Transcript: Are You a Lactivist?

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The Boob Group
Are you a Lactivist?

Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.

SUNNY GAULT: Just how passionate are you about breastfeeding? Do you consider yourself a lactivist? Perhaps you use this term to describe yourself, or perhaps you are hearing this term for the first time. So, what exactly is a lactivist and what impact does it have on the breastfeeding community?

We are The Boob Group

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: Welcome to The Boob Group. We are here to support our Moms wanting to provide breast milk for their babies. I am Sunny Gault and I am leading today's conversation with a few other Moms who you will meet in a few seconds.

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Okay, let us meet some of the Moms that are joining us today in our conversation. I will kick things off a little bit, I am Sunny and I moderate a lot of these shows and I am a Mom of four kids of my own. My oldest is five, a boy, I have a three-year-old boy as well and then I have twin girls who are about two and a half years old. I am proudly still breastfeeding my two and half-year-old twins most of the time tandem breastfeeding them. I am very proud of it and very proud to be part of our conversation today.

So, let us meet some of the other mamas joining our conversation, let us start with Elisha. Tell us a little bit more about yourself and your family.

ELISHA: Hi my name is Elisha I'm a mom of four. I have daughters ten and eight years old and sons six and three. All four of them were breastfed different lengths on each whatever worked out for us. I am excited about the conversation today.

SUNNY GAULT: Awesome, thanks so much for being with us and African Moon tell us a little bit more of yourself and your family.

AFRICAN MOON: I'm a mother of three. I have an eight-year daughter, a four-year-old son and a five-month-old son. Both my eldest children breastfed for three years each and my youngest is still going strong at five months.

SUNNY GAULT: Love it, awesome. Thanks Moon for being with us today and I do want to get our expert involved here. We usually introduce the expert a little bit later on the show, but Jody I know you are a mamma as well so I would love to know a little bit more about your babies who are probably grown by now and your breastfeeding experience.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Well I have three sons and I would like to say I breastfed them in the good old days when there was no shaming or things like that happened and I so treasure that. I breastfed them all extensively and my youngest is now eleven. I am a lactation consultant an IBCLC and I started my private practice about seven years ago and so I have a wide range of support that I can offer to all moms. Breastfeeding is not easy just so you know.

SUNNY GAULT: That is right, not always easy but in the end it’s always worth it. All right ladies well we are going to take a quick break and we will be right back.

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: All right, so before we kick off our episode today we found a news headline that I think was worth repeating. You guys know Adele, it seems like you cannot turn on the radio without hearing something from Adele and know it seems like she had a Q & A that was happening in one of her concerts in London and somebody asked her about breastfeeding.

She had some choice words to say, I don't know if you have ever seen any interview with Adele, but she kind of lets it flows, she is a very real person and the language is sometimes colorful, so I just want to read to you some of these quotes when someone asked her about breastfeeding.

She said “its acting ridiculous and all those people who put pressure on us you can go F yourselves, because it is hard, some of us can't do it. I manage about nine weeks with my boobs."

She went on to say "I loved using baby formula and all I wanted to do was breastfeed and I couldn't. If I was in a jungle now back in the day my kid would be dead because my milk scorns."

So, obviously this is stirring some controversy whether or not you like Adele's music, she is in the spotlight, a lot of people view her as a role model which is why some people are concerned when celebrities say stuff like that. So, I just wanted to toss that out there to you guys to see if you had seen some of these comments before if you saw the video that accompanied it. I can post it to the Facebook page so you can check it out. What do you think of Adele's comments, Moon?

AFRICAN MOON: When I first read it, the though came to mind was that she drank the cool A. It’s really frustrating and I understand that breastfeeding is not easy for everyone but if you have a hard time, instead of downing breastfeeding or putting out negativity about it that could potentially keep someone else from breastfeeding, it is aggravating because if she was living in the jungle and whatever, as long as she wasn't there by herself her baby would not be dead because there would be someone else there who is breastfeeding and could take over for her. So, the statement itself was complete nonsense. Just because you are having a hard time don't take that experience away from other mothers, it was very aggravating for me.

SUNNY GAULT: All right, and Elisha what did you think of the statement and all she had to say, should she have not said that in front of thousands and thousands of people or what do you think?

ELISHA: Actually I had the same initial reaction as Moon with the jungle comment because she is absolutely right otherwise there would be somebody around to help with that, so it is not like babies struggled that much back then. I get the frustration of someone who gets pounded into their head that they are killing their baby if they don’t breastfeed then it doesn’t work out for them but I can see the point about it opening the doors to someone else who may not give it the shot that maybe they could have to make it work. We just have to take our own path and you can’t pave the way for someone else.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes, and I also think it is tough for Adele or really anybody who is in that kind of celebrity type status because there are so many eyeballs on you and what you do. I am not sure how many babies she has, one or two, but she went through all that very publicly and so people are turning to her of these types of statements and it is not fair to put her in that position because probably people have been asking her this type of breastfeeding questions for a long time. She probably just snapped because of yet another question right? We really don't know the backstory to all of this.

Let us turn it over to our expert Jody. What do you think of Adele's comment?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I don't know, all I can say is that I don't follow the celebrity type platforms because I am just too busy helping Moms. Secondly, Adele probably represents a huge part of the Mommy’s that I see in my private practice every single day. My biggest concern is that yes, breastfeeding is hard especially for moms who are struggling but why are we not giving moms expert lactation services in the community? That is where everything goes haywire and to me she could have said this is hard, there is too much pressure but what are we going to do about this? Let us do something about this. That is how I see it. I try not to follow any celebrity but every now and again I will share them on my Facebook page because moms ask me to. I am their voice and it is hard for some moms. There is a solution to all of this and that is what I hope that we can come up with quickly as a community of mommy’s who want to make this work.

SUNNY GAULT: I think there can definitely be an upside to this and that is to show the realism of breastfeeding. Anyway, we will go ahead and post this to our Facebook page and you guys can check the comments for yourself and let us know what you think

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: Today on The Boob Group we are asking ourselves a question, are you a lactivist? Jody Seagrave-Daly is our expert and she is also a NICU Nurse and IBCLC certified consultant as well as an infant feeding specialist. So, Jody welcome to The Boob Group.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Thank you, I am so happy to be here really.

