Sascha Mayer
Breastfeeding Advocate
Sascha Mayer is the CEO and co-founder of Mamava.
Mamava is the leading expert in lactation spaces, integrating the biological, physical, and emotional needs of nursing mamas into smart solutions. Sascha launched Mamava in 2006 with her friend, colleague, and fellow mama, Christine Dodson. (Read more about Mamava’s birth story.) In 2018, Sascha and Christine were named Vermont Small Business Persons of the Year. Sascha is a recognized expert on lactation space design, legislation and policies that support mothers and families, the needs of millennial mothers, and social entrepreneurial leadership.
Sascha started her career in design with Solidarity of Unbridled Labour (Mamava’s birthplace) in 1995. She helped to develop the Living Brand®, Solidarity’s philosophy on brands and brand creation. As Strategy Director, Sascha participated in the creation of many brands, provided account planning services, and has designed and facilitated multidisciplinary creative-collaborative sessions with numerous brands, including HP, Levi’s, Lululemon, Merrell Apparel, Nike Women, and Red Door Salons. Before joining Solidarity, Sascha worked for the office of Congressman (now Senator) Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), where she served as a staff assistant and then assistant press secretary.
Episodes for this expert
Supporting Breastfeeding and Pumping Employees
Returning to work can be a bit of a challenge for breastfeeding and pumping moms. There are so many things to consider, both mentally and physically. So, how can employers help ease this process for mothers returning from maternity leave? What are some of the challenges businesses face? And how can employees advocate for themselves? Today we’re talking about how to support breastfeeding and pumping employees.
Additional Experts
Sonny and Sandy Portacio
Elizabeth Stevens
Nancy Cohen
Behavior Specialist
Christine McMichael
Food and Lifestyle Blogger
Elizabeth Myler
Nurse/ Lactation Consultant
Vanessa Wells