Transcript: Baby’s Bath: Home, Hospital and Beyond

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Babies Bath: Home, Hospital and Beyond


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[Theme Music]
CARA FURIO: Your baby is born covered in wet, sticky goodness you can't wait to get this kid cleaned off and smell his sweet clean head. Why would you want to wait maybe that wet and cheese-like substance on your baby has a benefit. I’m Cara Furio Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor and this is Newbies.

[Theme Music]

KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome to Newbies broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. Newbies is your online on the go support group guiding new mothers through their baby's first year. I'm your host Kristin Stratton. I’m also a Certified Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula and Owner of In Due Season Doula Services.

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SUNNY GAULT: Okay, hi everybody and we love to hear from our listeners and the best way to do that is simply to reach out to us. And some of the things we’re looking for right now, we're kind of planning into 2016 obviously a brand new year and we want to know what topics what episodes you guys want to know more about.

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Alright great, let’s meet our panelists.

ALISON: Sure. Hi! My name is Alison and I’m 30 years old. My husband and I have been married for almost a year. And we are actually expecting our first child in three months or so, so I’m almost a newbie. And we're going to do a hospital birth. And I started binge listening to New Mommy Media shows back in September.

SUNNY: Awesome, and Layette go ahead.

LAYETTE: Okay my name is Layette Rebeck. I am 42 years old. I have been married for 22 years and I have sixteen children, my oldest is going to be 21 tomorrow and my youngest is about a little over two months old. I have ten daughters and six sons and that’s it they are pretty much my life.

SUNNY: They would have to be I think. That is so awesome though. Now I have to ask so all of your kids are biological or how does that work?

LAYETTE: Twelve biological children and four that I have adopted.

SUNNY: That is amazing. You are a supermom Layette seriously, that is awesome and doing that you’ve given lots of baths I’m sure.

LAYETTE: Lots of baths. Yes, probably numbering in the thousands at this point.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I’m your host Kristen Stratton, I am the mom of three ages six, four and two. I have been married to my husband for seven years and he is in the Marine Corps so we have a very interesting life.

CARA FURIO: Hi, I am Cara Furio and I am 57 years old. I think I'm the crown of the group and I've been married to my second husband for almost 28 years. And from my first marriage, I have a daughter who is 33 years old from my second marriage a daughter who is 24 and I have three grandchildren Alice who is eight and a half, Vara she is six and a half and then we have little Clarabelle who's almost 2.

SUNNY GAULT: Clarabelle what a cute name. I’m Sunny and I’m producing today’s show and I have four kids of my own. My oldest is five a boy, I have a three-year-old boy and twin girls who are just over two. Layette are any of your kids twins or no?

LAYETTE: No, I’ve never given birth to twins so we have several that are just a few weeks apart because either we adopted and then I had a baby or I just had a baby and we were given the opportunity to adopt. So there are some that are close to eight weeks apart. There is a stand that I have six children under three and I have one group that are… I had three babies in eleven months, two that we adopted and one that I had so I haven’t had twins but it’s close as you can get.

SUNNY GAULT: Yeah, you’ve cared for kids at the same age but so that’s pretty much the same thing. Alright, so welcome to the show everyone.

[Theme Music]
SUNNY GAULT: Alright, so before we start today's show, I found a news headline that I thought was interesting. There is a mom that has been posting some stuff to Facebook regarding a situation with her newborn and something that she wants other parents to know about.

So when it comes to newborns, I know most parents know keep a watchful eye on anyone who is trying to touch their baby right. And everyone has good intentions, right? But and babies are just so cute you just want to touch them. But in this particular case that the baby's name is Brock. And this baby contracted oral herpes from an adult who kissed her face. Apparently, it was a relative and she was hospitalized and it could have been, it says in the article it could have been a potentially life-threatening infection.

Basically this mom got on Facebook and said, "Listen we are not just being crazy moms here there's really a reason why we say make sure you wash your hands and all this kind of stuff." So just wanted to get you guys’ thoughts on this lets start here in the studio. Cara what do you think about this? Just in general parents trying to protect their babies.

CARA FURIO: I agree with parents trying to protect their babies. In fact when I talk with new parents I suggest that they wear their babies that way they have more control over who is touching baby, especially when they go out in public. I think immediate family members are probably fine for the most part but people outside the home, it's a tricky subject you want to make sure that that person is healthy.

The person who's around your baby is healthy and I think this also will go into some of our topics for today of the way a baby is born and what's covering the baby and the good bacteria that babies receive during childbirth will help protect your baby from things like catching colds and this oral herpes you said? That the baby caught from the parent I think is probably pretty unusual that something like this happens but it certainly is a reason for concern.

SUNNY GAULT: Sure, Kristen what do you think?

KRISTEN STRATTON: I was just trying to quickly look on my phone because I remember reading an article that talked about why moms so obsessively kissed their babies and it had something to do with actually helping baby’s immune system but I couldn’t find it.

CARA FURIO: I've read that too.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I think mom is definitely a beneficial source of kisses but I agree you definitely need to be selective about who else is in contact with your baby. I know in some other cultures you know kissing on the lips is very normal sometimes in America. Really? Don’t do that. So you know perhaps some caution would be exercised but I agree with Cara wearing your baby is a great way to kind of, "I'm sorry you know he’s just asleep and look at that you can’t even see his face."

SUNNY GAULT: Especially if he’s like nestled right against your breast.

KRISTEN STRATTON: He might breastfeed at any moment which we know scares people, “Oh my God breast.” But actually, I remember doing that. My husband was going to be deployed and my daughter had just been born I think she wasn't even two weeks and we were having the go in the going away party for him and I did the same thing I wore my daughter and I was like this is a good way to keep you know prying hands-off and germs. We just have to be selective, we don’t have to be neurotic about it but we definitely have to be cautious.

SUNNY GAULT: Alright, Alison any thoughts on this?

ALISON: You know as I’ve been getting ready for a baby to be here I’ve had a couple of friends who’ve been very, very I guess sterile in their approach to strangers or friends or family coming up and they always have hand sanitizer and they ask people to wash their hands before they even touch the baby. I think I've learned that I shouldn’t necessarily judge what someone else does until I am in their shoes but I like the advice of wearing the baby because it's probably not something necessary to have fun and I don't think that would help. Because it just makes it a little bit more challenging for someone to get right in their face and do more of the chatting so I like that suggestion.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay and Layette I know you’ve got a lot of experience with this so what’s your take?