SUNNY GAULT: So, Jody you call yourself a momivist as opposed to a lactivist. I am not sure if you made up that term?


SUNNY GAULT: You did, you made up the term. That is awesome, I love it. So you consider yourself a 'momivist' as opposed to a lactivist. What is the difference between the two? How do you define those?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: The definition is always murky when it comes to lactivist. I am going to tell you about the term momivist. I created it because I had no other word other than I want to support moms first. I did it really because thousands of moms told me the word lactivist is intimidating to them especially when they are struggling to breastfeed. I wanted to reach out because we were missing a huge part of moms who were in the middle who were silent and they want to reach out because they have a personal failure that they think because they are not able to meet the challenges of breastfeeding. That is why I created it, it is pretty simple but the word lactivist is associated with many negative implications and I don't want to continue that fear of what that means.

I really want to honor the moms first and meet her where she is and my only agenda is to really support her and how she feeds her baby. I also support breastfeeding without shame, blame or snack. I don’t want that division anymore, I want us to come together.

SUNNY GAULT: What would you say is the definition of the term lactivist, though? I know you have a blog post on this and we will share the link to it, but what is the definition?


SUNNY GAULT: Well you kind of have to because we are trying to make the comparison between the two.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I don't think it is accurate as far as how it is depicted and how people assume it means negative. I think lactivist is somebody who is really passionate and wants to help other mothers without division, shaming and blaming. Does that make sense?

SUNNY GAULT: Yes it does. So then the big question is what do you think that the term lactivisit is being portrayed as or how is it being misconstrued to mean something else?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Oh boy, it has turned into a lot of pathologies, it has divided mommy’s, made them feel ways they shouldn't be, needless suffering. We need to be empowered although I don't like that term anymore either. Can I just say that recently the Academy of Breast Feeding Madison wrote a blog about lactivism and the breastfeeding backlash, I think it was in October of last year, and what they said that any woman who has just had a baby would probably see a lactivist as the enemy. How can that be? But it is the truth in so many ways, not all ways of course. Then they went on to ask us all to stop using the word lactivist and instead asked us to replace zealotry with compassion and understanding to meet every mommy where she is.

I think lactivist or lactivism need a make-over and I would like to help with that, to make it a positive thing.

SUNNY GAULT: Let us get our mammas involved in the conversation now, so let us start with Elisha. Elisha when you hear the term lactivist or momivist, do you really align yourself with one side or the other? Do you consider yourself a lactivist per see or what are your thoughts on the term?

ELISHA: When I first heard lactivist my initial feeling were someone that supports breastfeeding moms. Listening to the conversation now it reminds me of the difference in the concept of feminism when it first came out. Feminists were just supporting moms or women and now it has become almost like a derogatory title so I can see the shift here in a similar way. I still feel when somebody describes me as a lactivist I am not going to be upset because I still support breastfeeding moms. I think now I am hearing this term momivist and I can definitely classify myself as that because I support all moms in whatever decisions work for them and their babies.

I think I don’t have the negativity towards the term lactivist yet to step away from that.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay, Moon what do you think of the term lactivist, do you consider yourself a lactivist?

AFRICAN MOON: I actually do consider myself a lactivist. I think when it comes to activism in any form when you are calling yourself a momivist, this is a term that she has put a lot of heart and emotion to but give it a couple of years and someone will figure out some way to turn that into something negative as well. When you are saying you are pro whatever, pro mom, pro breastfeeding, pro formula, pro shoe, pro head, whatever, and someone will figure out a way to spin that into something negative.

So, instead of focusing on what those negative views are, I think we should keep pushing forward. I love the term lactivist because I am letting you know that if breastfeeding is what you need to do, then I am going to be that one standing at the street corner with a bat ready to beat anyone who is going to stop a mother from breastfeeding. So, I love the title.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes and Moon I am so glad you brought that up because you are absolutely right. We tend to go through this cycle of terms and what they mean and they start up with one intention and after a while, it means something totally different.

That is exactly what happened to me. When I first heard the term lactivist I thought it was the most clever title that I had heard of. It is such a great play on words and I love the play on word. I have to say my opinion of this title has changed drastically based on my own personal experience in producing this show and working with the breastfeeding community.

I don’t think it has that same value as it once had. When I think of a lactivist I think of someone imposing their beliefs on somebody else without regard to really understanding that person’s situation.

That is really unfortunate and I am not saying that is what those people are intending to do but in my head now that is what that term means. It has a very negative connotation and I think that is truly based on my own personal experience in working within this. I totally get what Moon is saying and I want to bring Jody on this. How important really are these titles? Do we really have to pick a side with this? I feel like there are enough sides when it comes to breastfeeding, do we have to have our own titles?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I am not a fun of any title really just generally speaking. I do know as a mom and a health care provider that I can't be associated with being a lactivist simply because moms will turn away from me and I need to help those moms who are struggling and need someone who is open minded, someone who has the clinical experience and the collaboration with all the support people she needs to help her be successful.

SUNNY GAULT: Do you agree to Moon's point that we create this title for ourselves and the initial idea could be a very pro mom in general. I don't know how the term lactivist actually started, I don't know if anyone has any thoughts on how it started. That it starts with one intention and then we become more divisive, the same could happen with the term momivist.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: It could, that is why I am not a fan of titles. I just made it up quickly not much thought went into it other than I am going to support all moms and yes, I would be with Moon hanging out in the street protecting moms because I believe that. I would also be for the formula of feeding moms because we don't know her history. I have so many moms who suffer needlessly. There is a polarization that exists and we need to figure out as moms and take it on our own initiative and try to be a little kinder, be more supportive, less judgmental and I think we will see a shift occur naturally.

We can't change anyone by pumping our fist, so

SUNNY GAULT: Right, absolutely. When we come back we are going to discuss the impact these titles such as lactivist are having on the breastfeeding community. We talked about that a little but we are going to explore what those titles mean within the breastfeeding community as opposed to what it means to someone who doesn’t have anything to do with the breastfeeding community.

We will be right back

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: Welcome back, we are continuing our discussion on lactivism and Jody Seagrave-Daly is our expert.

