Nancy Fagan

Family Relationship Expert

Nancy Fagan is the CEO and founder of Fairy Good Heart LLC™ and previous owner of one of the most successful divorce mediation firms in San Diego, California. She is a nationally recognized divorce and family relationship expert. She is a contributing divorce writer for the Huffington Post, and the author of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Romance” (Macmillan Publishing), “Desirable Men: How to Find Them” (Prima Publishing) and “Fables of Fairy Good Heart: Divorce—A Parent’s Love Lasts Forever” (FGH Publishing).

Episodes for this expert

  • Distant Families: Ways to Stay in Touch

    We love our children and we want to spend as much time with them as possible. But, reality is many kids are forced to be separated from their parents for reasons such as divorce, business travel, military deployment and more. We’ll explore some ways parents can strengthen and maintain the connection with their child when away.

Additional Experts

Cindy Hartshorn

Lactation Consultant

Jen Kamel

Founder, VBAC Facts

Nathan Kohen

Infant CPR Instructor

Jamie Shamonki

Cord Blood/Tissue Banking

Julie Vallese

Child Safety

Gretchen Mallios

Clinical Social Worker