LAYETTE: Well, I do. You know when I had my second baby everybody… I had the first girl child and then subsequently my second baby was the third girl child and everyone was just so excited to come see the baby. And we actually had a family member and God bless her she was so excited she brought her daughter who was eleven at the time to the hospital which made me a little nervous. And then when they walked-in I was like, "What is wrong with that's child's eye?" I was not the parent though I didn't realize that was called pink eye. And then we wind up in a pretty scary situation because of the pink eye. And the mother who brought the child therefore, "We'll wash our hands. It's been 24, 48 hours." Whatever [inaudible]... And I have learned a big lesson there. If you try to be gracious because they came to see you and they're excited to about your baby but at the same time you do have to be very protective.

SUNNY GAULT: Absolutely. Okay, well thanks for the input everybody we are going to put a link up to this article on our Facebook page so if you guys are listening you can go check it out.

[Theme Music]

KRISTEN STRATTON: Today on Newbies we are discussing your baby's first bath at the hospital or at home and beyond. Our expert today, Cara Furio is a Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor. Thank you for joining us Cara and welcome to the show.

CARA FURIO: Thank you.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Cara let’s start from the beginning and talk about what is covering baby at birth and what is that white cheesy substance?

CARA FURIO: When a baby is born around term the white substance on a baby is called Vernix. And it's actually a lubricant and protective cover for the baby and if a baby goes over term a lot of times the body absorbs the Vernix so it's not there for babies born too early or born via C-section or I like to call it belly birth. Often times babies don't have that protective covering.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what would be the benefit to the baby wrap up that Vernix in rather than clean it off.

CARA FURIO: Well number one, the Vernix acts like I said as a lubricant as babies coming down through the birth canal. And once babies born it also acts as a natural blanket to help regulate the baby's body temperature and it's a natural moisturizer and its baby's first moisturizer and it's really great to massage that into the baby skin. It also has antibacterial properties that can help prevent things like catching herpes from somebody else.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what about delaying a bath can help the mother’s breastfeeding relationship with her baby.

CARA FURIO: Absolutely, the first hour after birth a baby is most active and this tends to be the time where the staff will whisk the baby away for that first bath. And baby and mother are much better off if the little one is just if there’s any blood or meconium left on the baby after birth. Just gently, if the staff just gently wipes that off but leaves the Vernix on the skin and get that baby onto mom's chest as soon as possible because mom is the best temperature regulator for baby and also each baby is born with their own little special sent and having baby close to mom is so important because when mom smells her baby it helps trigger something called oxytocin which immediately starts helping her milk supply develop.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what bacteria baby is exposed to through the actual process of birth is beneficial to baby and why is that affected by a bath?

CARA FURIO: Beneficial bacteria actually goes into the gut of a baby and helps develop what we call gut health or intestinal or digestive health. And if you take that away you're taking away that first bacteria that's beneficial and also the Vernix or the covering serves as I mentioned before an antibacterial against germs in the hospital. Hospitals are full of germs and this covering will help protect baby from coming catching any of those germs.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what could a caesarian birth mother request to help ensure her baby is exposed to that good bacteria?

CARA FURIO: This is really cool and I did some excess reading on that last night I mean I've heard of what's called seeding but I didn't know all of the little tidbits or a lot of the facts about it and what that is when a baby doesn't come through the birth canal. A baby is not exposed to that natural bacteria that’s so beneficial for like I said gut health, skin health, health in general. And with a C-section baby, there's a process that’s being explored now and there's a lot of research being done on this where about an hour before the surgical procedure, gauze is inserted into the mother’s vagina and left there for about an hour and then that gauze is taken out just before the C-section is performed and kept in a sterile safe place. And once baby comes out they take that gauze and they swipe the inside of the baby's mouth to make sure babies getting some of that beneficial bacteria from the mother's vagina and then they swab the rest of the body, the face and the rest of the body to try and get some of that bacteria onto the baby. Research has shown though that it's only a small percentile of bacteria that can be transferred in that fashion but it's still better than nothing.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Layette where did you birth and were you able to delay your baby's first bath?

LAYETTE: All of my children have been born in a hospital and I think for the most part the staff is pretty good about letting me hold the baby for a while and snuggle for a bit and nurse but I think by far the best experience I had was that this last baby we tried a different hospital and they did an excellent job of letting the baby you know taking it really slow after the baby was born so that was really nice but yes it still happens.
They did all I would say they all had their best, probably within the first three hours I am thinking because sometimes there are other things that they had to attend with me or something it would take a little while but it was never like immediately after the baby was born that they just took the baby and put them right into bath it was always at least two hours that I can think of but yes.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And Alison how about you where are you planning to birth and are you thinking about delaying your baby’s bath?

ALISON: I will be birthing at a hospital and yes, I would like to delay the first bath partly because of the discussions here and it seems like that just would be the best option just because the baby sole opportunity for that good bacteria and also just chest time immediately after birth.

KRISTEN STRATTON: There’s actually a local hospital here in Southern California that their policy is to delay the baby’s bath for at least the first 24 hours because the research supports that, that actually was beneficial to the breastfeeding relationship. And I’ve had a few clients that their babies probably didn’t have baths for a few months.

SUNNY GAULT: Are you serious?

KRISTEN STRATTON: Just a quick wipe down but nothing actual scrubbing or even submerging baby or probably no cleaning products either. The cleaning products are definitely so harsh. No soaps or anything like that maybe some coconut oil or something but definitely I think it's becoming more mainstream to skip that bath until you reach your home.

CARA FURIO: So I do recommend that people wait avoid the bath at the hospital altogether. Your baby doesn't need anything more than a little wipe down like I said after birth to get the blood off if there's any or the meconium which is that dark sticky poop and scientific evidence is pointing toward mom should wait at least a week actually to do any type of sponge bath.
You just keep the diaper area clean like Kristin said maybe use some coconut oil on the body and just gently pat that off a little bit maybe with a warm damp washcloth but the less scrubbing that is done on the baby’s skin after birth for at least the first week, research is showing it's better for the baby.

ALISON: Cara this is Alison, is that something you would recommend for the mother to put on her birth plan? Something specific about wanting to delay the first bath and put a certain amount of time?

CARA FURIO: Yes, absolutely and then whomever is with you at the birth you may have to reinforce that as well. So I really encourage families to make their wishes known that you want baby on your chest at least for the first hour because that's when they’re most active and most likely to latch on immediately to your breast and that's the best time for you to again smell your baby, bond with your baby, it regulates your baby's temperature and perhaps even make it part of your birth plan to not bathe that baby at all at the hospital.

SUNNY GAULT: You know with my twins, my twins were born in 35 weeks and we delayed well I would say, I was in the hospital for about three days because they were C-section babies and so we delayed I think it was they did get a bath but it was on the last day and I know they waited as long as possible mainly because they were still so tiny and it was really hard to retain their body heat and stuff like that. It was interesting because they bathed one and then immediately would just come to my chest and then I would just you know I had both of them on my chest at one point and then just kind of snuggling with them. So baby’s body heat especially for preemies you know that is something to consider too and the hospital can guide you in that too. Obviously, they were hesitant to do it now right of the bat too.