Jody in your opinion what impact is the term lactivist or lactivism having on the breastfeeding community? Before you answer that we should define the breastfeeding community. I view the breastfeeding community as not just being the professionals that work, so the lactation consultants and educators, but I view it as being breastfeeding moms, people that support breastfeeding all of us working together to help moms accomplish their personal goals.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Sure, it’s not just professionals, its mommy’s, it is everyone in the community. For me personally and professionally I am just a little bit different, I am kind of outside. I see my biggest concern anyway is in the breastfeeding community in the mommy groups, I see moms telling other moms not to listen to their pediatricians or OBs and they place their babies in a position of harm unknowingly.

I want to say again that collaboration is the key to making progress. If we all collaborate together and of course that is going to take time that is not magic and will not happen overnight. It took me two years to collaborate in my local community with all the physicians and experts I needed to help my mommy’s win and meet their challenges with breastfeeding or any kind of feeding for that matter.

That is my biggest concern.

SUNNY GAULT: That is interesting, why do you think the moms are choosing not to listen to the professionals?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I think there are multiple reasons. Most women are just so angry that they are not getting the support they need so they have to blame even though that does not resolve anything. Other mommy’s who breastfeeding really want to help moms are but they are not really experts so they give a lot of misinformation. We see that across the lines with all different kinds of conditions on the internet.

There is a deep polarization that exists within the lactation community itself so that is really tricky.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes, and Jody I actually know exactly what you are talking about. I never knew how divisive breastfeeding actually was. I thought that there were pretty much two camps, the people that supported breastfeeding and the people that didn’t or didn't even care and were not part of the conversation. Once you get into the breastfeeding community, you learn that are a bunch of different factions even within the community and I actually think it is sad. I really thought that the community was going to be more supportive in general of each other and each other’s efforts and say 'hey if you are supportive of breast milk then you are on my side.'

That is not what I have found at all. I think it is very divisive unfortunately when it comes to I'm I feeding my baby at the breast, I'm I pumping milk for my baby, I'm I milk sharing? You know on the surface we say all of that is great but what I find is that it is very divisive. That if you are not feeding your baby at the breast 24/7 or close to it then you are somehow doing something wrong. I do not subscribe to that theory whatsoever. I have yet to meet a pumping mom that is pumping simply because she would prefer to pump than to breastfeed her baby. I don't believe they exist.

That is just my own personal experience here. If you are pumping milk for your baby it is because you are taking care of your family and there are other needs outside of the home and outside from being close to your baby 24/7 that you have to take care of.

I don't think that is respected enough in the community. By not embracing some of these other options, we are prohibiting more and more babies from getting that breast milk. We are prohibiting moms from having something that ties them over so at least they can breastfeed their babies when they are home from work. This is very divisive and very sad.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: It is and I don’t understand it, but again I come from a different angle. I do believe that there should be one feeding team but that is not the way it works. Because of education, different clinical experiences, different agendas, I think I am able to stand firmly in where I am without having to like feel part of the tribe because I have so much experience and it is really good experience in the clinical trenches every day and I realize I am really unique here. I don't think you have to take sides to survive, I don't have to. It is really about surviving within the tribe, you do or you don't or you are silenced, it’s the truth.

I do happen to know a lot of IBCLC's who are silent because they fear speaking up and it is not just worth it to them. We all need our jobs we all have a certain level of energy that we are able to give, but it is really bad. I have removed myself from about every single group out there because it is too hard to make peace with that for me. I know that when I work with mom’s every day it is good and I am going to meet her goal and that is all that matters to me.

SUNNY GAULT: Right, and mammas I definitely want to get you guys involved in the conversation. Jody and I have been talking about this divisiveness, I am just curious as breastfeeding or pumping mom, do you guys see this as well?

AFRICAN MOON: Yes, I have seen it with everything not just with breastfeeding. We always try to find division to put between ourselves and I think that bothers on. One of the reasons I say that children need breast milk is for that reason right there, I don't want people to say I tried and it hurts so I stopped and they start giving them formula.

I want for other people to realize the steps between I can't breastfeed and formula. There are so many ways to get breast milk inside of our children and that is an important part. It is important for them to donate, it is important for us to talk about what does exclusive pumping look like, what does it look like to be a wet nurse?

We have to start having this conversation because this all are nothing mentality is what is hurting our community. It is the reason why the word lactivists scare people. Because you feel like if I don't do it or if I appear to someone else that I don't know what I'm doing then they will look down on me. I would rather be a closed formula feeder than to have someone look down on me because we tried it and it didn’t work.

We really need to stop doing this kind of things to ourselves. This is what makes formula companies rich, they are getting rich and we are fighting. We need to figure out a way to hold each other’s hands because the solutions are there but we are not noticing them because we are too busy fighting.

SUNNY GAULT: I think those are all fantastic points and I couldn't agree more. Just based on my own personal experience there have been times that I have personally felt again as the producer of The Boob Group attacked by people within the breastfeeding community and I am like 'why guys, we are on the same team here. I know you don't agree with maybe an episode we did or a sponsor we brought on or whatever, but we are here for the same goal.'

I find it so frustrating at times, I want to do "a cumber yaa" moment and hold hands and just be like we are not each other’s enemies. We may differ a little bit but that is what makes us unique. That is just being a different person, but we are out there trying to help to breastfeeding moms. It’s just like anything you would say, why would you join a team of people that are fighting?

Moon to your point, the formula companies that are really making out with this because who wants to join a team of people that are fighting? Who wants to do that? It makes more sense to get with the peace people, right? I think that is something we definitely need to work on.

Elisha, have you seen this divide within the community as well?

ELISHA: The divide that I see is always breastfeeding moms versus formula feeding moms. Being a lay person I always see professionals all as one group as resources we have available to us. Unfortunately, usually only the people passionate about breastfeeding are the ones that go for those resources, those who think that formula feeding is the right thing to do. There are a lot of people who still feel that breastfeeding is gross which is so sad.

As Jody mentioned earlier on in the conversation, just assigning a lactation consultant to every mom who has a baby would have a huge impact. Just not having those resources available I think makes a lot of decisions that didn't need to be made. I still think that the professionals are seen as positive resources.

I know the lactation consultant I used with my fourth baby to me saved us because it was just a ridiculously bad situation we were in and she was like the angel that came to us in the middle of that. Now people come to me and see me as a lactivist and come when they have issues with their own babies.

