Tracy Wilson Peters

Author/ Childbirth Educator

Tracy Wilson Peters has been a lifelong advocate for families and babies. Married for over 18 years and mother to two amazing sons, Peters’ experience raising her own children led her to a love for supporting expectant families. This passion encouraged her to found CAPPA, Childbirth and Postpartum Professionals Association, which is the largest childbirth organization in the world. Nationally known as a pregnancy expert, she has authored numerous journal and magazine articles, keeping both professionals and expectant families in tune to what is happening in the world of women’s healthcare. Peters has appeared on many television networks, including FOX, CBS, NBC, and ABC and has been featured in numerous magazines.

Episodes for this expert

  • Bonding With Your Baby Before Birth

    For some women, this happens very naturally during pregnancy. But others have to develop it on their own time. We’ll explore some ways you can naturally connect with your unborn child, especially if the pregnancy is a surprise.

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