CARA FURIO: That’s good to know.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And also just being on the mom's chest will increase in temperature if baby is cold or decrease in temperature if baby is hot regulates breathing, blood sugar, it’s just pretty amazing.

SUNNY GAULT: It’s awesome. Our bodies are awesome.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I think all of the men in the world would agree that our chests are pretty awesome.

SUNNY GAULT: But even more so our babies know the truth.

CARA FURIO: They do.

LAYETTE: I'm listening into this and I'm just thinking like while this research to be pointing in a certain direction at the same time I have sixteen kids one born at twenty-six weeks one born three weeks their early, all kinds of different experiences. I’ve never had a C-section but quite frankly they could pull the child out of my [inaudible]. I don't care as long as he's born healthy and his breathing but I want to be careful because I feel like if a mom starts to get you know how the emotions are just... which are not really normal when you just had a baby. If a mom really starts to get worked up like, "I don't want to wash my baby" she can just get very emotional and scared about something that I don't think your intention is to make her nervous but I know myself when I had my first baby and you know it was early 90's and it was very much like breastfeeding is a big thing of course. I'm for breastfeeding, I think it's wonderful and that works but to the point that I was like so terrified and scared about making mistake in breastfeeding then it really kind of wouldn't probably.
The first five months of my parenthood and I can't get that back I can’t go back and enjoy that doing. I could have now if I had known then what I know now so what I am just trying to say is it’s great to have a birth plan, they're kind of like General Macarthur said when they were invading Normandy beach, "Now we’ve got the plan and then there's what happens when we hit the ground." You know so you have a birth plan then there's what happens when you go on to birth which you are really not in control of no matter what your birth plan is maybe they can read it. If you're going I wish they've read it, I wish you could tell them telepathically. But you know if you go into this with a lot of high expectations, I just get nervous that new moms can be found just can ruin an experience that otherwise can be so wonderful. So I should say like think about your first bath, do some research on your own and that kind of thing at the same time. And I've got to tell you, I've washed all of my babies probably safe to say with their first three hours alive. They are all healthy, they are all intelligent, they are all wonderful human beings that love their mommy very much. I know, take it, leave it with a grain of salt or whatever but I just get nervous so I'm just throwing it out there.

KRISTEN STRATTON: When we come back we will continue our discussion about bathing your baby and what to do when you decide to finally bathe her. We will be right back.

[Theme Music]

KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome back to the show we're talking to Cara Furio about when to bathe your baby. Cara when a mom decides it’s time for bath, what should she do if the umbilical cord has not healed?

CARA FURIO: If the umbilical cord is not healed, I recommend a sponge bath only and often times that's just with some warm water that said. And the best way to do that is to keep your baby wrapped up. Again try not to let your baby get too cold of course if it's 100 degrees outside and hundred five in the house it might be okay to let them have a little more airtime but just a sponge bath, keep baby wrapped up the parts you're not going to wash have some clean water again you really don't need soap just wipe baby down gently start with the face and work on from there.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what is the best temperature for the water and how can you test to make sure it's safe for baby?

CARA FURIO: Temperature of the water should be about 100 degrees and that's about even with your wrist. If the water feels good to your wrist or to your elbow then it should be okay for baby.

KRISTEN STRATTON: When baby is old enough to sit independently. When is the AAP recommendation for bathing for your baby?

CARA FURIO: You know I was looking around for that last night. Most experts would say you only really need to bathe your baby every maybe three days a week as long as you're keeping the diaper area clean. Also for baby's first full on bath I like to recommend the parents mom or dad get into the bathtub and bring baby to that person because babies love to be in water and it can be traumatic also for that first full bath and a baby can nurse while being bathed and it really helps soothe them a great deal.

SUNNY GAULT: I didn’t even think about that we did what we call family baths. Once I got to babies three and four my twins and not so much when the babies were the twins were newborn age but I really didn’t bathe them all that much when they were newborns and a lot of it just had to do with the semantics of trying to do everything I want. Yeah, we did family baths and when they were more like the infant maybe like five six-month age and my husband actually did it I was more the coordinator. My husband would get in the bath and we’d start with your know our five-year-old which was probably four or whatever maybe even three at the time and you know the boys would get in first and they were pretty young guy and then they would bathe and then would kind of hand you know the twins to my husband one at a time I never had both at once. And that was just our... it was a more efficient way I called it kind of our assembly line it was like how everyone got bathed and we didn't like spend like two hours doing it. And it was one of those things that you know worked really well for you us.

KRISTEN STRATTON: We did something similar I mean just because once you have multiple children it does become a production. I know we are going to talk about that a little bit later in the episode too but I think also when our kids were a little bit bigger so not like new newborn size but we used some of those like bath in the bath products so that they weren't like sliding around in the porcelain tile because they sit independently but they're still really slippery so that works but then we also did like my husband would throw…not throw. No babies were thrown but you know he would put the baby in with me and then we swap them out. So and also we are into drought here in California so that was environmentally we were saving water so environmentally friendly bathing.

SUNNY GAULT: There you go.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And Cara should we use any bubble bath or any other products in the water?

CARA FURIO: Typically no. Most bubble bath products contain chemicals that can actually cause especially in little girls UTI infections. So the general rule of thumb is no bubble bath. However that said, there are some nice products if your child has a cold there are some nice products that are herbally based organic and don't have a lot of chemicals in them that you can put in the bath with some oils that will help open up sinuses, help fight infections. I used to give my daughter, I used to be a practicing herbalist and I used to go into my yard when my daughter was sick and I would pick all these different herbs that would help combat illness and open up her sinuses and air passageways. And I would put them in an old sock and I would run the bathwater through the sock and it was a natural tea bath actually and so the scent of the herbs and the essential oils would go into the bath and that was really good for her skin. So there are exceptions to the rule but in general, most of the bath products that are sold on the market today are not necessarily very healthy for the baby skin or their little bottoms.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And how should a parent choose what products or shampoos to use if any?

CARA FURIO: I tell my parents, go for organic we live in such a toxic culture. Look for products that are as natural as possible. There's a rule of thumb if you cannot pronounce the ingredients odds are good that that product is not good for your baby or you so definitely I encourage parents try and go non-toxic as possible.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Alison what are your plans to do for bath time with your baby?

