Nonie Levi

Marriage and Family Therapist

Nonie Levi is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. She has over 20 years experience in the field of psychotherapy with a special emphasis in parent/child relationships, parenting and couples therapy. She has taught Redirecting Children’s Behavior in numerous agencies and organizations throughout the San Diego area. She also created and facilitated a support group for parents of “spirited children” based on children’s individual temperament styles. Nonie has completed Level 3 Practicum Training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy as well as Bringing Baby Home. Her commitment as a therapist is to help people create a healthy connection within themselves, in their partnership and with their children. She currently is in private practice with offices in San Diego and Encinitas.

Videos for this expert

  • Parenting Strategies for Your Persistent Child

    Are you the parent of a persistent kid? We sometimes view this type of behavior as simply being stubborn, but persistent children have amazing traits that can evolve into being a successful adult.

  • Positive Discipline and Self-Esteem for Your Kids

    As parents, we can drive ourselves crazy trying to convince our kids to do what we want them to do. And while we still need to discipline our kids, we also need to be proactive so we can minimize any potential issues that come our way. So, what are the four main ways children misbehave, and what are some great ways deal with those situation before they get out of hand?

  • Making the “Terrible” Twos Terrific

    As a new parent, your friends and family may have already warned you about the “terrible twos”. A time when your precious child begins asserting himself in ways you never thought were possible. But there’s good news! There are strategies you can use to better understand your child so you can diffuse difficult situations more quickly. Today we’re talking about how to turn the terrible twos into terrific twos!

  • Potty Training: Tips for Toilet Teaching Your Child

    The idea of getting your child out of diapers may sounds appealing, but the whole potty training process can cause huge amounts of anxiety for both the parents and your little trainee. We have a great guide that takes you step by step through the process.

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