flipping it over. What a great money saver. I can help you find the perfect crib as part of my flat fee design service. Please like Trick my Crib on Facebook and visit my page often for decorating ideas. Thanks for listening to today’s money saving tips and be sure to listen to Preggie Pals for more great pregnancy tips in the future.

[Theme Music]

ANNIE LAIRD: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Preggie Pals.
Don’t forget to check out our sister shows:
• Parent Savers for parents with newborns, infants and toddlers
• Twin Talks for parents of multiples.
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed their babies

Next week we’ll be continuing our series on your changing pregnant body, talking all about your uterus
This is Preggie Pals, your pregnancy, your way.

This has been a New Mommy Media production. Information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. Though information in which areas are related to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, Medical or advisor care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: New Mommy Media is expanding our line up of shows for new and expecting parents. If you have an idea for a new series or if you’re a business or organization interested in joining our network of shows through a co-branded podcast, visit .

[End of Audio]

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