ALISON: Well at this point I have registered for one of the small like for moms infant tubs but I think I am learning a lot from the discussion here like the thought of the family bath and I had written down some questions beforehand about the frequency and all of that I had been thinking towards organic shampoo anything non-toxic. So I’d say that I’m still open to suggestions but for now I have registered for one of those small infant tubs, I think you could hook it up to your kitchen sink and that’s kind of as far as I’ve gotten I guess.

SUNNY GAULT: Yeah so funny you mentioned the kitchen sink my mom was always all about that like bathing my babies in the kitchen sink and I don’t know what it was like I know what you were talking about Alison is a little different because you are talking about a bath that hooks up to the kitchen sink. But my mom would literally like scrape potatoes and you know put my kids in the sink and I am kind of like I don’t understand that.

CARA FURIO: She was building their immune system Sunny.

SUNNY GAULT: They probably was at some level but for some reason, she really did clean it out and stuff. But like I always just thought that was so strange.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Well I mean it does make sense in a size sense because it is a controlled environment you don’t have to worry about it necessarily slipping. In fact, I have personally done that with some of my client’s children at the request of course. It’s a little weird but it does work I mean it really is nice space-wise. Our moms do know something.

CARA FURIO: They do know something and you know what we've changed so much in our country because we have bathtubs and but honestly I bathe my children a lot in the kitchen sink because number one, you're not bending over and there are sponges on the market you can slip into the sink. If they've done a huge explosion, poop coming out everywhere you know ease is the name of the game, keep it simple and you can wash baby’s hair with the kitchen sink.

SUNNY GAULT: Oh yeah the little nozzle the spray nozzle.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Or the actual faucet is just usually higher.

SUNNY GAULT: That's true.

CARA FURIO: We make life too complicated. With most babies we have what we need right at home I will say though those little tubs that you can buy I like those and I like those for several reasons. You know number one they’re great because it's the baby's own little tub and I like to put more water in there than most people would normally use because babies if you give them a nice warm bath and introduce them to bathing as something relaxing and warm they enjoy them. Plus both of my girls they love their little tubs when they got older I put them in the yard in the summer and fill them with water and that was their personal little pool.

SUNNY GAULT: Oh so you can get your money’s worth you know.

CARA FURIO: And also there are tubs on the market today that have these little waterfalls that come down the shoulders at the back of the necks.

SUNNY GAULT: That is really fancy.

CARA FURIO: It is fancy.

KRISTEN STRATTON: That’s nice for my tub.

CARA FURIO: Yeah but those really cool because they are going to keep your baby warm. Typically what I use our washcloths and little towels put over baby to keep the baby warm while they're in the tub and you’ve got a little built-in waterfall there and I think that is the coolest thing.

SUNNY GAULT: That is cool hey Layette I'm dying to know what you do in your family like I was talking about an assembly line I mean tell me what happens at your house.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I really want to know.


LAYETTE: Well as far as the newborn goes like whenever the baby’s umbilical cord hasn't fallen off, usually what I will do is I will place a couple of nappies you know the cross diaper you call this Gerber diaper things, I'll lay one or two of those down and then put the baby on top of the counter in that and I use a washcloth I warm that up and I put that on top of their chest so that they just don't scream intentionally because they're cold and then I give them a sponge bath. But then after that I really like that it you’ve seen them online the posh tubs but basically, it folds flat and you put it in the sink and it opens up and it got little drain holes basically just let your baby in the sink with the semi-soft kind of yoga mat sort of a little bit thicker than that thing inside your sink. My baby now is still and then and I love it because if folds flat and it's not hard to find place to store the big plastic bathtubs which I’ve had probably ten of those but...

KRISTEN STRATTON: I could imagine.

LAYETTE: I keep it like, "Ahhh, it's not good anymore then oops were having a baby okay I guess we're getting a new plastic. Because I have so many different ages and I have boys and girls I am kind of cautious about that sort of thing so like when my boys come home from football. We only have three bathrooms by the way so the boys come home from football and my oldest boy is 10, I get them one at a time in and we get up and we have like a minute in the shower, scrub head to toe and get the bodywash and you get out, and you brush your teeth and you go get your boxers on and get on your bed and don’t hit anybody on the process. You have to add that last part in because it's four boys there will be a fist fight by the time the fourth breaks it out.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Thank you so much Cara and our lovely panelists for chatting with us today about baby bath time. For our Newbies club members our conversation will continue after the end of the show as Cara will discuss tips for bathing multiple children when mom has more than one. For more information about the Newbies Club please visit our website at

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: Alright Newbies it's time for a fun segment we have on the show called “Baby Oops”. Where you guys share your funny stories of parenting your baby even though it hasn't been that long. Right? Your baby's pretty young but one of the things I think about I feel like there's some pressure on this is "What do you bring your baby home in from the hospital?" If you have a hospital birth, right? And so that's what are comment is about today. This comes from Jamie and Jamie writes; “When I packed my hospital bag, I only put one outfit for the baby to come home in. Well, as soon as I put her in this outfit. She pooped (of course that is what they always do, right?) and it ran right out of the diaper. (Of course) and all over the outfit. I had nothing with me and home was an hour away. The hospital gave me two long sleeve shirts. So I just put one on top and one on the bottom like pants, she was still pretty cute though”. (Of course, she was Jamie and I know what long sleeve shirts you're talking about because most of like babies are swimming in them, right. But at least they have something, right?) Still a cute baby no matter what she's wearing. So Jamie thanks so much for sending this in. If you guys have a “Baby Oops” that you want to share with our audience. We would love to hear it and put in our future episode. You can send us an email like Jamie did or another great way is you can actually record a voice message straight from our website. Either way we're going to put it on our future shows so everyone else can hear about it and we can get all a good laugh. Alright, thanks Jamie.

KRISTEN STRATTON: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Newbies.
Don’t forget to check out our sister show:
• Preggie Pals for expecting parents
• Parent Savers for moms and dads with infants and toddlers
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed and
• Twin Talks for parents with multiples.

Thanks for listening to Newbies. Your go to source for new moms and new babies.

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Episode Transcript

Babies Bath: Home, Hospital and Beyond


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[Theme Music]
CARA FURIO: Your baby is born covered in wet, sticky goodness you can't wait to get this kid cleaned off and smell his sweet clean head. Why would you want to wait maybe that wet and cheese-like substance on your baby has a benefit. I’m Cara Furio Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor and this is Newbies.

[Theme Music]

KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome to Newbies broadcasting from the Birth Education Center of San Diego. Newbies is your online on the go support group guiding new mothers through their baby's first year. I'm your host Kristin Stratton. I’m also a Certified Birth Doula, Postpartum Doula and Owner of In Due Season Doula Services.