I am definitely not an IBCLC but I can direct them to those resources since I have connections within that community that I immediately send them to but the one thing that I tell the mom is that you are doing the right thing, the fact that you are reaching out, the fact that this is important to you and you want to do that, and if it doesn’t work out then fine, but the fact that you are chasing this information and to make sure that you have the whole picture before you make the next decision is really important.

That alone takes the stress off them and gives them that confidence back. It is so sad to see moms fighting each other in so many ways when like you said it takes a village to raise a kid and all of us need to be working together whether it is helping each other nurse each other’s babies or helping each other with the support that is needed to do that.

It is unfortunate to hear that there is divisiveness within the professional community, but it is understandable too because that is their world so you will always have spectrums that people are on and we have it in the mom world with the extremist on both sides, formula feeding, and breastfeeding. You also have it in the professional world with those who have all the information.

SUNNY GAULT: Right, so we have been talking a lot about the titles today and I am just wondering how do we look past the titles and just really try to help the breastfeeding and pumping moms without making them feel uncomfortable? Jody, what would you say?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I think and this is what I practice every day is when we put much pressure on moms to exclusively breastfeed in the hospital and then we send them home with very little expert support in the community we set them up for failure.

It is just a tragedy and I see needless suffering from these mommies as if they have a personal failure because everything went wrong when they were told everything would go right, that it is natural etcetera and the reality is we have 22% of women who either have primary lactation failure and /or delayed lacto genesis too. We need to point out all the things to highlight this 22% of moms so that they can get better support so that we can increase our chances of breastfeeding. By minimizing them and saying you did not try hard enough or you gave then formula, none of that is true. The truth is there are women who really need extra help. That is what I am trying to work on next.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay, for our moms is there anything that you guys can think of that we can do to help support moms and not make them feel bad?

AFRICAN MOON: I think we need to start talking to women before they become mothers. We need to make the conversation normal about the different ways to give breast milk to our babies. Even if we can't exclusively breastfeed, I think we need to make a point to not just worry about moms but to worry about dad and grandma and the neighbors because you can have a mom that is determined to breast feed but gets home and has no support and then she crumbles.

We need to work on mom before she gets pregnant. Those are the things we need we need to start focusing on. That way when the baby gets here and if mom can't breastfeed then she will be secure enough to say I need to get breast milk from somewhere, so those conversations need to be held so mom knows that it just doesn’t have to come from exclusive breastfeeding.

SUNNY GAULT: Absolutely. All right thank you so many ladies for being a part of our conversation today, Jody for being such a great expert and then Moon and Elisha just for sharing your personal experiences and your opinions as well.

If you are a member of The Boob Group club then please be sure to check out the bonus content for this episode. We are going to discuss ways momivist and lactivist can work together to support the breastfeeding cause.

For more information about our club visit our website at .

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: All right before we wrap up our show today, we have a question for our expert from Genevieve, and she writes in and says;

“I have four children ages four, three, ten months and I am currently pregnant. Breastfeeding has always been difficult for me as I have never produced enough milk for any of my kids. Initially, it will start to be related to an underactive fibroid but when my labs came back normal with no meds, there was no change. I have tried pumping hubs, wriggling and about any old wives tale you can come up with. I just stumbled upon the diagnosis of hypoplasia and was wondering if this is in fact my issue? My breast change very little if any throughout pregnancy and they are about an inch to an inch and a half apart but are the same cup size. Who would make this diagnosis and is there anything I can do to be proactive during this pregnancy to help? Or is supplementation just how it works in my home? Thanks so much for any help you can offer”.

HELEN ANDERSON: Hi Genevieve, this is Helen, one of the experts from New Mommy Media. I am registered nurse and a certified lactation educator and I help many parents prepare for breastfeeding and then navigate breastfeeding once the baby is born.

I want to thank you for your question, Hypoplasia Breast Syndrome is something that a lot of medical professional haven't really familiarized themselves with although it is estimated that it has been there for one in a thousand moms deal with some form of the syndrome. I think it is really great that you asked the question.

We can talk a little bit more about what is going on when a mom has this syndrome. Hypoplasia Breast Syndrome can also be called IGT or Insufficient Glandular Tissue or Tubular Breast Syndrome. This is all names for the same thing which is essentially an insufficient amount of milk making cells. Basically, your milk factory is smaller than it should be and as you can imagine this causes a decrease in milk supply and it can be pretty frustrating because just like you, a lot of moms with Hypoplasia Breast Syndrome try all the typical things to get their supply up but they just have faulty cells that all the things they try are not effective. Your doctor or lactation expert is going to make that diagnosis of IGT, just be sure your physician has a back on your health because a lot of physicians are not familiar with this syndrome at all.

So the thing that you can do to be proactive and prepared or to have an unmedicated birth and this will help everyone that really wants to concentrate on having a really great experience breastfeeding, most often until you start pumping day three after your baby has been born, breast compression this is a really great way to increase milk supply because everybody just while you are nursing or while you are pumping place gentle pressure on the milk [inaudible] to try and empty the milk as much as possible.

You may also check into the milk banks in your area, your physician and your pediatrician can write you a prescription for donor milk and you can access a donor milk supply. You can log on the website on www.HAMANA.ORG for listed milk bank in your area. Any member that is wanting to breastfeed to food, if you wish to supplement with formula remembers that you are still putting your baby depressed to have a lot of different benefits for you and your baby. So, keep up the breastfeeding even if you are supplementing and you can still have a very successful breastfeeding relationship. Okay, good luck.

SUNNY GAULT: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to The Boob Group.
Don’t forget to check out our sister show:
• Preggie Pals for expecting parents
• Newbies for newly postpartum moms
• Parent Savers for moms and dads with infants and toddlers and
• Twin Talks for parents with multiples.

Thanks for listening to The Boob Group. Your judgment free breastfeeding resource.
This has been a New Mommy Media production. The information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. While such information and materials are believed to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical advice or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: New Mommy Media is expanding our line-up of shows for new and expecting parents. If you have an idea for a new series, or if you’re a business, or organization interested in joining our network of shows through a co-branded podcast, visit

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Episode Transcript

The Boob Group
Are you a Lactivist?

Please be advised, this transcription was performed from a company independent of New Mommy Media, LLC. As such, translation was required which may alter the accuracy of the transcription.

SUNNY GAULT: Just how passionate are you about breastfeeding? Do you consider yourself a lactivist? Perhaps you use this term to describe yourself, or perhaps you are hearing this term for the first time. So, what exactly is a lactivist and what impact does it have on the breastfeeding community?

