Michelle Hickman
Breastfeeding Advocate
Michelle Hickman volunteers as the Director of Activism for Best For Babes. Michelle lives in Friendswood, Texas with her husband Terry and 4 children: Skyler (2000), Nathaniel (2008), Natalie (2009), and Noah (2011). Michelle spends her days running their small family business, caring for her kids, and advocating for breastfeeding. Michelle created and manages the Best For Babes Nursing In Public Hotline , 855-NIP-FREE, designed to help provide support for lactating mothers facing discrimination. Michelle is an AP, co-sleeping, extended tandem nursing mom who enjoys gardening, cooking, and has a heart to lovingly serve others.
Episodes for this expert
Ways to Combat Nursing in Public Harassment
Many women face harassment and ridicule while nursing their children in public. What does this harassment typically look like? What exactly are the laws that protect a woman’s right to nurse in public? And what should you do if this happens to you?
Additional Experts
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