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SUNNY GAULT: Okay, hi everybody and we love to hear from our listeners and the best way to do that is simply to reach out to us. And some of the things we’re looking for right now, we're kind of planning into 2016 obviously a brand new year and we want to know what topics what episodes you guys want to know more about.

So we’ve covered obviously a lot in different episodes on the New Mommy Media not just on Newbies but on all of our various shows. So please reach out to us and let us know what topics you are interested in and also if you have questions, we have a whole team of experts that's literally waiting just to answer your questions. So if you have a question regarding your baby and perhaps it’s something after you have your baby and it's related to you.

We are not just talking about baby issues right now it’s all about mom and so if you have any questions like that, reach out to us and the cool thing we do is we not only try to get those questions answered but we include your question and the expert’s answer in a future episode. So that way all of our listeners can benefit from it.

So if you would like to participate in any of those whether it's the questions for experts or reaching out to us regarding story ideas you can obviously email us and you can go to our website at and do that.

We also have a new feature that I want to tell you about and that is if you go to our website there is a gray little banner on the side it says “send voicemail” and if you click on that you can actually use the speakers and the microphone in your computer to leave a “voicemail” that way so actually we don't even need our phones anymore we are just doing this through the Internet so that’s a great way to do it as well and again everything’s on our website.

Alright great, let’s meet our panelists.

ALISON: Sure. Hi! My name is Alison and I’m 30 years old. My husband and I have been married for almost a year. And we are actually expecting our first child in three months or so, so I’m almost a newbie. And we're going to do a hospital birth. And I started binge listening to New Mommy Media shows back in September.

SUNNY: Awesome, and Layette go ahead.

LAYETTE: Okay my name is Layette Rebeck. I am 42 years old. I have been married for 22 years and I have sixteen children, my oldest is going to be 21 tomorrow and my youngest is about a little over two months old. I have ten daughters and six sons and that’s it they are pretty much my life.

SUNNY: They would have to be I think. That is so awesome though. Now I have to ask so all of your kids are biological or how does that work?

LAYETTE: Twelve biological children and four that I have adopted.

SUNNY: That is amazing. You are a supermom Layette seriously, that is awesome and doing that you’ve given lots of baths I’m sure.

LAYETTE: Lots of baths. Yes, probably numbering in the thousands at this point.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I’m your host Kristen Stratton, I am the mom of three ages six, four and two. I have been married to my husband for seven years and he is in the Marine Corps so we have a very interesting life.

CARA FURIO: Hi, I am Cara Furio and I am 57 years old. I think I'm the crown of the group and I've been married to my second husband for almost 28 years. And from my first marriage, I have a daughter who is 33 years old from my second marriage a daughter who is 24 and I have three grandchildren Alice who is eight and a half, Vara she is six and a half and then we have little Clarabelle who's almost 2.

SUNNY GAULT: Clarabelle what a cute name. I’m Sunny and I’m producing today’s show and I have four kids of my own. My oldest is five a boy, I have a three-year-old boy and twin girls who are just over two. Layette are any of your kids twins or no?

LAYETTE: No, I’ve never given birth to twins so we have several that are just a few weeks apart because either we adopted and then I had a baby or I just had a baby and we were given the opportunity to adopt. So there are some that are close to eight weeks apart. There is a stand that I have six children under three and I have one group that are… I had three babies in eleven months, two that we adopted and one that I had so I haven’t had twins but it’s close as you can get.

SUNNY GAULT: Yeah, you’ve cared for kids at the same age but so that’s pretty much the same thing. Alright, so welcome to the show everyone.

[Theme Music]
SUNNY GAULT: Alright, so before we start today's show, I found a news headline that I thought was interesting. There is a mom that has been posting some stuff to Facebook regarding a situation with her newborn and something that she wants other parents to know about.

So when it comes to newborns, I know most parents know keep a watchful eye on anyone who is trying to touch their baby right. And everyone has good intentions, right? But and babies are just so cute you just want to touch them. But in this particular case that the baby's name is Brock. And this baby contracted oral herpes from an adult who kissed her face. Apparently, it was a relative and she was hospitalized and it could have been, it says in the article it could have been a potentially life-threatening infection.

Basically this mom got on Facebook and said, "Listen we are not just being crazy moms here there's really a reason why we say make sure you wash your hands and all this kind of stuff." So just wanted to get you guys’ thoughts on this lets start here in the studio. Cara what do you think about this? Just in general parents trying to protect their babies.

CARA FURIO: I agree with parents trying to protect their babies. In fact when I talk with new parents I suggest that they wear their babies that way they have more control over who is touching baby, especially when they go out in public. I think immediate family members are probably fine for the most part but people outside the home, it's a tricky subject you want to make sure that that person is healthy.

The person who's around your baby is healthy and I think this also will go into some of our topics for today of the way a baby is born and what's covering the baby and the good bacteria that babies receive during childbirth will help protect your baby from things like catching colds and this oral herpes you said? That the baby caught from the parent I think is probably pretty unusual that something like this happens but it certainly is a reason for concern.

SUNNY GAULT: Sure, Kristen what do you think?

KRISTEN STRATTON: I was just trying to quickly look on my phone because I remember reading an article that talked about why moms so obsessively kissed their babies and it had something to do with actually helping baby’s immune system but I couldn’t find it.

CARA FURIO: I've read that too.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I think mom is definitely a beneficial source of kisses but I agree you definitely need to be selective about who else is in contact with your baby. I know in some other cultures you know kissing on the lips is very normal sometimes in America. Really? Don’t do that. So you know perhaps some caution would be exercised but I agree with Cara wearing your baby is a great way to kind of, "I'm sorry you know he’s just asleep and look at that you can’t even see his face."

SUNNY GAULT: Especially if he’s like nestled right against your breast.

KRISTEN STRATTON: He might breastfeed at any moment which we know scares people, “Oh my God breast.” But actually, I remember doing that. My husband was going to be deployed and my daughter had just been born I think she wasn't even two weeks and we were having the go in the going away party for him and I did the same thing I wore my daughter and I was like this is a good way to keep you know prying hands-off and germs. We just have to be selective, we don’t have to be neurotic about it but we definitely have to be cautious.

SUNNY GAULT: Alright, Alison any thoughts on this?

ALISON: You know as I’ve been getting ready for a baby to be here I’ve had a couple of friends who’ve been very, very I guess sterile in their approach to strangers or friends or family coming up and they always have hand sanitizer and they ask people to wash their hands before they even touch the baby. I think I've learned that I shouldn’t necessarily judge what someone else does until I am in their shoes but I like the advice of wearing the baby because it's probably not something necessary to have fun and I don't think that would help. Because it just makes it a little bit more challenging for someone to get right in their face and do more of the chatting so I like that suggestion.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay and Layette I know you’ve got a lot of experience with this so what’s your take?