We are The Boob Group

[Theme Music]

SUNNY GAULT: Welcome to The Boob Group. We are here to support our Moms wanting to provide breast milk for their babies. I am Sunny Gault and I am leading today's conversation with a few other Moms who you will meet in a few seconds.

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Okay, let us meet some of the Moms that are joining us today in our conversation. I will kick things off a little bit, I am Sunny and I moderate a lot of these shows and I am a Mom of four kids of my own. My oldest is five, a boy, I have a three-year-old boy as well and then I have twin girls who are about two and a half years old. I am proudly still breastfeeding my two and half-year-old twins most of the time tandem breastfeeding them. I am very proud of it and very proud to be part of our conversation today.

So, let us meet some of the other mamas joining our conversation, let us start with Elisha. Tell us a little bit more about yourself and your family.

ELISHA: Hi my name is Elisha I'm a mom of four. I have daughters ten and eight years old and sons six and three. All four of them were breastfed different lengths on each whatever worked out for us. I am excited about the conversation today.

SUNNY GAULT: Awesome, thanks so much for being with us and African Moon tell us a little bit more of yourself and your family.

AFRICAN MOON: I'm a mother of three. I have an eight-year daughter, a four-year-old son and a five-month-old son. Both my eldest children breastfed for three years each and my youngest is still going strong at five months.

SUNNY GAULT: Love it, awesome. Thanks Moon for being with us today and I do want to get our expert involved here. We usually introduce the expert a little bit later on the show, but Jody I know you are a mamma as well so I would love to know a little bit more about your babies who are probably grown by now and your breastfeeding experience.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Well I have three sons and I would like to say I breastfed them in the good old days when there was no shaming or things like that happened and I so treasure that. I breastfed them all extensively and my youngest is now eleven. I am a lactation consultant an IBCLC and I started my private practice about seven years ago and so I have a wide range of support that I can offer to all moms. Breastfeeding is not easy just so you know.

SUNNY GAULT: That is right, not always easy but in the end it’s always worth it. All right ladies well we are going to take a quick break and we will be right back.

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: All right, so before we kick off our episode today we found a news headline that I think was worth repeating. You guys know Adele, it seems like you cannot turn on the radio without hearing something from Adele and know it seems like she had a Q & A that was happening in one of her concerts in London and somebody asked her about breastfeeding.

She had some choice words to say, I don't know if you have ever seen any interview with Adele, but she kind of lets it flows, she is a very real person and the language is sometimes colorful, so I just want to read to you some of these quotes when someone asked her about breastfeeding.

She said “its acting ridiculous and all those people who put pressure on us you can go F yourselves, because it is hard, some of us can't do it. I manage about nine weeks with my boobs."

She went on to say "I loved using baby formula and all I wanted to do was breastfeed and I couldn't. If I was in a jungle now back in the day my kid would be dead because my milk scorns."

So, obviously this is stirring some controversy whether or not you like Adele's music, she is in the spotlight, a lot of people view her as a role model which is why some people are concerned when celebrities say stuff like that. So, I just wanted to toss that out there to you guys to see if you had seen some of these comments before if you saw the video that accompanied it. I can post it to the Facebook page so you can check it out. What do you think of Adele's comments, Moon?

AFRICAN MOON: When I first read it, the though came to mind was that she drank the cool A. It’s really frustrating and I understand that breastfeeding is not easy for everyone but if you have a hard time, instead of downing breastfeeding or putting out negativity about it that could potentially keep someone else from breastfeeding, it is aggravating because if she was living in the jungle and whatever, as long as she wasn't there by herself her baby would not be dead because there would be someone else there who is breastfeeding and could take over for her. So, the statement itself was complete nonsense. Just because you are having a hard time don't take that experience away from other mothers, it was very aggravating for me.

SUNNY GAULT: All right, and Elisha what did you think of the statement and all she had to say, should she have not said that in front of thousands and thousands of people or what do you think?

ELISHA: Actually I had the same initial reaction as Moon with the jungle comment because she is absolutely right otherwise there would be somebody around to help with that, so it is not like babies struggled that much back then. I get the frustration of someone who gets pounded into their head that they are killing their baby if they don’t breastfeed then it doesn’t work out for them but I can see the point about it opening the doors to someone else who may not give it the shot that maybe they could have to make it work. We just have to take our own path and you can’t pave the way for someone else.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes, and I also think it is tough for Adele or really anybody who is in that kind of celebrity type status because there are so many eyeballs on you and what you do. I am not sure how many babies she has, one or two, but she went through all that very publicly and so people are turning to her of these types of statements and it is not fair to put her in that position because probably people have been asking her this type of breastfeeding questions for a long time. She probably just snapped because of yet another question right? We really don't know the backstory to all of this.

Let us turn it over to our expert Jody. What do you think of Adele's comment?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I don't know, all I can say is that I don't follow the celebrity type platforms because I am just too busy helping Moms. Secondly, Adele probably represents a huge part of the Mommy’s that I see in my private practice every single day. My biggest concern is that yes, breastfeeding is hard especially for moms who are struggling but why are we not giving moms expert lactation services in the community? That is where everything goes haywire and to me she could have said this is hard, there is too much pressure but what are we going to do about this? Let us do something about this. That is how I see it. I try not to follow any celebrity but every now and again I will share them on my Facebook page because moms ask me to. I am their voice and it is hard for some moms. There is a solution to all of this and that is what I hope that we can come up with quickly as a community of mommy’s who want to make this work.

SUNNY GAULT: I think there can definitely be an upside to this and that is to show the realism of breastfeeding. Anyway, we will go ahead and post this to our Facebook page and you guys can check the comments for yourself and let us know what you think

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: Today on The Boob Group we are asking ourselves a question, are you a lactivist? Jody Seagrave-Daly is our expert and she is also a NICU Nurse and IBCLC certified consultant as well as an infant feeding specialist. So, Jody welcome to The Boob Group.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Thank you, I am so happy to be here really.

SUNNY GAULT: So, Jody you call yourself a momivist as opposed to a lactivist. I am not sure if you made up that term?