LAYETTE: Well, I do. You know when I had my second baby everybody… I had the first girl child and then subsequently my second baby was the third girl child and everyone was just so excited to come see the baby. And we actually had a family member and God bless her she was so excited she brought her daughter who was eleven at the time to the hospital which made me a little nervous. And then when they walked-in I was like, "What is wrong with that's child's eye?" I was not the parent though I didn't realize that was called pink eye. And then we wind up in a pretty scary situation because of the pink eye. And the mother who brought the child therefore, "We'll wash our hands. It's been 24, 48 hours." Whatever [inaudible]... And I have learned a big lesson there. If you try to be gracious because they came to see you and they're excited to about your baby but at the same time you do have to be very protective.

SUNNY GAULT: Absolutely. Okay, well thanks for the input everybody we are going to put a link up to this article on our Facebook page so if you guys are listening you can go check it out.

[Theme Music]

KRISTEN STRATTON: Today on Newbies we are discussing your baby's first bath at the hospital or at home and beyond. Our expert today, Cara Furio is a Postpartum Doula and Certified Lactation Counselor. Thank you for joining us Cara and welcome to the show.

CARA FURIO: Thank you.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Cara let’s start from the beginning and talk about what is covering baby at birth and what is that white cheesy substance?

CARA FURIO: When a baby is born around term the white substance on a baby is called Vernix. And it's actually a lubricant and protective cover for the baby and if a baby goes over term a lot of times the body absorbs the Vernix so it's not there for babies born too early or born via C-section or I like to call it belly birth. Often times babies don't have that protective covering.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what would be the benefit to the baby wrap up that Vernix in rather than clean it off.

CARA FURIO: Well number one, the Vernix acts like I said as a lubricant as babies coming down through the birth canal. And once babies born it also acts as a natural blanket to help regulate the baby's body temperature and it's a natural moisturizer and its baby's first moisturizer and it's really great to massage that into the baby skin. It also has antibacterial properties that can help prevent things like catching herpes from somebody else.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what about delaying a bath can help the mother’s breastfeeding relationship with her baby.

CARA FURIO: Absolutely, the first hour after birth a baby is most active and this tends to be the time where the staff will whisk the baby away for that first bath. And baby and mother are much better off if the little one is just if there’s any blood or meconium left on the baby after birth. Just gently, if the staff just gently wipes that off but leaves the Vernix on the skin and get that baby onto mom's chest as soon as possible because mom is the best temperature regulator for baby and also each baby is born with their own little special sent and having baby close to mom is so important because when mom smells her baby it helps trigger something called oxytocin which immediately starts helping her milk supply develop.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what bacteria baby is exposed to through the actual process of birth is beneficial to baby and why is that affected by a bath?

CARA FURIO: Beneficial bacteria actually goes into the gut of a baby and helps develop what we call gut health or intestinal or digestive health. And if you take that away you're taking away that first bacteria that's beneficial and also the Vernix or the covering serves as I mentioned before an antibacterial against germs in the hospital. Hospitals are full of germs and this covering will help protect baby from coming catching any of those germs.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what could a caesarian birth mother request to help ensure her baby is exposed to that good bacteria?

CARA FURIO: This is really cool and I did some excess reading on that last night I mean I've heard of what's called seeding but I didn't know all of the little tidbits or a lot of the facts about it and what that is when a baby doesn't come through the birth canal. A baby is not exposed to that natural bacteria that’s so beneficial for like I said gut health, skin health, health in general. And with a C-section baby, there's a process that’s being explored now and there's a lot of research being done on this where about an hour before the surgical procedure, gauze is inserted into the mother’s vagina and left there for about an hour and then that gauze is taken out just before the C-section is performed and kept in a sterile safe place. And once baby comes out they take that gauze and they swipe the inside of the baby's mouth to make sure babies getting some of that beneficial bacteria from the mother's vagina and then they swab the rest of the body, the face and the rest of the body to try and get some of that bacteria onto the baby. Research has shown though that it's only a small percentile of bacteria that can be transferred in that fashion but it's still better than nothing.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Layette where did you birth and were you able to delay your baby's first bath?

LAYETTE: All of my children have been born in a hospital and I think for the most part the staff is pretty good about letting me hold the baby for a while and snuggle for a bit and nurse but I think by far the best experience I had was that this last baby we tried a different hospital and they did an excellent job of letting the baby you know taking it really slow after the baby was born so that was really nice but yes it still happens.
They did all I would say they all had their best, probably within the first three hours I am thinking because sometimes there are other things that they had to attend with me or something it would take a little while but it was never like immediately after the baby was born that they just took the baby and put them right into bath it was always at least two hours that I can think of but yes.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And Alison how about you where are you planning to birth and are you thinking about delaying your baby’s bath?

ALISON: I will be birthing at a hospital and yes, I would like to delay the first bath partly because of the discussions here and it seems like that just would be the best option just because the baby sole opportunity for that good bacteria and also just chest time immediately after birth.

KRISTEN STRATTON: There’s actually a local hospital here in Southern California that their policy is to delay the baby’s bath for at least the first 24 hours because the research supports that, that actually was beneficial to the breastfeeding relationship. And I’ve had a few clients that their babies probably didn’t have baths for a few months.

SUNNY GAULT: Are you serious?

KRISTEN STRATTON: Just a quick wipe down but nothing actual scrubbing or even submerging baby or probably no cleaning products either. The cleaning products are definitely so harsh. No soaps or anything like that maybe some coconut oil or something but definitely I think it's becoming more mainstream to skip that bath until you reach your home.

CARA FURIO: So I do recommend that people wait avoid the bath at the hospital altogether. Your baby doesn't need anything more than a little wipe down like I said after birth to get the blood off if there's any or the meconium which is that dark sticky poop and scientific evidence is pointing toward mom should wait at least a week actually to do any type of sponge bath.
You just keep the diaper area clean like Kristin said maybe use some coconut oil on the body and just gently pat that off a little bit maybe with a warm damp washcloth but the less scrubbing that is done on the baby’s skin after birth for at least the first week, research is showing it's better for the baby.

ALISON: Cara this is Alison, is that something you would recommend for the mother to put on her birth plan? Something specific about wanting to delay the first bath and put a certain amount of time?

CARA FURIO: Yes, absolutely and then whomever is with you at the birth you may have to reinforce that as well. So I really encourage families to make their wishes known that you want baby on your chest at least for the first hour because that's when they’re most active and most likely to latch on immediately to your breast and that's the best time for you to again smell your baby, bond with your baby, it regulates your baby's temperature and perhaps even make it part of your birth plan to not bathe that baby at all at the hospital.