SUNNY GAULT: You did, you made up the term. That is awesome, I love it. So you consider yourself a 'momivist' as opposed to a lactivist. What is the difference between the two? How do you define those?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: The definition is always murky when it comes to lactivist. I am going to tell you about the term momivist. I created it because I had no other word other than I want to support moms first. I did it really because thousands of moms told me the word lactivist is intimidating to them especially when they are struggling to breastfeed. I wanted to reach out because we were missing a huge part of moms who were in the middle who were silent and they want to reach out because they have a personal failure that they think because they are not able to meet the challenges of breastfeeding. That is why I created it, it is pretty simple but the word lactivist is associated with many negative implications and I don't want to continue that fear of what that means.

I really want to honor the moms first and meet her where she is and my only agenda is to really support her and how she feeds her baby. I also support breastfeeding without shame, blame or snack. I don’t want that division anymore, I want us to come together.

SUNNY GAULT: What would you say is the definition of the term lactivist, though? I know you have a blog post on this and we will share the link to it, but what is the definition?


SUNNY GAULT: Well you kind of have to because we are trying to make the comparison between the two.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I don't think it is accurate as far as how it is depicted and how people assume it means negative. I think lactivist is somebody who is really passionate and wants to help other mothers without division, shaming and blaming. Does that make sense?

SUNNY GAULT: Yes it does. So then the big question is what do you think that the term lactivisit is being portrayed as or how is it being misconstrued to mean something else?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Oh boy, it has turned into a lot of pathologies, it has divided mommy’s, made them feel ways they shouldn't be, needless suffering. We need to be empowered although I don't like that term anymore either. Can I just say that recently the Academy of Breast Feeding Madison wrote a blog about lactivism and the breastfeeding backlash, I think it was in October of last year, and what they said that any woman who has just had a baby would probably see a lactivist as the enemy. How can that be? But it is the truth in so many ways, not all ways of course. Then they went on to ask us all to stop using the word lactivist and instead asked us to replace zealotry with compassion and understanding to meet every mommy where she is.

I think lactivist or lactivism need a make-over and I would like to help with that, to make it a positive thing.

SUNNY GAULT: Let us get our mammas involved in the conversation now, so let us start with Elisha. Elisha when you hear the term lactivist or momivist, do you really align yourself with one side or the other? Do you consider yourself a lactivist per see or what are your thoughts on the term?

ELISHA: When I first heard lactivist my initial feeling were someone that supports breastfeeding moms. Listening to the conversation now it reminds me of the difference in the concept of feminism when it first came out. Feminists were just supporting moms or women and now it has become almost like a derogatory title so I can see the shift here in a similar way. I still feel when somebody describes me as a lactivist I am not going to be upset because I still support breastfeeding moms. I think now I am hearing this term momivist and I can definitely classify myself as that because I support all moms in whatever decisions work for them and their babies.

I think I don’t have the negativity towards the term lactivist yet to step away from that.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay, Moon what do you think of the term lactivist, do you consider yourself a lactivist?

AFRICAN MOON: I actually do consider myself a lactivist. I think when it comes to activism in any form when you are calling yourself a momivist, this is a term that she has put a lot of heart and emotion to but give it a couple of years and someone will figure out some way to turn that into something negative as well. When you are saying you are pro whatever, pro mom, pro breastfeeding, pro formula, pro shoe, pro head, whatever, and someone will figure out a way to spin that into something negative.

So, instead of focusing on what those negative views are, I think we should keep pushing forward. I love the term lactivist because I am letting you know that if breastfeeding is what you need to do, then I am going to be that one standing at the street corner with a bat ready to beat anyone who is going to stop a mother from breastfeeding. So, I love the title.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes and Moon I am so glad you brought that up because you are absolutely right. We tend to go through this cycle of terms and what they mean and they start up with one intention and after a while, it means something totally different.

That is exactly what happened to me. When I first heard the term lactivist I thought it was the most clever title that I had heard of. It is such a great play on words and I love the play on word. I have to say my opinion of this title has changed drastically based on my own personal experience in producing this show and working with the breastfeeding community.

I don’t think it has that same value as it once had. When I think of a lactivist I think of someone imposing their beliefs on somebody else without regard to really understanding that person’s situation.

That is really unfortunate and I am not saying that is what those people are intending to do but in my head now that is what that term means. It has a very negative connotation and I think that is truly based on my own personal experience in working within this. I totally get what Moon is saying and I want to bring Jody on this. How important really are these titles? Do we really have to pick a side with this? I feel like there are enough sides when it comes to breastfeeding, do we have to have our own titles?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I am not a fun of any title really just generally speaking. I do know as a mom and a health care provider that I can't be associated with being a lactivist simply because moms will turn away from me and I need to help those moms who are struggling and need someone who is open minded, someone who has the clinical experience and the collaboration with all the support people she needs to help her be successful.

SUNNY GAULT: Do you agree to Moon's point that we create this title for ourselves and the initial idea could be a very pro mom in general. I don't know how the term lactivist actually started, I don't know if anyone has any thoughts on how it started. That it starts with one intention and then we become more divisive, the same could happen with the term momivist.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: It could, that is why I am not a fan of titles. I just made it up quickly not much thought went into it other than I am going to support all moms and yes, I would be with Moon hanging out in the street protecting moms because I believe that. I would also be for the formula of feeding moms because we don't know her history. I have so many moms who suffer needlessly. There is a polarization that exists and we need to figure out as moms and take it on our own initiative and try to be a little kinder, be more supportive, less judgmental and I think we will see a shift occur naturally.

We can't change anyone by pumping our fist, so

SUNNY GAULT: Right, absolutely. When we come back we are going to discuss the impact these titles such as lactivist are having on the breastfeeding community. We talked about that a little but we are going to explore what those titles mean within the breastfeeding community as opposed to what it means to someone who doesn’t have anything to do with the breastfeeding community.

We will be right back

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: Welcome back, we are continuing our discussion on lactivism and Jody Seagrave-Daly is our expert.

Jody in your opinion what impact is the term lactivist or lactivism having on the breastfeeding community? Before you answer that we should define the breastfeeding community. I view the breastfeeding community as not just being the professionals that work, so the lactation consultants and educators, but I view it as being breastfeeding moms, people that support breastfeeding all of us working together to help moms accomplish their personal goals.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: Sure, it’s not just professionals, its mommy’s, it is everyone in the community. For me personally and professionally I am just a little bit different, I am kind of outside. I see my biggest concern anyway is in the breastfeeding community in the mommy groups, I see moms telling other moms not to listen to their pediatricians or OBs and they place their babies in a position of harm unknowingly.

I want to say again that collaboration is the key to making progress. If we all collaborate together and of course that is going to take time that is not magic and will not happen overnight. It took me two years to collaborate in my local community with all the physicians and experts I needed to help my mommy’s win and meet their challenges with breastfeeding or any kind of feeding for that matter.

That is my biggest concern.

SUNNY GAULT: That is interesting, why do you think the moms are choosing not to listen to the professionals?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I think there are multiple reasons. Most women are just so angry that they are not getting the support they need so they have to blame even though that does not resolve anything. Other mommy’s who breastfeeding really want to help moms are but they are not really experts so they give a lot of misinformation. We see that across the lines with all different kinds of conditions on the internet.

There is a deep polarization that exists within the lactation community itself so that is really tricky.

SUNNY GAULT: Yes, and Jody I actually know exactly what you are talking about. I never knew how divisive breastfeeding actually was. I thought that there were pretty much two camps, the people that supported breastfeeding and the people that didn’t or didn't even care and were not part of the conversation. Once you get into the breastfeeding community, you learn that are a bunch of different factions even within the community and I actually think it is sad. I really thought that the community was going to be more supportive in general of each other and each other’s efforts and say 'hey if you are supportive of breast milk then you are on my side.'

That is not what I have found at all. I think it is very divisive unfortunately when it comes to I'm I feeding my baby at the breast, I'm I pumping milk for my baby, I'm I milk sharing? You know on the surface we say all of that is great but what I find is that it is very divisive. That if you are not feeding your baby at the breast 24/7 or close to it then you are somehow doing something wrong. I do not subscribe to that theory whatsoever. I have yet to meet a pumping mom that is pumping simply because she would prefer to pump than to breastfeed her baby. I don't believe they exist.

That is just my own personal experience here. If you are pumping milk for your baby it is because you are taking care of your family and there are other needs outside of the home and outside from being close to your baby 24/7 that you have to take care of.

I don't think that is respected enough in the community. By not embracing some of these other options, we are prohibiting more and more babies from getting that breast milk. We are prohibiting moms from having something that ties them over so at least they can breastfeed their babies when they are home from work. This is very divisive and very sad.

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: It is and I don’t understand it, but again I come from a different angle. I do believe that there should be one feeding team but that is not the way it works. Because of education, different clinical experiences, different agendas, I think I am able to stand firmly in where I am without having to like feel part of the tribe because I have so much experience and it is really good experience in the clinical trenches every day and I realize I am really unique here. I don't think you have to take sides to survive, I don't have to. It is really about surviving within the tribe, you do or you don't or you are silenced, it’s the truth.

I do happen to know a lot of IBCLC's who are silent because they fear speaking up and it is not just worth it to them. We all need our jobs we all have a certain level of energy that we are able to give, but it is really bad. I have removed myself from about every single group out there because it is too hard to make peace with that for me. I know that when I work with mom’s every day it is good and I am going to meet her goal and that is all that matters to me.

SUNNY GAULT: Right, and mammas I definitely want to get you guys involved in the conversation. Jody and I have been talking about this divisiveness, I am just curious as breastfeeding or pumping mom, do you guys see this as well?

AFRICAN MOON: Yes, I have seen it with everything not just with breastfeeding. We always try to find division to put between ourselves and I think that bothers on. One of the reasons I say that children need breast milk is for that reason right there, I don't want people to say I tried and it hurts so I stopped and they start giving them formula.

I want for other people to realize the steps between I can't breastfeed and formula. There are so many ways to get breast milk inside of our children and that is an important part. It is important for them to donate, it is important for us to talk about what does exclusive pumping look like, what does it look like to be a wet nurse?

We have to start having this conversation because this all are nothing mentality is what is hurting our community. It is the reason why the word lactivists scare people. Because you feel like if I don't do it or if I appear to someone else that I don't know what I'm doing then they will look down on me. I would rather be a closed formula feeder than to have someone look down on me because we tried it and it didn’t work.

We really need to stop doing this kind of things to ourselves. This is what makes formula companies rich, they are getting rich and we are fighting. We need to figure out a way to hold each other’s hands because the solutions are there but we are not noticing them because we are too busy fighting.

SUNNY GAULT: I think those are all fantastic points and I couldn't agree more. Just based on my own personal experience there have been times that I have personally felt again as the producer of The Boob Group attacked by people within the breastfeeding community and I am like 'why guys, we are on the same team here. I know you don't agree with maybe an episode we did or a sponsor we brought on or whatever, but we are here for the same goal.'

I find it so frustrating at times, I want to do "a cumber yaa" moment and hold hands and just be like we are not each other’s enemies. We may differ a little bit but that is what makes us unique. That is just being a different person, but we are out there trying to help to breastfeeding moms. It’s just like anything you would say, why would you join a team of people that are fighting?

Moon to your point, the formula companies that are really making out with this because who wants to join a team of people that are fighting? Who wants to do that? It makes more sense to get with the peace people, right? I think that is something we definitely need to work on.

Elisha, have you seen this divide within the community as well?

ELISHA: The divide that I see is always breastfeeding moms versus formula feeding moms. Being a lay person I always see professionals all as one group as resources we have available to us. Unfortunately, usually only the people passionate about breastfeeding are the ones that go for those resources, those who think that formula feeding is the right thing to do. There are a lot of people who still feel that breastfeeding is gross which is so sad.

As Jody mentioned earlier on in the conversation, just assigning a lactation consultant to every mom who has a baby would have a huge impact. Just not having those resources available I think makes a lot of decisions that didn't need to be made. I still think that the professionals are seen as positive resources.

I know the lactation consultant I used with my fourth baby to me saved us because it was just a ridiculously bad situation we were in and she was like the angel that came to us in the middle of that. Now people come to me and see me as a lactivist and come when they have issues with their own babies.

I am definitely not an IBCLC but I can direct them to those resources since I have connections within that community that I immediately send them to but the one thing that I tell the mom is that you are doing the right thing, the fact that you are reaching out, the fact that this is important to you and you want to do that, and if it doesn’t work out then fine, but the fact that you are chasing this information and to make sure that you have the whole picture before you make the next decision is really important.