SUNNY GAULT: You know with my twins, my twins were born in 35 weeks and we delayed well I would say, I was in the hospital for about three days because they were C-section babies and so we delayed I think it was they did get a bath but it was on the last day and I know they waited as long as possible mainly because they were still so tiny and it was really hard to retain their body heat and stuff like that. It was interesting because they bathed one and then immediately would just come to my chest and then I would just you know I had both of them on my chest at one point and then just kind of snuggling with them. So baby’s body heat especially for preemies you know that is something to consider too and the hospital can guide you in that too. Obviously, they were hesitant to do it now right of the bat too.

CARA FURIO: That’s good to know.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And also just being on the mom's chest will increase in temperature if baby is cold or decrease in temperature if baby is hot regulates breathing, blood sugar, it’s just pretty amazing.

SUNNY GAULT: It’s awesome. Our bodies are awesome.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I think all of the men in the world would agree that our chests are pretty awesome.

SUNNY GAULT: But even more so our babies know the truth.

CARA FURIO: They do.

LAYETTE: I'm listening into this and I'm just thinking like while this research to be pointing in a certain direction at the same time I have sixteen kids one born at twenty-six weeks one born three weeks their early, all kinds of different experiences. I’ve never had a C-section but quite frankly they could pull the child out of my [inaudible]. I don't care as long as he's born healthy and his breathing but I want to be careful because I feel like if a mom starts to get you know how the emotions are just... which are not really normal when you just had a baby. If a mom really starts to get worked up like, "I don't want to wash my baby" she can just get very emotional and scared about something that I don't think your intention is to make her nervous but I know myself when I had my first baby and you know it was early 90's and it was very much like breastfeeding is a big thing of course. I'm for breastfeeding, I think it's wonderful and that works but to the point that I was like so terrified and scared about making mistake in breastfeeding then it really kind of wouldn't probably.
The first five months of my parenthood and I can't get that back I can’t go back and enjoy that doing. I could have now if I had known then what I know now so what I am just trying to say is it’s great to have a birth plan, they're kind of like General Macarthur said when they were invading Normandy beach, "Now we’ve got the plan and then there's what happens when we hit the ground." You know so you have a birth plan then there's what happens when you go on to birth which you are really not in control of no matter what your birth plan is maybe they can read it. If you're going I wish they've read it, I wish you could tell them telepathically. But you know if you go into this with a lot of high expectations, I just get nervous that new moms can be found just can ruin an experience that otherwise can be so wonderful. So I should say like think about your first bath, do some research on your own and that kind of thing at the same time. And I've got to tell you, I've washed all of my babies probably safe to say with their first three hours alive. They are all healthy, they are all intelligent, they are all wonderful human beings that love their mommy very much. I know, take it, leave it with a grain of salt or whatever but I just get nervous so I'm just throwing it out there.

KRISTEN STRATTON: When we come back we will continue our discussion about bathing your baby and what to do when you decide to finally bathe her. We will be right back.

[Theme Music]

KRISTEN STRATTON: Welcome back to the show we're talking to Cara Furio about when to bathe your baby. Cara when a mom decides it’s time for bath, what should she do if the umbilical cord has not healed?

CARA FURIO: If the umbilical cord is not healed, I recommend a sponge bath only and often times that's just with some warm water that said. And the best way to do that is to keep your baby wrapped up. Again try not to let your baby get too cold of course if it's 100 degrees outside and hundred five in the house it might be okay to let them have a little more airtime but just a sponge bath, keep baby wrapped up the parts you're not going to wash have some clean water again you really don't need soap just wipe baby down gently start with the face and work on from there.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And what is the best temperature for the water and how can you test to make sure it's safe for baby?

CARA FURIO: Temperature of the water should be about 100 degrees and that's about even with your wrist. If the water feels good to your wrist or to your elbow then it should be okay for baby.

KRISTEN STRATTON: When baby is old enough to sit independently. When is the AAP recommendation for bathing for your baby?

CARA FURIO: You know I was looking around for that last night. Most experts would say you only really need to bathe your baby every maybe three days a week as long as you're keeping the diaper area clean. Also for baby's first full on bath I like to recommend the parents mom or dad get into the bathtub and bring baby to that person because babies love to be in water and it can be traumatic also for that first full bath and a baby can nurse while being bathed and it really helps soothe them a great deal.

SUNNY GAULT: I didn’t even think about that we did what we call family baths. Once I got to babies three and four my twins and not so much when the babies were the twins were newborn age but I really didn’t bathe them all that much when they were newborns and a lot of it just had to do with the semantics of trying to do everything I want. Yeah, we did family baths and when they were more like the infant maybe like five six-month age and my husband actually did it I was more the coordinator. My husband would get in the bath and we’d start with your know our five-year-old which was probably four or whatever maybe even three at the time and you know the boys would get in first and they were pretty young guy and then they would bathe and then would kind of hand you know the twins to my husband one at a time I never had both at once. And that was just our... it was a more efficient way I called it kind of our assembly line it was like how everyone got bathed and we didn't like spend like two hours doing it. And it was one of those things that you know worked really well for you us.

KRISTEN STRATTON: We did something similar I mean just because once you have multiple children it does become a production. I know we are going to talk about that a little bit later in the episode too but I think also when our kids were a little bit bigger so not like new newborn size but we used some of those like bath in the bath products so that they weren't like sliding around in the porcelain tile because they sit independently but they're still really slippery so that works but then we also did like my husband would throw…not throw. No babies were thrown but you know he would put the baby in with me and then we swap them out. So and also we are into drought here in California so that was environmentally we were saving water so environmentally friendly bathing.

SUNNY GAULT: There you go.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And Cara should we use any bubble bath or any other products in the water?

CARA FURIO: Typically no. Most bubble bath products contain chemicals that can actually cause especially in little girls UTI infections. So the general rule of thumb is no bubble bath. However that said, there are some nice products if your child has a cold there are some nice products that are herbally based organic and don't have a lot of chemicals in them that you can put in the bath with some oils that will help open up sinuses, help fight infections. I used to give my daughter, I used to be a practicing herbalist and I used to go into my yard when my daughter was sick and I would pick all these different herbs that would help combat illness and open up her sinuses and air passageways. And I would put them in an old sock and I would run the bathwater through the sock and it was a natural tea bath actually and so the scent of the herbs and the essential oils would go into the bath and that was really good for her skin. So there are exceptions to the rule but in general, most of the bath products that are sold on the market today are not necessarily very healthy for the baby skin or their little bottoms.

KRISTEN STRATTON: And how should a parent choose what products or shampoos to use if any?

CARA FURIO: I tell my parents, go for organic we live in such a toxic culture. Look for products that are as natural as possible. There's a rule of thumb if you cannot pronounce the ingredients odds are good that that product is not good for your baby or you so definitely I encourage parents try and go non-toxic as possible.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Alison what are your plans to do for bath time with your baby?

ALISON: Well at this point I have registered for one of the small like for moms infant tubs but I think I am learning a lot from the discussion here like the thought of the family bath and I had written down some questions beforehand about the frequency and all of that I had been thinking towards organic shampoo anything non-toxic. So I’d say that I’m still open to suggestions but for now I have registered for one of those small infant tubs, I think you could hook it up to your kitchen sink and that’s kind of as far as I’ve gotten I guess.

SUNNY GAULT: Yeah so funny you mentioned the kitchen sink my mom was always all about that like bathing my babies in the kitchen sink and I don’t know what it was like I know what you were talking about Alison is a little different because you are talking about a bath that hooks up to the kitchen sink. But my mom would literally like scrape potatoes and you know put my kids in the sink and I am kind of like I don’t understand that.

CARA FURIO: She was building their immune system Sunny.

SUNNY GAULT: They probably was at some level but for some reason, she really did clean it out and stuff. But like I always just thought that was so strange.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Well I mean it does make sense in a size sense because it is a controlled environment you don’t have to worry about it necessarily slipping. In fact, I have personally done that with some of my client’s children at the request of course. It’s a little weird but it does work I mean it really is nice space-wise. Our moms do know something.

CARA FURIO: They do know something and you know what we've changed so much in our country because we have bathtubs and but honestly I bathe my children a lot in the kitchen sink because number one, you're not bending over and there are sponges on the market you can slip into the sink. If they've done a huge explosion, poop coming out everywhere you know ease is the name of the game, keep it simple and you can wash baby’s hair with the kitchen sink.

SUNNY GAULT: Oh yeah the little nozzle the spray nozzle.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Or the actual faucet is just usually higher.

SUNNY GAULT: That's true.

CARA FURIO: We make life too complicated. With most babies we have what we need right at home I will say though those little tubs that you can buy I like those and I like those for several reasons. You know number one they’re great because it's the baby's own little tub and I like to put more water in there than most people would normally use because babies if you give them a nice warm bath and introduce them to bathing as something relaxing and warm they enjoy them. Plus both of my girls they love their little tubs when they got older I put them in the yard in the summer and fill them with water and that was their personal little pool.

SUNNY GAULT: Oh so you can get your money’s worth you know.

CARA FURIO: And also there are tubs on the market today that have these little waterfalls that come down the shoulders at the back of the necks.

SUNNY GAULT: That is really fancy.

CARA FURIO: It is fancy.

KRISTEN STRATTON: That’s nice for my tub.

CARA FURIO: Yeah but those really cool because they are going to keep your baby warm. Typically what I use our washcloths and little towels put over baby to keep the baby warm while they're in the tub and you’ve got a little built-in waterfall there and I think that is the coolest thing.

SUNNY GAULT: That is cool hey Layette I'm dying to know what you do in your family like I was talking about an assembly line I mean tell me what happens at your house.

KRISTEN STRATTON: I really want to know.


LAYETTE: Well as far as the newborn goes like whenever the baby’s umbilical cord hasn't fallen off, usually what I will do is I will place a couple of nappies you know the cross diaper you call this Gerber diaper things, I'll lay one or two of those down and then put the baby on top of the counter in that and I use a washcloth I warm that up and I put that on top of their chest so that they just don't scream intentionally because they're cold and then I give them a sponge bath. But then after that I really like that it you’ve seen them online the posh tubs but basically, it folds flat and you put it in the sink and it opens up and it got little drain holes basically just let your baby in the sink with the semi-soft kind of yoga mat sort of a little bit thicker than that thing inside your sink. My baby now is still and then and I love it because if folds flat and it's not hard to find place to store the big plastic bathtubs which I’ve had probably ten of those but...

KRISTEN STRATTON: I could imagine.

LAYETTE: I keep it like, "Ahhh, it's not good anymore then oops were having a baby okay I guess we're getting a new plastic. Because I have so many different ages and I have boys and girls I am kind of cautious about that sort of thing so like when my boys come home from football. We only have three bathrooms by the way so the boys come home from football and my oldest boy is 10, I get them one at a time in and we get up and we have like a minute in the shower, scrub head to toe and get the bodywash and you get out, and you brush your teeth and you go get your boxers on and get on your bed and don’t hit anybody on the process. You have to add that last part in because it's four boys there will be a fist fight by the time the fourth breaks it out.

KRISTEN STRATTON: Thank you so much Cara and our lovely panelists for chatting with us today about baby bath time. For our Newbies club members our conversation will continue after the end of the show as Cara will discuss tips for bathing multiple children when mom has more than one. For more information about the Newbies Club please visit our website at

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: Alright Newbies it's time for a fun segment we have on the show called “Baby Oops”. Where you guys share your funny stories of parenting your baby even though it hasn't been that long. Right? Your baby's pretty young but one of the things I think about I feel like there's some pressure on this is "What do you bring your baby home in from the hospital?" If you have a hospital birth, right? And so that's what are comment is about today. This comes from Jamie and Jamie writes; “When I packed my hospital bag, I only put one outfit for the baby to come home in. Well, as soon as I put her in this outfit. She pooped (of course that is what they always do, right?) and it ran right out of the diaper. (Of course) and all over the outfit. I had nothing with me and home was an hour away. The hospital gave me two long sleeve shirts. So I just put one on top and one on the bottom like pants, she was still pretty cute though”. (Of course, she was Jamie and I know what long sleeve shirts you're talking about because most of like babies are swimming in them, right. But at least they have something, right?) Still a cute baby no matter what she's wearing. So Jamie thanks so much for sending this in. If you guys have a “Baby Oops” that you want to share with our audience. We would love to hear it and put in our future episode. You can send us an email like Jamie did or another great way is you can actually record a voice message straight from our website. Either way we're going to put it on our future shows so everyone else can hear about it and we can get all a good laugh. Alright, thanks Jamie.

KRISTEN STRATTON: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to Newbies.
Don’t forget to check out our sister show:
• Preggie Pals for expecting parents
• Parent Savers for moms and dads with infants and toddlers
• The Boob Group for moms who breastfeed and
• Twin Talks for parents with multiples.

Thanks for listening to Newbies. Your go to source for new moms and new babies.

This has been a New Mommy Media production. The information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. While such information and materials are believed to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical advice or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider. How would you like to have your own show on the New Mommy Media Network? We are expanding our line-up and looking for great content. If you are a business, or organization interested in learning more about our co-branded podcast, visit our website at

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