That alone takes the stress off them and gives them that confidence back. It is so sad to see moms fighting each other in so many ways when like you said it takes a village to raise a kid and all of us need to be working together whether it is helping each other nurse each other’s babies or helping each other with the support that is needed to do that.

It is unfortunate to hear that there is divisiveness within the professional community, but it is understandable too because that is their world so you will always have spectrums that people are on and we have it in the mom world with the extremist on both sides, formula feeding, and breastfeeding. You also have it in the professional world with those who have all the information.

SUNNY GAULT: Right, so we have been talking a lot about the titles today and I am just wondering how do we look past the titles and just really try to help the breastfeeding and pumping moms without making them feel uncomfortable? Jody, what would you say?

JODY SEAGRAVE-DALY: I think and this is what I practice every day is when we put much pressure on moms to exclusively breastfeed in the hospital and then we send them home with very little expert support in the community we set them up for failure.

It is just a tragedy and I see needless suffering from these mommies as if they have a personal failure because everything went wrong when they were told everything would go right, that it is natural etcetera and the reality is we have 22% of women who either have primary lactation failure and /or delayed lacto genesis too. We need to point out all the things to highlight this 22% of moms so that they can get better support so that we can increase our chances of breastfeeding. By minimizing them and saying you did not try hard enough or you gave then formula, none of that is true. The truth is there are women who really need extra help. That is what I am trying to work on next.

SUNNY GAULT: Okay, for our moms is there anything that you guys can think of that we can do to help support moms and not make them feel bad?

AFRICAN MOON: I think we need to start talking to women before they become mothers. We need to make the conversation normal about the different ways to give breast milk to our babies. Even if we can't exclusively breastfeed, I think we need to make a point to not just worry about moms but to worry about dad and grandma and the neighbors because you can have a mom that is determined to breast feed but gets home and has no support and then she crumbles.

We need to work on mom before she gets pregnant. Those are the things we need we need to start focusing on. That way when the baby gets here and if mom can't breastfeed then she will be secure enough to say I need to get breast milk from somewhere, so those conversations need to be held so mom knows that it just doesn’t have to come from exclusive breastfeeding.

SUNNY GAULT: Absolutely. All right thank you so many ladies for being a part of our conversation today, Jody for being such a great expert and then Moon and Elisha just for sharing your personal experiences and your opinions as well.

If you are a member of The Boob Group club then please be sure to check out the bonus content for this episode. We are going to discuss ways momivist and lactivist can work together to support the breastfeeding cause.

For more information about our club visit our website at .

[Theme music]

SUNNY GAULT: All right before we wrap up our show today, we have a question for our expert from Genevieve, and she writes in and says;

“I have four children ages four, three, ten months and I am currently pregnant. Breastfeeding has always been difficult for me as I have never produced enough milk for any of my kids. Initially, it will start to be related to an underactive fibroid but when my labs came back normal with no meds, there was no change. I have tried pumping hubs, wriggling and about any old wives tale you can come up with. I just stumbled upon the diagnosis of hypoplasia and was wondering if this is in fact my issue? My breast change very little if any throughout pregnancy and they are about an inch to an inch and a half apart but are the same cup size. Who would make this diagnosis and is there anything I can do to be proactive during this pregnancy to help? Or is supplementation just how it works in my home? Thanks so much for any help you can offer”.

HELEN ANDERSON: Hi Genevieve, this is Helen, one of the experts from New Mommy Media. I am registered nurse and a certified lactation educator and I help many parents prepare for breastfeeding and then navigate breastfeeding once the baby is born.

I want to thank you for your question, Hypoplasia Breast Syndrome is something that a lot of medical professional haven't really familiarized themselves with although it is estimated that it has been there for one in a thousand moms deal with some form of the syndrome. I think it is really great that you asked the question.

We can talk a little bit more about what is going on when a mom has this syndrome. Hypoplasia Breast Syndrome can also be called IGT or Insufficient Glandular Tissue or Tubular Breast Syndrome. This is all names for the same thing which is essentially an insufficient amount of milk making cells. Basically, your milk factory is smaller than it should be and as you can imagine this causes a decrease in milk supply and it can be pretty frustrating because just like you, a lot of moms with Hypoplasia Breast Syndrome try all the typical things to get their supply up but they just have faulty cells that all the things they try are not effective. Your doctor or lactation expert is going to make that diagnosis of IGT, just be sure your physician has a back on your health because a lot of physicians are not familiar with this syndrome at all.

So the thing that you can do to be proactive and prepared or to have an unmedicated birth and this will help everyone that really wants to concentrate on having a really great experience breastfeeding, most often until you start pumping day three after your baby has been born, breast compression this is a really great way to increase milk supply because everybody just while you are nursing or while you are pumping place gentle pressure on the milk [inaudible] to try and empty the milk as much as possible.

You may also check into the milk banks in your area, your physician and your pediatrician can write you a prescription for donor milk and you can access a donor milk supply. You can log on the website on www.HAMANA.ORG for listed milk bank in your area. Any member that is wanting to breastfeed to food, if you wish to supplement with formula remembers that you are still putting your baby depressed to have a lot of different benefits for you and your baby. So, keep up the breastfeeding even if you are supplementing and you can still have a very successful breastfeeding relationship. Okay, good luck.

SUNNY GAULT: That wraps up our show for today. We appreciate you listening to The Boob Group.
Don’t forget to check out our sister show:
• Preggie Pals for expecting parents
• Newbies for newly postpartum moms
• Parent Savers for moms and dads with infants and toddlers and
• Twin Talks for parents with multiples.

Thanks for listening to The Boob Group. Your judgment free breastfeeding resource.
This has been a New Mommy Media production. The information and material contained in this episode are presented for educational purposes only. Statements and opinions expressed in this episode are not necessarily those of New Mommy Media and should not be considered facts. While such information and materials are believed to be accurate, it is not intended to replace or substitute for professional, medical advice or care and should not be used for diagnosing or treating health care problem or disease or prescribing any medications. If you have questions or concerns regarding your physical or mental health or the health of your baby, please seek assistance from a qualified health care provider.

SUNNY GAULT: New Mommy Media is expanding our line-up of shows for new and expecting parents. If you have an idea for a new series, or if you’re a business, or organization interested in joining our network of shows through a co-branded podcast, visit

[End of Audio]

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